About this site

  The author
The aims of this site
The directing philosophy
How to contribute

The author

May I introduce myself. My name is Richard Dion MSc, a retired professor at the department of Technologie de Laboratoire Médical at theCollège de Rosemont. The "Collège de Rosemont" is a pre-university and professional degree dispensing college, sited in Montreal.

It is with pleasure that I invite you to browse on this site dedicated to the microscopic examination of urine. You can leave, your messages at the following E-mail address:


The aim of this site

The microscopical examination of urine is not an easy job and requires particular abilities. The identification of elements is not always a straitforward task. Quality results rely on the operator's knowledge and judgment. In urinary microscopy, certainty is not the rule. Consequently, the result is often an opinion that depends on the skill of the examiner. This site offers a practical opportunity to actualize one's knowledge on the urinary sediment.

The directing philosophy

Publication on the Internet is an interesting solution to the high cost of color printing and distribution, specially with a subject like the urinary sediment. With the Internet, it is possible to have a worldwide diffusion of a document with color pictures, without the usual production cost; all you need is work.

Writing for a printed document is quite different from writing for web viewing. We have limited the text to the essential so that on-screen reading remains acceptable. In the main documents, we are using reduced size pictures to facilitate loading but, with a click on the blue framed images, one can access to the normal size picture as well as a collection of the same elements. In time, we hope to be able to increase the image bank. For those "allergic" to on-screen reading, it is possible to print the active page. The biggest document makes only six printed pages.
The HTML language, especially JAVA scripting, allows many different possibilities like animation and sound. But some of these features requires a high loading time on a slow communication and this, with very little adds in the scope of this site. For the moment, animation and other visual effects are not used.

How to contribute

In our mind, this site will always be in construction, and we are counting on your participation to enrich it. This participation can be made by comments, text adds, images... You can send your contributions by mail or by E-mail. We cannot guarantee that all the received items will be used, but you can be sure that it will be appreciated. If you notice an error, such as a link that does not work or anything else, please do not hesitate to let us know about the problem.

att'n: Richard Dion

Collège de Rosemont

6400 16th Ave

Montreal QC


H1X 2S9