Ed Friedlander, M.D., Pathologist

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Welcome to Ed's Pathology Notes, placed here originally for the convenience of medical students at my school. You need to check the accuracy of any information, from any source, against other credible sources. I cannot diagnose or treat over the web, I cannot comment on the health care you have already received, and these notes cannot substitute for your own doctor's care. I am good at helping people find resources and answers. If you need me, send me an E-mail at Your confidentiality is completely respected. is a larger, full-time service. There is also a fee site at, and another at

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Freely have you received, give freely With one of four large boxes of "Pathguy" replies.

I'm still doing my best to answer everybody. Sometimes I get backlogged, sometimes my E-mail crashes, and sometimes my literature search software crashes. If you've not heard from me in a week, post me again. I send my most challenging questions to the medical student pathology interest group, minus the name, but with your E-mail where you can receive a reply.

Numbers in {curly braces} are from the magnificent Slice of Life videodisk. No medical student should be without access to this wonderful resource. Someday you may be able to access these pictures directly from this page.

I am presently adding clickable links to images in these notes. Let me know about good online sources in addition to these:

Freely have you received, freely give. -- Matthew 10:8. My site receives an enormous amount of traffic, and I'm handling about 200 requests for information weekly, all as a public service.

Pathology's modern founder, Rudolf Virchow M.D., left a legacy of realism and social conscience for the discipline. I am a mainstream Christian, a man of science, and a proponent of common sense and common kindness. I am an outspoken enemy of all the make-believe and bunk that interfere with peoples' health, reasonable freedom, and happiness. I talk and write straight, and without apology.

Throughout these notes, I am speaking only for myself, and not for any employer, organization, or associate.

Special thanks to my friend and colleague, Charles Wheeler M.D., pathologist and former Kansas City mayor. Thanks also to the real Patch Adams M.D., who wrote me encouragement when we were both beginning our unusual medical careers.

If you're a private individual who's enjoyed this site, and want to say, "Thank you, Ed!", then what I'd like best is a contribution to the Episcopalian home for abandoned, neglected, and abused kids in Nevada:

I've spent time there and they are good. Write "Thanks Ed" on your check.

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Especially if you're looking for information on a disease with a name that you know, here are a couple of great places for you to go right now and use Medline, which will allow you to find every relevant current scientific publication. You owe it to yourself to learn to use this invaluable internet resource. Not only will you find some information immediately, but you'll have references to journal articles that you can obtain by interlibrary loan, plus the names of the world's foremost experts and their institutions.

Alternative (complementary) medicine has made real progress since my generally-unfavorable 1983 review linked below. If you are interested in complementary medicine, then I would urge you to visit my new Alternative Medicine page. If you are looking for something on complementary medicine, please go first to the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians. And for your enjoyment... here are some of my old pathology exams for medical school undergraduates.

I cannot examine every claim that my correspondents share with me. Sometimes the independent thinkers prove to be correct, and paradigms shift as a result. You also know that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. When a discovery proves to square with the observable world, scientists make reputations by confirming it, and corporations are soon making profits from it. When a decades-old claim by a "persecuted genius" finds no acceptance from mainstream science, it probably failed some basic experimental tests designed to eliminate self-deception. If you ask me about something like this, I will simply invite you to do some tests yourself, perhaps as a high-school science project. Who knows? Perhaps it'll be you who makes the next great discovery!

Our world is full of people who have found peace, fulfillment, and friendship by suspending their own reasoning and simply accepting a single authority that seems wise and good. I've learned that they leave the movements when, and only when, they discover they have been maliciously deceived. In the meantime, nothing that I can say or do will convince such people that I am a decent human being. I no longer answer my crank mail.

This site is my hobby, and I presently have no sponsor.

This page was last updated February 6, 2006.

During the ten years my site has been online, it's proved to be one of the most popular of all internet sites for undergraduate physician and allied-health education. It is so well-known that I'm not worried about borrowers. I never refuse requests from colleagues for permission to adapt or duplicate it for their own courses... and many do. So, fellow-teachers, help yourselves. Don't sell it for a profit, don't use it for a bad purpose, and at some time in your course, mention me as author and KCUMB as my institution. Drop me a note about your successes. And special thanks to everyone who's helped and encouraged me, and especially the people at KCUMB for making it possible, and my teaching assistants over the years.

Whatever you're looking for on the web, I hope you find it, here or elsewhere. Health and friendship!

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More of Ed's Notes: Ed's Medical Terminology Page

Perspectives on Disease
Cell Injury and Death
Accumulations and Deposits
What is Cancer?
Cancer: Causes and Effects
Immune Injury
Other Immune
HIV infections
The Anti-Immunization Activists
Infancy and Childhood
Environmental Lung Disease
Violence, Accidents, Poisoning
Red Cells
White Cells
Oral Cavity
GI Tract
Pancreas (including Diabetes)
Adrenal and Thymus
Nervous System
Lab Profiling
Blood Component Therapy
Serum Proteins
Renal Function Tests
Adrenal Testing
Arthritis Labs
Glucose Testing
Liver Testing
Spinal Fluid
Lab Problem
Alternative Medicine (current)
Alternative Medicine (1983)
Preventing "F"'s: For Teachers!
Medical Dictionary

Courtesy of CancerWEB

We grow too soon old and too late smart.

        -- Traditional

He who is ripe only in years is called "grown old in vain". He in whom dwell truth, virtue, non-violence, restraint, control -- he who is free from impurity and is wise, he is called an elder.

        -- Dhammapada (attributed to Buddha)

I grow old ever learning many things.

        -- Solon

Someone asked Sophocles [when he was 90], "How do you feel now about sex? Are you still able to have a woman?" He replied, "Hush, man; most gladly indeed am I rid of it all, as though I had escaped from a mad and savage master."

        -- Plato's Republic

Old people like to give good advice, as solace for no longer being able to provide bad examples.

        -- de la Rochefoucauld

Age does not bring wisdom. Often it merely changes simple stupidity into arrogant conceit. Its only advantage is that it spans change. A young person sees the world as a still picture, immutable. An old person knows that it is a moving picture, forever changing.

        -- Robert Heinlein

Not so much to add years to life, as to add life to years.

        -- Geriatrician's motto

May you live as long as you want to. May you want to as long as you live.

        -- Traditional blessing






Robert Redford
Still fit at age 64

Sylvester Stallone
Still huge at age 54

Chuck Norris
Still fit at around 50

Charles Bronson
Still fit over age 50

Harrison Ford
Still fit at age 58

Clint Eastwood
Still fit at age 70

        An older person can't bulk his/her muscles as much as a younger person doing the same resistance exercises (J. Ger. 51: M-270, 1996).

      *Though adequately perfused and oxygenated, the muscles of older mammals do not have the same maximum aerobic functional ability as do the young (Am. J. Physiol. 260: H-173, 1991). Perhaps the main reason for loss of maximum aerobic muscle capacity relates to substantially diminished mRNA synthesis by the mitochondria (Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 176: 645, 1991).

      Physicians are finally recognizing and talking about the severe muscle wasting that many older folks get. This causes much disability, and is now called "sarcopenia" (Mayo Clin. Proc. 75: S10, 2000).

      I have never understood why physicians do not give anabolic steroids to the frail, muscle-wasted elderly. It is a big help for old rats. People began talking about it for humans in the 1990's (J. Ger. 49: B162, 1994), and now supplementing testosterone is mainstream, with none of the dire predictions about accelerated atherosclerosis or prostate cancer actually coming true (Am. J. Med. 110: 563, 2001).

      Some degree of osteoporosis is found in all post-menopausal women and very old men. This is a function of physical inactivity, loss of sex hormones, etc., etc., as well as programmed bone loss.

      Ligaments and tenons do stiffen from collagen cross-linkages.

      Fibroblasts cultured from the elderly are less sensitive to a variety of growth factors (West. J. Med. 156: 641, 1991).

      Curiously, "Big Robbins" does not mention osteoarthritis, one of the most important problems of the elderly. We will.

        The ability of cartilage to regenerate its cells and matrix diminishes strikingly when the skeleton is mature: Arthr. Rheum. 38: 960, 1995. Clonal senescence is apparently the reason -- is this why older folks' get arthritis (Clin. Orth. 427-s: S-96, 2004).

    Gut and liver (NEJM 322: 438, 1990)

      Contrary to popular wisdom, neither the number of taste buds nor the sense of taste proper diminishes in the elderly. However, the sense of smell does decrease markedly.

      Problems with swallowing are very common among the elderly, leading to both malnutrition and aspiration pneumonia.

      Basal and maximal stomach acid production diminish sharply in old age. At the same time, the mucosa thins. Very little seems to happen to the small bowel (J. Clin. Path. 45: 450, 1992).

      Mucosal diverticula in the large bowel are most common in the elderly. Many old people are constipated ("fewer than three bowel movements per week").

      The liver looks normal, but hepatic blood flow may be lower than in a young person.

      *Contrary to popular wisdom... at least in rodents, epithelial cell turnover in the gut actually increases in the elderly: J. Geront. 48: B43, 1993.

    Skin stuff (Geriatrics 43: 49, 1988)

{25015} senile atrophy of the skin

      The skin gets wrinkled, loses its elasticity and rete pegs, and both dermis and epidermis thin. Various spots (seborrheic keratoses, capillary hemangiomas, "senile" lentigos, others) appear. If these has been much sun exposure through life, solar elastosis becomes obvious.

      Hair turns gray. In men, it often falls out over much of the head. (NOTE: Virtually all men lose the hair on their temples during their twenties. In "male pattern baldness", it continues to thin in the familiar distribution.) Hair may appear on a man's ears.


    According to "Big Robbins", certain diseases are inevitable if you live long enough. These are the age-dependent diseases. (Another definition might be "Diseases with prevalence increasing logarithmically with age.") A reasonable list (adapted from "Big Robbins") is:

    • common (* "senile", * "age-related") cataract
    • macular degeneration
    • osteoporosis
    • osteoarthritis
    • vulvovaginal atrophy (women)
    • nodular prostate hyperplasia (men)
    • * Parkinsonism (very dubious)
    • senile emphysema
    • wrinkled skin
    • presbyopia
    • brain cell loss
    • monoclonal gammopathy of uncertain significance
    • senile cardiac amyloidosis, beta-pleased transthyretin ("prealbumin")
    • NOTE: In evaluating these claims, bear in mind that, beginning at age 20, the chances of dying during the next year from any cause increase exponentially for the duration of life (Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 88: 5360, 1991). This is Gompertz's law; the only suspected exception (?) at this time is the medfly (Science 258: 398, 1992).

    And "Big Robbins" uses the term age-related for diseases that tend to show up first in older people. (Worth remembering: There is very little Darwinian selection against these diseases (* this idea is developed in Hosp. Pract. 32: 47, Feb. 15, 1997 though I am unable to follow some of the author's thinking.)

    • atherosclerosis (stroke, heart attack, etc.)
    • temporal arteritis
    • myelodysplastic syndrome
    • chronic lymphocytic leukemia
    • plasma cell ("multiple") myeloma
    • hypertension
    • type II diabetes
    • Alzheimer's disease (some would put it under "age-dependent" diseases; the controversy rages: JAMA 265: 310, 1991; "the curve levels off in the 80's" Lancet 346: 931, 1995)
    • idiopathic Parkinson's disease
    • prostate cancer
    • skin cancer
    • breast cancer
    • colon cancer
    • "atrophic gastritis" (stomach cancer precursor)
    • calcific aortic stenosis
    • Paget's disease of bone
    • glaucoma
    • iatrogenic disease and polypharmacy
    • "vulnerability to infections"

    If an age-related or age-dependent disease is not obviously inflammatory or neoplastic, it is called degenerative. This term is actually a confession of ignorance.


    Certain diseases are alleged to represent "rapid aging". This is patently untrue; they are caricatures of aging. But at the least, they are interesting models for a number of degenerative diseases.

    Classic progeria (* Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome) is a disease in which patients "appear to age too rapidly".

      This is now known to be a mutation in the lamin A gene (LMNA; * thanks once again, Dr. Collins), already the locus for six other known distinct syndromes (including an "atypical Werner's": Lancet 362: 40, 2003). The progeria mutation is supposedly almost always the same and always the result of a de-novo mutation in the sperm (Science 300: 1995, 2003).

        * Somehow the laminopathies cause diminished DNA repair, and perhaps this accounts for the increase in "degenerative disease" such as atherosclerosis in these children (Nat. Med. 11: 718, 2005).

Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria
Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria, ages 4 and 5

      The epidermis is atrophic and lacks adnexal structures, the dermis is fibrotic (J. Derm. 26: 324, 1999), and there is accelerated atherosclerosis apparently due to a dramatic decline in HDL and adiponectin (J. Ped. 146: 336, 2005). Subcutaneous fat is lacking. The disease is obvious within the first two years of life, and death occurs in the teens from coronary artery atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction.

      The current pop explanation that the altered lamin a makes the nuclear membrane is more physically fragile (hence the involvement of heart and vessels) doesn't make sense. These kids turn on some of the same genes as get overexpressed in normal older folks (Science 287: 2486, 2000), and their telomeres are shorter than others' (Am. J. Med. Genet. 103: 144, 2001).

{25627} progeria

Patient Photo

Patient Photo

    Werner's syndrome, an autosomal recessive disease caused by a defective DNA helicase (WRN locus, Nat. Genet. 13: 11, 1996; Science 272: 258, 1996, update Am. J. Path. 162: 1559, 2003), features many mutations, especially deletions, and some of the stigmata of rapid aging (Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 86: 5893, 1989). The changes do not occur so soon in life as in "classic progeria", and patients generally function well until their forties. * Picture NEJM 337: 977, 1997.

    Both diseases have several features that suggest "accelerated normal aging".

      Patients fail to grow normally, even in youth. (Progeria babies are born tiny.)

      The hair is lost early. The skin thins and develops local areas of hyperpigmentation. The nails become brittle and yellowed.

      It's been claimed that widespread, premature loss of bone produces osteoporosis and fractures. (* In Hutchinson-Gilford, the bones are probably hypoplastic instead: Am. J. Med. Genet. 82: 242, 1999).

      Gonadal function either doesn't develop or is lost prematurely.

      Patients have high LDL levels and accelerated atherosclerosis. One component of (at least some cases of) Werner's syndrome is diminution in LDL receptors, much as in familial hypercholesterolemia (Eur. J. Clin. Invest. 20:137, 1990).

      Werner's patients generally have loss of brain cells (sometimes with dementia), loss of glucose tolerance, premature graying of the hair and male pattern baldness, and cataracts (Arch. Gerontol. Geriatr. 9: 263, 1989).

      Fibroblasts from Werner patients divide only about 20 times. Instead of loss of telomeres, the problem seems to be mediated by a "stress" gene (p38), which can be pharmacologically inhibited (J. Ger. 60: 1386, 2005).

    However, there are many features of both diseases that dictate against a naïve acceptance of their representing "premature aging".

      In classic progeria, the head is large, the jaw is small, the nose is beaked, and patients are bow-legged ("coxa valga", for future orthopedists). There is almost no subcutaneous fat. Instead of the kind of hair loss typical of old age, all the patient's hair follicles degenerate, leaving the body bald or covered with peach-fuzz. The "arthritis" from which these patients suffer is actually the accumulation of abnormal fibrous tissue surrounding the joints, and is totally unlike the classic arthritis syndromes of the elderly. Curiously, the distal ends of the clavicles are resorbed. The skin does not atrophy, and there is no dementia.

      In Werner's syndrome, there are distinctive skin calcifications and hyperkeratinization, fibrosis of the sub-dermis (* "scleropoikiloderma"), and ankle ulcers, quite unlike anything in true "old age". Not surprisingly for a "mutations" syndrome, these patients have a strong tendency to develop certain cancers, but unlike the true elderly, these patients primarily develop sarcomas.

      Neither group of patients develop the typical brain changes of "normal old age" (or, for that matter, of Alzheimer's disease).

    Ataxia-telangiectasia, the "fragile chromosome syndrome", is shaping up as a third "progeria" (Nat. Genet. 13: 350, 1996).

      These folks get gray hairs early, and get tumors faster, and get some other "degenerative" changes earlier.

      One problem in ataxia-telangiectasia now seems to be exaggerated loss of telomeres with cell division, which leads to the great frequency of recombination observed in these patients.

      * Definitely stay tuned. I'm almost ready to believe that gray hair represents loss of a melanin gene from loss of telomeres.

      The gene ATM is presently credited with orchestrating the response to double-strand DNA breaks (Oncogene 21: 611, 2002). Much of the picture is still unclear.

    Autosomal dyskeratosis congenita features a mutation in the telomerase complex, with inability of somatic cells to reconstitute their telomeres, and hence loss of epidermis and hematopoietic marrow. It also features "accelerated aging" (Lancet 361: 393, 2003; Nat. Genet. 36: 447, 2004; other loci are known, and work by a similar mechanism).

    *There are a few other, even less convincing "progeria syndromes".

      Leprechaunism, an insulin receptor mutation disease

      Rothmund's syndrome is an autosomal recessive syndrome of mental retardation, skin pigment blotches, osteoporosis, cataracts, and increased cancer risk. It's yet another of the chromosomal instability syndromes; in some cases the DNA helicase RECQL4. A bunch more are listed in Am. J. Med. Genet. 35: 91, 1990; also Am. J. Med. Genet. 69: 169 & 182, 1997; Clin. Genet. 51: 200, 1997; most of these sound to this pathologist like connective tissue / skin problems.

      Progeroid syndrome with early presentation but long life: Am. J. Med. Genet. 35: 383, 1990.

      Another "progeroid syndrome" is an Ehlers-Danlos defect in galactosyl transferase I that produces "an aged appearance" to younger people (Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 87: 1342, 1990; I found nothing in this article to suggest "rapid aging").

      The best match of a "progeria" syndrome in animals that mimics an increase in the degenerative diseases of aging is a mouse with defective mitochondrial DNA polymerase (Nature 429: 417, 2004). There are a host of other claims (including the hyped "klotho"); they are reviewed in Genetics 169: 265, 2005 with a discussion of how difficult it is to sort everything out.

      "Xeroderma pigmentosum patients have accelerated aging of their skin and brain", etc. A new mouse without DNA repair "ages more rapidly" and gets more cancers: Mutat. Res. 383: 183, 1997.

      Wiedemann-Rautenstrauch syndrome, or "neonatal progeroid syndrome" is autosomal-recessive, and usually lethal in the first year. It superficially resembles Hutchinson-Gilford's except that the only fat on the body is in the small of the back (Am. J. Med. Genet. 90: 131. 2000), and telomere lengths are normal (Am. J. Med. Genet. 103: 144, 2001). Cockayne syndrome, with defective repair of oxidative damage in nuclear DNA, features "accelerated aging" of the skin and accelerated graying of the hair, along with mental retardation, optic atrophy, and malformations. Gene Am. J. Hum. Genet. 62: 77, 1998. Cockayne forme fruste ("My skin ages faster than other people's"): J. Am. Ac. Derm. 39: 565, 1998.

    *"The senescence-accelerated mouse" is our best model yet for some of the degenerative diseases of aging (amyloidosis, atherosclerosis, osteoporosis; Am. Rev. Resp. Dis. 150: 238, 1994, Atherosclerosis 118: 233, 1995; others). The exact genetic problem remains elusive; probably it's a genetic instability syndrome since there's an increase in somatic mutations. There are other strains of mice that get older faster; the differences between them and other mice are not spectacular. Stay tuned.

    * Lab animals with enhanced p53 expression get less cancer but have shorter overall lifespans because of "accelerated aging" (Science 295: 28, 2002, more expected). Perhaps they are Hayflicking...

    As DNA microassays are getting more and more sophisticated, people are starting to look at the expression profiles of many genes at once. After reading this handout, you won't be surprised to learn that cells from elderly humans, cells from humans with progeria, and human cells in cultures that have undergone clonal senescence exhibit three respective, totally different patterns of gene expression (Bioch. Biophys. Res. Com. 282: 934, 2001).


Anything you can turn your hand to, do with whatever power you have; for there will be no work, nor reason, nor knowledge, nor wisdom in the grave where you are going.

          -- Ecclesiastes 9:10
Ah, great it is / To believe the dream
As we stand in youth / By the starry stream;
But a greater thing / Is to fight life through
And say at the end, / The dream is true!

The National Academy of Sciences mandate for research in aging and training of geriatricians: NEJM 324: 1825, 1991 and Science 252: 1483, 1991. That's nice. One HMO generated a tremendous amount of paperwork "having a specialty team evaluate all its elderly people" without any apparent real-life benefit to the patients (NEJM 332: 1345, 1995). By contrast, when a hospital wing actually DOES some common-sense things to help the elderly get around during and after hospitalization, the benefit is striking (NEJM 332: 1338, 1995).

Nursing homes scandals have repeatedly showcased medicine-for-profit at its worst. The politicians' response has been to mandate that many tasks that any decent person could perform be relegated to high-paid people instead. Sorry, Uncle Sam; skill-and-caring isn't the same as educational-level. This cynical "solution", and the attendant bureaucracy, has led to ridiculous increases in the already-high costs of long-term care (JAMA 273: 1376, 1995).

One robust finding is that long-term severe calorie restriction in rats does prolong maximum lifespan, as well as average lifespan. Despite earlier claims of a spectacular increase, the newer studies show a prolongation of only about 10%, and these rats aren't exercising. By contrast, rats in the study that did a lot of aerobic exercise had prolonged average lifespans but the maximum lifespan was not increased (J. Appl. Physiol. 82: 399, 1997). Perhaps body cells undergo fewer divisions in the undernourished, as these rats' telomeres remain longer etc. (J. Geront. A 54: B502, 1999). Cells in these rats have less tendency to undergo apoptosis when stressed (as in the p66(shc)-knockout mouse): Science 305: 390, 2004. Works for roundworms too, though it offers no further benefit for the Dorian Gray strains (Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 95: 13091, 1998); current talk is that calorie restriction probably works by way of the IGF-1 receptor. Stay tuned. It's a provocative and well-substantiated claim -- but how productive do you think you'd be if you subsisted on only half of what a healthy person eats today?

Ask a health food store proprietor how, where, and at what age Old Man Rodale, the founder and guiding light of Prevention Magazine died. Also, his last remarks about his life expectancy....

"Aging" role-playing game: JAMA 262: 1507, 1989.

Elder abuse and neglect: NEJM 332: 437, 1995. Sometimes this is the revenge for which the child has waited a lifetime; sometimes not; regardless, you need to intercede to protect the old person, Doctor.

For a chilling tale about a group of "immortal" geriatric cases, read Jonathan Swift's account of the "Struldbrugs" in Gulliver's Travels, book III.

Shakespeare's King Lear (a must-read). Among the homeless mentally ill, the old king finally realizes that....

Andrew Marvell's To His Coy Mistress: Any English poetry anthology.

    An aged man is but a paltry thing,
    A tattered coat upon a stick, unless
    Soul clap its hands and sing, and louder sing
    For every tatter in its mortal dress.

      -- W.B. Yeats "Sailing to Byzantium"

Shel Silverstein, The Giving Tree

Socrates's allegory of the cave: Plato's Republic.

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