Casts of the urinary sediment


  Origin and composition
  • Tamm-Horsfall protein
  • Cast formation


  • A few nomenclature rules
  • The cast matrix

The hyaline matrix (hyaline cast)
The waxy matrix (waxy cast)

  • Cast format

Length (the short cast)
Width (large cast)
Shape (convolulted cast)

Blood casts

Cellular casts

  • Renal Tubular Cell casts (RTC cast)
  • White blood cells casts
  • Macrophage casts

Fatty casts

Granular casts

  • Type II granular casts
  • Type I granular casts
  • Dirty brown cast

Other inclusion casts

  • Bacterial and yeast casts
  • Crystal casts
  • Miscellaneous casts