Ed Friedlander, M.D., Pathologist

Cyberfriends: The help you're looking for is probably here.

Welcome to Ed's Pathology Notes, placed here originally for the convenience of medical students at my school. You need to check the accuracy of any information, from any source, against other credible sources. I cannot diagnose or treat over the web, I cannot comment on the health care you have already received, and these notes cannot substitute for your own doctor's care. I am good at helping people find resources and answers. If you need me, send me an E-mail at Your confidentiality is completely respected. is a larger, full-time service. There is also a fee site at, and another at

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Freely have you received, give freely With one of four large boxes of "Pathguy" replies.

I'm still doing my best to answer everybody. Sometimes I get backlogged, sometimes my E-mail crashes, and sometimes my literature search software crashes. If you've not heard from me in a week, post me again. I send my most challenging questions to the medical student pathology interest group, minus the name, but with your E-mail where you can receive a reply.

Numbers in {curly braces} are from the magnificent Slice of Life videodisk. No medical student should be without access to this wonderful resource. Someday you may be able to access these pictures directly from this page.

I am presently adding clickable links to images in these notes. Let me know about good online sources in addition to these:

Freely have you received, freely give. -- Matthew 10:8. My site receives an enormous amount of traffic, and I'm handling about 200 requests for information weekly, all as a public service.

Pathology's modern founder, Rudolf Virchow M.D., left a legacy of realism and social conscience for the discipline. I am a mainstream Christian, a man of science, and a proponent of common sense and common kindness. I am an outspoken enemy of all the make-believe and bunk that interfere with peoples' health, reasonable freedom, and happiness. I talk and write straight, and without apology.

Throughout these notes, I am speaking only for myself, and not for any employer, organization, or associate.

Special thanks to my friend and colleague, Charles Wheeler M.D., pathologist and former Kansas City mayor. Thanks also to the real Patch Adams M.D., who wrote me encouragement when we were both beginning our unusual medical careers.

If you're a private individual who's enjoyed this site, and want to say, "Thank you, Ed!", then what I'd like best is a contribution to the Episcopalian home for abandoned, neglected, and abused kids in Nevada:

I've spent time there and they are good. Write "Thanks Ed" on your check.

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Especially if you're looking for information on a disease with a name that you know, here are a couple of great places for you to go right now and use Medline, which will allow you to find every relevant current scientific publication. You owe it to yourself to learn to use this invaluable internet resource. Not only will you find some information immediately, but you'll have references to journal articles that you can obtain by interlibrary loan, plus the names of the world's foremost experts and their institutions.

Alternative (complementary) medicine has made real progress since my generally-unfavorable 1983 review linked below. If you are interested in complementary medicine, then I would urge you to visit my new Alternative Medicine page. If you are looking for something on complementary medicine, please go first to the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians. And for your enjoyment... here are some of my old pathology exams for medical school undergraduates.

I cannot examine every claim that my correspondents share with me. Sometimes the independent thinkers prove to be correct, and paradigms shift as a result. You also know that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. When a discovery proves to square with the observable world, scientists make reputations by confirming it, and corporations are soon making profits from it. When a decades-old claim by a "persecuted genius" finds no acceptance from mainstream science, it probably failed some basic experimental tests designed to eliminate self-deception. If you ask me about something like this, I will simply invite you to do some tests yourself, perhaps as a high-school science project. Who knows? Perhaps it'll be you who makes the next great discovery!

Our world is full of people who have found peace, fulfillment, and friendship by suspending their own reasoning and simply accepting a single authority that seems wise and good. I've learned that they leave the movements when, and only when, they discover they have been maliciously deceived. In the meantime, nothing that I can say or do will convince such people that I am a decent human being. I no longer answer my crank mail.

This site is my hobby, and I presently have no sponsor.

This page was last updated February 6, 2006.

During the ten years my site has been online, it's proved to be one of the most popular of all internet sites for undergraduate physician and allied-health education. It is so well-known that I'm not worried about borrowers. I never refuse requests from colleagues for permission to adapt or duplicate it for their own courses... and many do. So, fellow-teachers, help yourselves. Don't sell it for a profit, don't use it for a bad purpose, and at some time in your course, mention me as author and KCUMB as my institution. Drop me a note about your successes. And special thanks to everyone who's helped and encouraged me, and especially the people at KCUMB for making it possible, and my teaching assistants over the years.

Whatever you're looking for on the web, I hope you find it, here or elsewhere. Health and friendship!

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More of Ed's Notes: Ed's Medical Terminology Page

Perspectives on Disease
Cell Injury and Death
Accumulations and Deposits
What is Cancer?
Cancer: Causes and Effects
Immune Injury
Other Immune
HIV infections
The Anti-Immunization Activists
Infancy and Childhood
Environmental Lung Disease
Violence, Accidents, Poisoning
Red Cells
White Cells
Oral Cavity
GI Tract
Pancreas (including Diabetes)
Adrenal and Thymus
Nervous System
Lab Profiling
Blood Component Therapy
Serum Proteins
Renal Function Tests
Adrenal Testing
Arthritis Labs
Glucose Testing
Liver Testing
Spinal Fluid
Lab Problem
Alternative Medicine (current)
Alternative Medicine (1983)
Preventing "F"'s: For Teachers!
Medical Dictionary

Courtesy of CancerWEB

Normal brain

Temple Med

Niels Bohr

Niels Bohr
The opposite of a correct statement is a
false statement. But the opposite of a profound
truth may well be another profound truth.

QUIZBANK -- Nervous system (all)

    Patterns of Nervous System Disease: 1, 20-21, 28-68, 385-386
    Stroke and Hemorrhage: 2-19, 22-27, 69-85, 162-230, 311-312
    CNS Infections: 85-161, 289
    Neurodegenerative disease: 232, 234-242, 244-248, 250-254, 256, 258, 262-266, 273, 276-282, 284-286, 291-294, 297-300, 302-304
    Demyelinating Disease, Poisons: 231, 233, 243, 249, 255, 257, 259-261, 267-272, 274-275, 283, 287, 290, 295-296, 301, 305-310, 313-333, 387
    Tumors: 334-384


No one is born wise.

          -- Ptahhotpe, c. 2350 B.C.

I do not understand my own behavior.

          -- Paul of Tarsus, Romans 7

"It must be inconvenient to be made of flesh," said the Scarecrow, thoughtfully, "for you must sleep, and eat and drink. However, you have brains, and it is worth a lot of bother to be able to think properly."

          -- Scarecrow, The Wizard of Oz

How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb?
Only one, but it takes a long time, and the light bulb has to want to change.

          -- Anonymous

A good person can be stupid and still be good. But a bad person must have brains.

          -- Maxim Gorky

Ah, it is the fault of our science that it wants to explain all, and if it explain not, then it says there is nothing to explain.

          -- Dr. Van Helsing, Dracula (Bram Stoker)

I'd rather have a free bottle in front of me than a prefrontal lobotomy.

          -- Anonymous

* Autopsy on brain and muscle: Arch. Path. Lab. Med. 119: 777, 1995.

* Jung accused Freud of "regarding the brain an appendage of the sexual organs." Be this as it may, our brains are what tells us "happy" or "not happy". Some people report themselves to be happier than others, and this tends to stay constant over time. Contrary to what you've been told (by "liberals" or "conservatives"), there's little-or-no correlation with age, race, economic class, or educational level. There's a strong correlation between being happy and (1) being basically in control of your own destiny; (2) being physically healthy; (3) being happily married; (4) living in a country where there's opportunity. See Sci. Am. 274(5): 79, May 1996.

Neuro I
Introductory Pathology Course
University of Texas, Houston

Neuro IIa
Introductory Pathology Course
University of Texas, Houston

Neuro IIb
Introductory Pathology Course
University of Texas, Houston

Class notes with clickable photos

Central Nervous System
Mark W. Braun, M.D.

"Why I Support Amateur Boxing"
Position paper by Ed
This is something about which
reasonable people can differ.

Georgetown Med School

Central Nervous System Pathology
Virginia Commonwealth U.
Great pictures

Hungarian Atlas; Anatomy
  and clinical correlates also

Uniformed Services

Tulane Pathology Course
Great for this unit
Exact links are always changing

Inflammatory and Demyelinating Diseases
Great pictures in a clickable
handout, from Duke

Brain Exhibit
Virtual Pathology Museum
University of Connecticut

Great pathology images
Indiana Med School -- seems to be down right now

Nancy Peress MD
Good introduction

Dr. Fung
For advanced learners




Week 3-4: The neural tube forms and fuses

{10331} anencephalic
{39138} anencephalic
{39140} omphalocele; child also had anencephaly

Anencephalic child

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Anencephalic child

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Spectacular x-ray
Brazilian Medical Students

Anencephalic child
Poorly formed brain
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Encephalocele with exencephaly
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{53752} encephalocele
{15843} encephalocele in amniotic band syndrome
{13397} encephalocele

{05224} myelocele
{12424} myelocele
{13396} myelocele
{13398} myelocele

Open neural tube defect

KU Collection

Pittsburgh Pathology Cases


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Weeks 5-6: The rostral CNS cleaves into two hemispheres

{10333} holoprosencephaly
{10336} holoprosencephaly
{25614} cyclops


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Weeks 6-14: Neurons migrate to their proper positions

    Agyria (lissencephaly): No gyri.

      * The gene for the common hereditary form cloned: Nature 364: 17, 1993. Another Nature 370: 216, 1994; update Neurology 57: 416, 2001. Expect to learn lots about neuronal migration in the coming years due to these discoveries.

    Macrogyria/pachygyria: A few big, abnormal gyri

    Polymicrogyria: Too many gyri, each too small, with shallow sulci.

      * Thanatophoric dwarves tend to have large, polymicrogyric temporal lobes.

      * Some people who have polymicrogyria only around the sylvian fissure have absent or poor language abilties without other obvious problems: Neurology 59: 245, 2002.

      NOTE: In all three of the above conditions, the cortex will typically have only four layers, if any layering is recognizable. Check all these kids for trisomy 18.

{32949} polymicrogyria, gross
{00141} polymicrogyria, gross
{01246} polymicrogyria, patient (severe disability)

    Agenesis of the corpus callosum:

      Mild clinical syndrome, and in its partial variants quite common (maybe 1 person in 1000).

      *  Many of these patients supposedly have alexithymia (odd "Mr. Spock from Vulcan" affect, no fantasy life, inability to answer "How do you feel?")

      * Look for a lipoma, ependymal cyst, or meningioma here. Have a radiologist show you the "bat wing" sign. There is now a detailed classification scheme: Neurology 56: 220, 2001.

    Arhinencephaly: No olfactory nerves or bulbs. Someimes there are other malformations as well.

    Ectopias and heteroplasias: Neuron clumps in the white matter, where they don't belong. Nobody knows why most of these happen.

Weeks 15-16: The brain is further modelled

    Porencephaly: "A hole in the brain". "Defective closure of the telencephalon" and/or ischemic injury, with destruction of nearby brain. There are cysts lined with ependyma, communicating with the subarachnoid space.

{32139} porencephaly

      Schizencephaly: A deep fissure in the brain, with a floor of brain substance.

      Encephaloclastic porencephaly: The fissure is so deep that it reaches the ventricle.

{32943} encephaloclastic porencephaly

      Most porencephaly cases are idiopathic. Known causes include TORCH and infarcts (Arch. Dis. Child. 78: F121, 1998).

      * Your lecturer has long taught that many "idiopathic" cases are caused by trauma, i.e., somebody kicked or beat the pregnant woman in the abdomen. The shape is exactly what you'd expect. And the classic neuropathology literature describes this as being more common in children born out of wedlock and in the underclass. A known example: Dev. Med. & Child Neuro 43: 52, 2001. Another J.A.Optom. 68: 519, 1997.

After six months: The brain is already formed and the gyri are largely modelled, but it can still be damaged (typically by ischemia, viruses, or some serious metabolic process).

    Hydranencephaly: Replacement of the cerebral hemispheres by large cysts made of leptomeninges and glia. There is no ependyma.

      This results from hypoxia or infection (i.e., TORCH). It may be diffuse or localized.

{10339} hydranencephaly (this happens to have been a case of toxoplasmosis)
{53696} hydranencephaly patient


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    Ulegyria: An old term for gliosis in the depths of the sulci, and sparing of the apices of the gyri.

      Like hydranencephaly, it may be diffuse or localized. You can also see ulegyria anytime after localized cerebral ischemia insufficient to produce generalized liquefaction.

    Granular atrophy: Probably ischemic; a mild form of ulegyria.

    Etat marbre (* "status marmoratus"): "Marbling" of the corpus striatum from ischemic damage to the basal ganglia around the time of birth, especially if there is also severe jaundice (i.e., kernicterus). Myelin grows irregularly on these masses of gray matter, giving a marbled look. Some people with cerebral palsy have this lesion.

    Periventricular leukomalacia: Loss of oligodendroglia around the ventricles, usually with some dystrophic calcification.

      Traditionally thought to be due to global hypoxia (i.e., apnea or hypotension) around the time of birth, the idea that it is really due to cytokine effect (Neurology 56: 1278, 2001) is presently under consideration. It is common after neonatal cardiac surgery (J. Thor. Card. Surg. 127: 692, 2004). Whatever the cause, this is the most distinctive lesion in the cerebral palsy that is so common in low-birth-weight children (Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehab. 81: 297, 2002; Am. J. Ob. Gyn. 177: 19, 1997.)

      The deep white matter is relatively poorly vascularized in newborns, and perhaps this is the baby counterpart to "watershed infarcts" in the adult.

Tough to place:

    Arnold-Chiari: Small posterior fossa with...

    (1) Elongated cerebellar tonsils that hang through the foramen magnum;

    (2) A Z-shaped kink in the CNS at the cervical-medullary junction;

    (3) A large foramen magnum and a small, shallow posterior fossa.

    (4) A "beak-shaped" tectum (pressure from the tentorium)

      Arnold-Chiari patients generally also have hydrocephalus with thickened, adherent leptomeninges, a small cerebellum, and a lumber meningomyelocele. There are often other defects, especially * polymicrogyria.

{32996} Arnold-Chiari (there is also pus in the ventricles)
{17683} Arnold-Chiari, long cerebellar tonsils

      * Future neuro-pathologists: Arnold-Chiari is "Chiari malformation, type II". (Chiari I is long-tonsils-only.)

    Cerebellar hypoplasia may be seen in Down's or Arnold Chiari, or by itself.

    Dandy Walker: Large posterior fossa. No cerebellar vermis. Instead, the fourth ventricle is much dilated, and the roof (if any) bulges out.

{05236} Dandy Walker, no roof on vermis
{15466} Dandy Walker, no roof
{16600} Dandy Walker
{39058} Dandy Walker, thin roof


      There is generally hydrocephalus, and often a variety of associated malformations.

      Physical diagnosticians: A tip-off is prominent occiput.

    Craniosynostosis: Premature closure of one or more of the cranial sutures. A common defect of unknown etiology. Sometimes it's part of a syndrome; other times it "just happens". Today's surgery usually gets good results.

    Amyelia: No spinal cord.

    Diastematomyelia: Double spinal cord, at least part of the way.

    Microcephaly: Well-formed, but under 900 gm.

    Megalencephaly: Well-formed, but too big (>1800 gm). * Causes include tuberous sclerosis (often), neurofibromatosis (sometimes), Canavan's, cerebral lipidoses, and Alexander's leukodystrophy as causes.

    Tuberous sclerosis (* "hereditary multisystem hamartosis", * "Bourneville's disease", * "epiloia")

      An autosomal dominant syndrome with extremely variable expressivity.

        Identical twins are often highly discordant for severity (Neurology 62: 795, 2004). * The genes are TSC1 (chromosome 9, hamartin) and TSC2 (chromosome 16, tuberin). Review Neurology 53: 1384, 1999. There are some modifying genes too.

        * The products of hamartin and tuberin interact, as you'd expect. The whole subject of tubergenesis seems to be much more complex than just a "second hit": Neurology 63: 1293, 2004.

      Portions of the cortex lack the usual stratification of neurons into layers, and these feel hard and are white, hence the "tubers" (potatoes). There are likely to be various odd hamartomas ("tubers"), calcifications, and tumors in the brain and elsewhere.

      Everybody knows of the "candle gutterings", giant-cell astrocytomas on the inner walls of the ventricles in tuberous sclerosis.

      This is a very important cause of epilepsy and mental retardation. Look for adenoma sebaceum (fibrous nodules on the muzzle area of the face) and "ash-leaf" spots (areas of hypo-pigmentation on the skin, with the long axes parallel to the dermatomes; these are common in normals too).

{27928} tuberous sclerosis, face; adenoma sebaceum
{27948} tuberous sclerosis, brain; note the white tubers
{01828} tuberous sclerosis, brain; the tubers appear as whiter areas of cortex
{01830} tuberous sclerosis, brain

Tuberous sclerosis

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Tuberous sclerosis

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Tuberous sclerosis

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    Syringomyelia / syringobulbia: Probably acquired later in life, but discussed here.

      There is a tubular cavity in the center of the cord (generally cervical) and/or brainstem (bad), with surrounding gliosis. There is loss of pain and temperature (since the crossing spinothalamic tract is damaged) over the corresponding levels. Eventually, other sensory and motor pathways may be damaged.

{09022} syringomyelia; myelin stain; the tracts have been damaged by the syrinx above and below

      Most often these conditions are idiopathic (and attributed to some mechanical problem involving heartbeat); known causes include cord tumors and Arnold-Chiari.

    Neuroepithelial cysts probably arise from faulty migration during embryogenesis. They gradually grow, and become symptomatic in adult life.

      The best-known are the "colloid cysts" that occlude the foramen of Munro, often causing headache only when the head remains in a particular position.

{15678} colloid cyst, foramen of Munro

    Arachnoid cysts may be large and require surgical removal.

{01251} arachnoid cyst
{01252} arachnoid cyst
{01253} arachnoid cyst

    Cerebral palsy: a lay person's umbrella term for a nonprogressive brain defect present at (or presenting shortly after) birth, with motor and often cognitive problems.

      Around 100,000 kids in the U.S. have at least some degree of cerebral palsy. In around 0.2% of kids, the problem is at least moderately severe. One quarter of kids diagnosed with cerebral palsy cannot walk; one third are mentally retarded; one third are epileptic. Some kids outgrow the motor problem.

      Lay wisdom is that "cerebral palsy is the obstetrician's fault, the baby did not get enough oxygen to the brain." (Ask a lawyer; this is probably true only of a minority of cases; the advances in obstetrical and neonatal care in the last few decades have had no measurable impact on the rate of cerebral palsy.) Other causes include almost everything on this list, or kernicterus.

      Probably the most common anatomic correlate is periventricular leukomalacia. In the term infant with hemiplegia, the usual finding is ulegyria or some other ischemic brain injury (sometimes just neuronal loss and gliosis), in the distribution of the middle cerebral artery. There is often some other problem as well; in at least 15%, there's gross malformations of brain development.

      In other term-born cerebral palsy patients, there are often a number of cystic lesions in the white matter, sometimes communicating with the ventricles. These must be old infarcts.

      Premature birth is a major risk factor for cerebral palsy. For those weighing less than 1500 gm at birth, the risk is 30x that for term babies. Those under 2500 gm are also at increased risk, though less so. In preemies who go on to develop cerebral palsy, the usual lesion is periventricular leukomalacia; other cerebral palsy patients may have ulegyria.

      In children of normal gestational age and birth weight, maternal infection seems to be a common cause of cerebral palsy; nobody's looked at the anatomic pathology yet (JAMA 278: 207, 1997).

      * Children produced by in-vitro fertilization are at greater risk, but mostly just because they are more likely to be born prematurely and/or with low birth weight (Lancet 359: 461, 2002). Of course, meningitis in the neonate is another cause (Clin. Ped. 40: 473, 2001).

      * For a review of cerebral palsy, see NEJM 330: 188, 1994. The classic doctrine that it's the obstetrician's fault goes back to the middle of the 19th century; the first serious challenge was by neurologist Sigmund Freud, who thought it was a problem of fetal development.

{33069} cerebral palsy from birth hypoxia
{18763} kernicterus
{31972} kernicterus
{31989} kernicterus
{53734} kernicterus after-effects (small head)

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    Again, most developmental abnormalities of the brain are not inherited, and are of unknown etiology.


Brain Cells I
From Chile
In Spanish

Brain Cells II
From Chile
In Spanish

Brain Cells III
From Chile
In Spanish

    Neurons are the principal units of nervous system circuitry, and the central characters in neuropathology.

      Histology terms:

        Nissl substance is just rough endoplasmic reticulum in neurons. It's easy to see using special stains.

        Neurofilaments are intermediate filaments typical of neurons.

      Neuronal dropout (nerve cell depopulation) is important in many disorders.

      Acute necrosis of neurons shortly before bodily death results in "red neurons" with absent Nissl substance and shrunken nuclei (i.e., the familiar coagulation necrosis, or ischemic cell change; they dissolve after a few days). Fortunately for neuropathologists, you don't see this unless the cell has been injured at few hours before total-body death. If the patient has survived 12 hours after an ischemic event, you'll usually see red neurons. In physical trauma, the membranes are physically disrupted and red neurons form even faster.

{01278} red neurons
{01279} red neurons
{31969} red neurons (Purkinje cells are dead)

Red neurons

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Red neurons

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      Atrophy and degeneration of neurons is common in many neuronal diseases, and (to a much lesser degree) in simple aging.

        Most of the time, loss of a single neuron provokes no reaction from adjacent glia, or any other specific morphologic marker.

        Sometimes, loss of a neuron produces trans-synaptic degeneration of the neurons with which it communicates. The best example is atrophy of the lateral geniculate body in people who are blind.

      Intra-neuronal bodies (many of them characteristic of the "proteinopathies", a new fad name) include the following:

        Neurofibrillary tangles are structures composed of twisted filaments, stainable with silver. They are composed of tau protein, ubiquitin, and sometimes Aβ (Neurology 40: 975, 1990).

        Neurofibrillary tangles are typical of Alzheimer's disease, progressive supranuclear palsy, corticobasal degeneration, post-encephalitic Parkinsonism, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis of Guam, dementia of boxers, * Williams' microdeletion (Arch. Neuro. 52: 209, 1995), and bad * Niemann-Pick storage disease (Brain 118(1): 119, 1995).

{01288} neurofibrillary tangles; the stringy stuff in the neuron is stained poorly here
{01291} neurofibrillary tangles; the black, stringy stuff in the neurons

        Lewy bodies are pink-staining spheroids made largely of ubiquitin, parkin, and synuclein. They are typical of idiopathic Parkinson's disease (basal ganglia) and Lewy-body dementia (cortex).

          * A variant is usual in the anterior horn cells in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Neurology 48: 267, 1997; Neurology 49: 1612, 1997); it's composed of superoxide dismutase, at least sometimes (Neurology 51: 871, 1998; Am. J. Path. 163: 609, 2003).

{01330} Lewy body

Lewy body
Tom Demark's Site

        Pick bodies are large, ovoid bodies that stain best with silver. They're made of tau protein. On EM, they appear filamentous. * They contain ubiquitin and also light up for Alz-50 antigen (Arch. Neuro 51: 145, 1994.)

{01311} Pick body (the large black thing)

        Balloon neurons, swollen for unknown reason, are typical of Pick's and its variants, and * corticobasal degeneration.

        Spongiform change (not to be confused with spongiosis) consists of watery vacuoles in the perikaryons and processes of neurons. It's typical of the prion diseases.

        Hirano bodies are hyaline masses composed primarily of actin. They are typical of Alzheimer's disease. Look in the hippocampus.

{01303} Hirano body (you need EM to appreciate the corduroy effect)

        Granulovacuolar degeneration appears as tiny vesicles with central, dense cores. It is typical of Alzheimer's disease.

{01293} Granulovacuolar degeneration

        Lafora bodies are masses of glucose polymer, mostly within neurons (also liver and muscle; look especially in the dentate nucleus of the brain). They are typical of the common hereditary form of myoclonus epilepsy (* gene "laforin").

{01314} Lafora body (PAS stain, "red sunflower")

        Marinesco bodies are small inclusions in the nucleus, without a halo (i.e., "Cowdry type B"). Their significance is unclear.

        Negri bodies in the cytoplasm in rabies.

{01337} Negri bodies in Purkinje cells
{01738} Negri body, sketch

Negri body in a neuron
KU Collection

        Melanin is normal in the substantia nigra, locus ceruleus, and dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve.

{01272} neuromelanin

        Lipofuscin is common in older people (* "simple pigmentary atrophy").

{01270} lipofuscin; oil red O stain

Intraneuronal storage
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        Intra-neuronal storage is characteristic of certain inborn errors of metabolism (listed below). The cytoplasm is distended, and the nucleus typically appears displaced.

        Ferrugination is hemosiderin-encrustation of neurons near sites of hemorrhage.

      Axonal reaction is also known as central chromatolysis. If an axon is severed or otherwise injured, the perikaryon (neuronal cell body) swells, rounds up and becomes pale-staining. The Nissl substance disappears except just below the cell membrane, and the nucleus moves to the edge of the cell.

      * "Peripheral chromatolysis": The neuron is recovering!

      * Healthy Clarke's column and some other neuron groups can show central chromatolysis for some reason.)

{01275} axonal reaction, central chromatolysis; you can just see the RER as purple at the rims of the affected neurons
{01276} axonal reaction, central chromatolysis

      Axonal degeneration is said to occur when a neuron cannot maintain the axon to which it is attached.

        Wallerian degeneration is the changes in an axon severed from its cell body.

{09602} Wallerian degeneration; corticospinal tract is lost from a stroke higher up
{09591} Wallerian degeneration, corticospinal tract is lost from a stroke higher up (myelin stain)

Wallerian degeneration

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      Axonal spheroids are spherical or sausage-shaped knobs when axons have been damaged by mechanical trauma ("diffuse axonal injury", the main lesion), ischemia, radiation (famous), or in axonal diseases.

      *Clinicians please note: The term "Betz cells", used as a synonym for cortical neurons ("You have two Betz cells held together by an ethanol molecule / spirochete"), should be limited to the large cortical neurons that supply axons to the descending pathways.

    Astrocytes show on H&E only as relatively large glial nuclei in the neuropil.

      You remember that protoplasmic astrocytes occur mostly in gray matter, "fibrous astrocytes" occur mostly in white matter, and that their "foot processes" / "end plates" have to do with the blood-brain barrier.

      The intermediate filaments in astrocytes are vimentin and glial fibrillary acid protein (GFAP, a specific marker).

      Gliosis is proliferation of astrocytes at sites of injury, the counterpart of "scarring" elsewhere in the body.

        Instead of laying down collagen or other extracellular material, the astrocyte cytoplasm itself becomes the "scar", and there is no "scar contraction".

{01366} gliosis, special glial stain
{01368} gliosis, special glial stain

          The only fibroblasts in the CNS are in the blood vessels, and these typically only contribute to healing when a hematoma must be organized or an abscess walled off.

            * The clever pathologist distinguishes the wall of an abscess from a glioblastoma by observing that fibroblasts do not stain with GFAP, while spindle cell astrocytes do.

        Gliotic scars, especially after penetrating injury, are considered to give rise to many cases of epilepsy.

        Gemistocytes are astrocytes seen in reactive processes. They are large, pink cells. Spongiosis is edema with lots of gemistocytes. (Don't confuse this with spongiform encephalopathy.)

{1357} gemistocytes
{1360} gemistocytes

        Fibrillary astrocytes (not to be confused with fibrous astrocytes, a normal cell) result when gemistocytes settle downward lose most of their cytoplasm, though not the complexity of their processes.

        Anisomorphic gliosis is a proliferation of neoplastic, slightly-atypical protoplasmic astrocytes, the lowest-grade of astrocytoma.

      Rosenthal fibers are pink-staining, sausage-shaped structures within the processes of large astrocytes. You can see them at any site of gliosis, and they help make the diagnosis of certain astrocytomas.

        * Future neuropathologists: the fibers are made up mostly of a crystallin plus GFAP.

{01390} Rosenthal fibers
{01393} Rosenthal fibers in * Alexander's disease (mutant GFAP; worked out Nat. Genet. 27: 117, 2001)

      * Corpora amylacea ("polyglucosan bodies"; "fool's cryptococcus") are 10-50 spherical masses of polysaccharide within astrocyte processes. They become common as the brain ages; look for them in the subependymal and perivascular regions.

      Alzheimer's type I glia are monstrously enlarged astrocytes with huge, dark nuclei. You seen them in subacute sclerosing panencephalitis and progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy.

      Alzheimer's type II glia are astrocytes with edematous-looking, swollen nuclei. They are seen in liver failure and other states with high blood ammonia (Reye's, urea cycle problems). Look in the gray matter.

{00539} Alzheimer's type II glia (two of them)
{01383} Alzheimer's type II glia (one in the center)

        NOTE: Neither type of "Alzheimer's glia" has anything to do with Alzheimer's disease.

      Decreased numbers of astrocytes is a maker for longstanding mild ischemia.

    Oligodendroglia have small, lymphocyte-like nuclei with a halo (* formalin artifact).

      They are primarily responsible for making myelin; unlike the Schwann cell, one oligodendrocyte can wrap several axons. In the white matter, they are easy to spot. In the gray matter, look for them around neurons ("satellite cells").

      Diseases of oligodendroglia affect myelin. Leukodystrophies affect all myelin, and are usually hereditary. Demyelinating diseases produce patchy myelin loss. You remember that periventricular leukomalacia, the usual lesion in cerebral palsy, features loss of oligodendroglia around the ventricles. Sclerosis in CNS means loss of myelin and its replacement by astrocytes.

      Morphologically, the reactions of oligodendroglia are usually limited to dying and disappearing. Herpes and JC viruses produce typical inclusions in oligodendroglia; * measles (SSPE) may do so as well.

      * Glial cytoplasmic inclusions are masses of scrambled microtubules, specific for the multiple systems atrophy family (Shy-Drager, striatonigral degeneration, olivopontocerebellar degeneration). See Am. J. Path. 155: 1241, 1999.

    Ependyma seldom show much reaction, either. If ependymal cells die, gliosis between the cells produces ependymal granulations.

    Microglia is an ancient misnomer for macrophages in the brain. (* Philologists: Astrocytes and oligodendroglia are "macroglia".)

      Rod cells are reactive macrophages with elongated nuclei. They are described in Rocky Mountain spotted fever, typhus, syphilis, and various viral infection.

      Gitter cells are actively phagocytizing macrophages in the CNS). They are typically "gitting" rid of dead myelin and other cell debris.

      Microglial nodules are clusters of macrophages around damaged tissue. Think of viral or rickettsial disease. (Don't expect to see good granulomas in diseases unique to the CNS.) You may actually see the macrophages eating neurons (neuronophagia, naturally).

      HIV giant cells are the familiar Langhans / foreign body type resulting from macrophages that fuse in HIV infecion. They notice the HIV gp120 on each other's surfaces, and try to engulf each other.

{01461} neuronophagia


WebPath Photo

    * Despite old teachings, there are always a few T-cells on patrol in the brain, and even finding a group of B-cells doesn't necessarily mean disease (Brain 126: 1058, 2003).

    Worth noting: Neurons are very sensitive to hypoxia. Oligodendroglia are less sensitive to hypoxia than are neurons. Ependymal cells are even less sensitive, while astrocytes are the least sensitive, capable of withstanding all but the most severe and prolonged hypoxia.


Edema and Herniation
From Chile
In Spanish

Brain Herniation
Uniformed Services

    Increased intracranial pressure is said to be present when recumbent CSF pressure exceeds 200 mm water (measure using the manometer during spinal tap!)

      When brain volume (localized or generalized) increases for any reason (edema, trauma, hemorrhage, tumor, inflammation, abscess, echinococcus, gumma, etc.), some blood is first pushed out of the skull by venous compression, but this is minuscule. Any additional increase in brain volume will increased intracranial pressure.

      Increased intracranial pressure first presents as headache, mental dullness, and nausea and vomiting (the latter are important and are curiously omitted from "Big Robbins"). Clinicians of course look for papilledema, pushing of the optic nerve forward into the eyeball.

    The skull and even dural membranes are not going to budge for the expanding brain. Instead, herniation will occur when brain volume is sufficiently increased. (The brain is being squeezed through openings and around corners like toothpaste.)

      Cingulate herniation (subfalcine herniation) results when one cingulate gyrus is pushed underneath the falx. Occlusion of the callosal-marginal branch of the anterior cerebral artery can result.

{01465} cingulate herniation, view from above with falx removed

        *Future angiographers: Detect these by finding displacement of the pericallosal arteries!

      Uncal herniation (trans-tentorial herniation, hippocampal herniation) results when the medial temporal lobe is pushed between the cerebral peduncles and the tentorium cerebelli.

{01471} tentorial herniation marks
{31975} Herniation marks
{01473} tentorial herniation marks
{01482} tentorial herniation marks
{00524} tentorial herniation, crushed cerebral peduncle
{00542} tentorial herniation, crushed cerebral peduncle

Brain that has herniated

WebPath Photo

Uncal herniation

WebPath Photo

        Stretching of the third cranial nerve produces the famous "fixed dilated pupil" on the ipsilateral side.

          Beware: compression of the contralateral cerebral peduncle against the opposite tentorium -- Kernohan's notch ("crus syndrome") -- will produce "fixed dilated pupil" on the contralateral side.

        Crushing of the posterior cerebral artery against the edge of the tentorium results in occlusion, and explains the cortical blindness (if unilateral, "homonymous hemianopsia") that often follows head injury.

{01483} crushed posterior cerebral artery

        Crushing of the cerebral peduncle on the same side as the expanding lesion causes hemiparesis on the opposite side of the body.

        *You may also note paralysis of upward gaze (injury to the tectum) or sudden increase in intracranial pressure (crushing shut of the aqueduct of Sylvius), and so forth.

        * Expanding lesions in the posterior fossa can give reverse tentorial herniation. This causes many of the signs above, and the tension on the fifth cranial nerves is painful.

{01477} reverse tentorial herniation marks

      Tonsillar herniation (cerebellar herniation, brainstem herniation, "coning") results from herniation of the cerebellar tonsils out through the foramen magnum, compressing the medulla. The latter is the mechanism of death in most cases of brain swelling.

{01474} tonsillar herniation damage
{01476} tonsillar herniation damage

Tonsillar herniation
WebPath Photo

        As the brainstem is pushed caudally, the penetrating vessels are affected, resulting in the centrally-located Dûret hemorrhages ("Duret hemorrhages", "secondary brainstem hemorrhages", "slit hemorrhages") in the pons and midbrain. This is bad, and can leave a survivor locked-in.

{01485} Dûret hemorrhage

Duret hemorrhages

WebPath Photo

Duret hemorrhage

WebPath Photo

        * "Big Robbins" states the vessels are avulsed, causing hemorrhage. More likely, they are occluded by stretching, then the ischemic regions become hemorrhagic when re-perfused during heroic resuscitation attempts.

      Trans-calvarial herniation is said to be present when brain herniates out through an open fracture in the skull.

{01479} trans-calvarial herniation after-effect

    Certain drugs, notably some of the tetracyclines, and overdoing vitamin A, can increase intracranial pressure, or it can be idiopathic ("pseudotumor cerebri"; "idiopathic intracranial hypertension").

      Many patients with the idiopathic illness are overweight, and the effect is probably due to the extra physical weight on the right atrium and thus to the dural sinuses (J. Neurosurg. 101: 878, 2004.

      Other causes of increased central venous pressure (cardiac septal defects, congestive heart failure, AV malformations) or obstruction to the venous outflow from the heart (i.e., hypercoagulable blood) also need to be considered.

      * You will learn on rotations about surgery (shunts, optic nerve fenestration) for this relatively common clinical problem.


    Brain swelling is serious, since it leads to herniation (and maybe scrambles the neuropil, too.) Three types are classically listed.

      Vasogenic edema (the most common type) is fluid in the extracellular space. Either (1) the capillaries have been damaged and are leaking protein (infarcts, infection, contusions, and notoriously lead poisoning) or (2) new, leaky capillaries are forming in an abnormal area (abscess, primary or metastatic tumor).

        Grossly, the white matter will be soft and wet, and more affected than gray (since the intercellular space is larger in the white matter).

        * Acute mountain sickness features cerebral edema, which now appears to be due to the vessels in the white matter becoming leaky (JAMA 280: 1920, 1998; update Lancet 361: 1967, 2003).

{01464} edema after trauma

Edema from micrometastases

WebPath Photo

Cerebral edema
Wide gyri, obliterated sulci
WebPath Photo

        Microscopically, there are little vacuoles throughout the white matter. Also look for expansion of the Virchow-Robin spaces. If longstanding, axons degenerate and myelin is lost.

{01344} vasogenic edema, note bubbles
{01345} vasogenic edema, note bubbles
{01438} vasogenic edema, note bubbles

        Note that this sort of edema will light up on enhanced scans (ask a neuro-radiologist about "ring enhancement" around tumors and abscesses.)

        Worth remembering: Cerebral edema can kill a child or teen even after a blow that does not cause loss of consciousness. Team doctors take note: JAMA 266: 2867, 1991. Especially, remember second impact syndrome, in which a second blow to the head sustained in a person who's recently had a concussion causes disastrous edema. His fans blame the aspirin he took for a headache, but Bruce Lee's death sounds like an example of this.

      Cytotoxic edema means excessive intracellular water, indicating cells have been damaged. Look for this in ischemia, acidosis/hypercarbia, Reye's, acute massive liver failure (Am. J. Med. 96(1A): 3-S, 1994), and in water-overload, especially with low serum sodium/albumin.

        Grossly, the gray matter will be more affected, since that's where the business cells are.

        Microscopically, look for swelling and vacuolization of individual cells.

        As you would expect, cytotoxic and vasogenic edema often occur at the same time. In an infarct, for example, cytotoxic edema occurs early (as the neurons are dying), and vasogenic edema follows (as the endothelial cells are dying).

      Interstitial edema results from obstruction of the flow of spinal fluid ("non-communicating hydrocephalus"). CSF is forced across the ependyma, and the edema surrounds the ventricles.

    In edema of any kind, look for flattening of the gyri against the skull, and narrowing of the sulci.

HYDROCEPHALUS ("water-heads")

From Chile
In Spanish

    You remember that CSF is produced by the chorioid plexus within the ventricles, flows through the brain and out the foramina of Luschka and Magendie, and is resorbed at the arachnoid villi.

    Non-communicating hydrocephalus results form blockage within the brain. These problems may be congenital (stenosis or malformation of the aqueduct of Sylvius, Dandy-Walker, Arnold-Chiari, fetal CMV) or acquired (tumors, meningitis with ventriculitis, large intracerebral bleeds or shifts compressing a foramen of Munro).

    Communicating hydrocephalus results from over-production of CSF (choroid plexus papilloma), obstruction in the subarachnoid space (i.e., after bacterial or tuberculous meningitis or subarachnoid hemorrhage) or problems with the arachnoid villi (i.e., dural sinus thrombosis).

{00191} hydrocephalic child

    Hydrocephalus ex vacuo means nothing more nor less than brain atrophy from cell loss. There are fewer cells, and more room for fluid.

{32766} atrophy, attributed to alcoholism

Hydrocephalus ex vacuo

WebPath Photo

    Regardless of etiology, all forms of hydrocephalus produce enlarged ventricles.

      Before the sutures fuse (i.e., in young children), untreated hydrocephalus produces huge heads. Traction on the optic nerves forces downward gaze ("the setting sun sign"). Up to 1 child in 1000 is affected (Ped. Neurosurg. 32: 119, 2000); today, the disastrous outcome is preventable by spinal fluid shunting.

{00191} hydrocephalic child
{13394} hydrocephalus
{13395} hydrocephalus, transilluminated
{00194} hydrocephalic brain
{00197} hydrocephalic brain

      In adults, rapidly-progressive hydrocephalus produces rapidly increasing intracranial pressure. If the onset is more slow, patients merely suffer dementia. (The entity "normal pressure hydrocephalus", with dementia, apraxia of gait, and urinary incontinence, is still controversial; it gets treated empirically with ventricular shunting; the theory is that these patients have intermittent obstruction.)

      If increased intracranial pressure is severe, fluid will be forced through the ependyma ("interstitial edema"; see above).

    "Subdural hygroma" results from CSF accumulating in a space where the arachnoid was somehow torn away from the dura. We're sorting out how much of this is due to child abuse and how much can have an innocent explanation (Ped. Neurosurg. 33: 188, 2000).

    Physicians: Please don't miss CSF rhinorrhea, following surgery or trauma. Fluid running out of the nose or ear is spinal fluid until proved otherwise. You can confirm your impression with a glucose reagent pad.



{09443} atherosclerosis of major arteries
{53786} perinatal hypoxia case

Cerebral Infarcts
From Chile
In Spanish

Multi-infarct dementia
WebPath Case of the Week

Pathlogy of stroke
Good photos
Wash U.

    You are already familiar with the various types of hypoxia ("anoxia"), and with the causes of hypoglycemia.

    The brain tolerates ischemia (low blood flow) very poorly, and much "brain damage from lack of oxygen" is probably due in large part to damage from low pH (i.e., when there is no blood to remove by-products of metabolism from the brain).

      You already know that incomplete infarction (i.e., a few minutes without blood flow) will be enough to kill neurons but will not liquefy the brain. The brain will remain solid if perfusion is restored within a few hours, since the glia will survive.

      Why the brain should be so vulnerable to poor perfusion is mysterious.

        Currently, there is also much interest in glutamate- and aspartate-based synapses getting stuck in the "on" position, allowing influx of calcium ("excitotoxicity"). This is getting to be a very popular idea, both in accounting for brain damage in poor perfusion and in diseases in which neurons "just disappear" (AIDS, ALS, several others; watch for drugs to prevent "excitotoxic damage"). Good reading: Science 268: 239, 1995.

      The reason for brain damage following hypoglycemia is even less-well understood. The morphology is the same as "hypoxic encephalopathy".

      Necrosis of the brain following ischemic injury is called encephalomalacia (literally, "brain-softening"; remember that other things can make the brain soft).

{31968} widespread encephalomalacia, recent (purple cortex)

    Ischemic/Hypoxic encephalopathy is said to be present when the whole brain has suffered the effects of poor perfusion.

      In people with good arteries, there is no compromise of cerebral blood flow until systemic blood pressure drops below 50 mmHg. People with narrowed arteries (usually from atherosclerosis) can have brain damage following less severe drops in pressure.

      The clinicians are finally recognizing what the public has known for a long time: that cardiopulmonary bypass carries a real risk of subtle temporary or permanent brain damage ("pump head", Ann. Thorac. Surg. 59: 1296, 1312, 1336 & 1340, 1995).

      The morphology is generalized brain ischemia is familiar to general autopsy pathologists.

        By twelve hours after the insult, you'll probably be able to see "red neurons".

        The pyramidal cell layers of the cerebral cortex are much more severely affected than the other layers, so that milder degrees of ischemic produce laminar necrosis. The most vulnerable area of cortex is probably the h1 segment of the hippocampus.

{00168} laminar necrosis; this is the slit running down the middle of the cortex, due to hypoxic damage long ago
{17731} laminar necrosis

        In hypoxia due to poor perfusion, the obvious necrosis may even be limited to the watershed zones ("border zones") between the distributions of the major arteries. Look for necrosis adjacent to the sagittal sinus, curving laterally over the outer surfaces of the occipital lobes.

          There is another watershed zone in the lower thoracic spinal cord, so an episode of hypoxia may on occasion cause paraplegia.

{09604} watershed infarcts; you diagnose this by location
{09607} watershed infarcts

Watershed infarcts

WebPath Photo

          There is another border zone in the upper lumbar spinal cord, and paraplegia can follow a hypoxic episode.

      The degree of recovery of function depends on a number of variables. These include:

      • degree of hypoperfusion or hypoglycemia;
      • length of time elapsed prior to successful resuscitation;
      • patient age (kids do much better "because their nervous system is more plastic");
      • core body temperature (quality survival may be possible following prolonged cardiac arrest while freezing in the snow);
      • quality of the arteries (i.e., how much atherosclerosis, and are they normally formed?)

      Survivors may experience anything from transient confusion to persistent vegetative state or "brain death" ("apallic state").

        While the classic teaching is that the brain can withstand 3 minutes of poor perfusion "without damage", this assumes (wrongly) that a morphologically normal brain is a functionally normal brain.

        Anecdotally, "high-functioning" people have found themselves disabled after as little as 15 seconds of cardiac arrest; measurable brain damage follows most away-from-the-defibrillator cardiac arrests (Br. Med. J. 313: 143, 1996).

        Pathology of "persistent vegetative state" (survivals 1 month to 8 years): Brain 123: 1327, 2000. It is not rare for the cortex to be normal, but the thalamus and/or the deep white are never normal.

{00165} diffuse hypoxic-ischemic injury, old; note the laminar necrosis
{33033} diffuse hypoxic-ischemic injury, old
{31970} diffuse hypoxic-ischemic injury, old

Diffuse hypoxic-ischemic injury
Old; patient kept alive on respirator
WebPath Photo

        Regrettably, there are no clear-cut criteria for determining when recovery is unlikely, or what the odds are (Lancet 343: 1052, 1994). Some people say this means we need to be aggressive in resuscitating people, I'm not sure I agree.

        One of the most alarming studies I've read recently is the finding that 37% of a group of profoundly brain-damaged (and blind, hence no visual startle) "people in long-term coma" weren't even unconscious, as evidenced by their ability to use an easy-to-push button on command. See Br. Med. J. 313: 13, 1996.

          * The ensuing discussion, of course, was dominated by "advocates for the disabled" trying to make an argument against allowing ANYONE who seems to be in a lasting coma to die with dignity and comfort. For the record, I would consider this far worse than death, and I believe ("ethics" or no) that most people agree. If any good comes of this, it'll be attempts to communicate with these people and find out what they want for themselves (none of the "advocates for the disabled" appear to have asked yet.)

      The most severe variant is sponge brain ("multi-cystic brain"), in infants who have severe hypoxic-ischemic injury around the time of birth but are kept alive for weeks afterwards.

{15469} sponge brain

      * Your lecturer is no expert on neurology or rehabilitation, but from what he's observed as a physician, he's formed the opinion that "neuro rehab" for the profoundly injured does less public or private good than most any other way of spending lots of money. See Lancet 357: 410, 2001 for a bitter editorial on the failure to show any benefit for neurodegenerative disease; the bitter truth about stroke rehab is summarized in Stroke 34: 801, 2003. If you have other information, I'd like to hear about it.


    "Stroke", the sudden onset of a permanent, localized neurologic deficit, may result either from infarction or hemorrhage, and has a multitude of specific causes. The most common cause of stroke (75%) is cerebral infarction (incidence 190 per 100000 people per year).

Pathology of Stroke
Some great photos
From Wash. U.

Cerebrovascular disease
Text and pictures
From "Big Robbins"

    Infarcts have many causes.

      Thrombotic infarcts usually result from atherosclerosis, when a plaque ruptures. Favored sites are the carotid bifurcations and the vertebrobasilar system.

      Embolic infarcts typically result from intracardiac thrombi (i.e., thrombi from fibrillating atria, mural thrombi over old infarcts), or less often, atheroemboli. (A source long-known to pathologists, and coming to be recognized by clinicians, is an ulcerated atherosclerotic plaque in the ascending aorta. See NEJM 326: 221, 1992; NEJM 334: 2126, 1996; Am. Heart J. 139: 329, 2000). Emboli most often go to one or the other middle cerebral artery.

        In a kid with a stroke, think of patent foramen ovale and pulmonary hypertension (* easy screen using trans-esophageal sonography: Am. J. Card. 74: 381, 1994).

        Nobody understands why for sure, but current smoking greatly increases you risk of stroke (Ann. Int. Med. 120: 458, 1994).

        * Some folks lack one or both posterior communicating arteries, and these people are much more vulnerable to embolic stroke (i.e., no collaterals): NEJM 330: 1565, 1992.

        You also remember that the little arteries that supply the thalamus and basal ganglia don't have collateral circulation, so little strokes here are common.

      We have already seen infarcts due to compression of vessels during herniation, and "border zone infarcts" in which there is hypoperfusion but no obstruction.

      You already know subclavian steal syndrome (Robin Hood syndrome, etc.), in which a patient with occlusive atherosclerosis of a proximal subclavian artery suffers brainstem syndromes upon exercising the arm on the involved side. The arm is being perfused via blood that goes up the contralateral vertebral artery, and back down the ipsilateral one.

      Granulomatous angiitis of the CNS is a thankfully rare entity that may be suspected on scan, but needs confirmation on leptomeningeal biopsy. Glucocorticoids are helpful.

      Moyamoya disease, a poorly-understood process in which the vessels of the circle of Willis and nearby become narrowed (fibrosis of the intima) and may also bleed (fragile new vessels sprout), is yet another cause of stroke. This is fairly common in both children and adults (J. Neurosurg. 77: 84, 1992; J. Neurosurg. 80: 328, 1994; Arch. Neuro. 58: 1274, 2001). The etiology is still obscure; it may occur in syndromes (Am. J. Op. 127: 356, 1999). Prognosis after a pial revascularization procedure is excellent: J. Neurosurg. 100(S2): 142-9, 2004.

      CADASIL, or cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy, is a grisly disease with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy, caused by buildup of granular material in the basement membranes between the smooth muscles of arterial walls. The diagnosis is made when the pathologist examines a skin biopsy. The arteries have fragmented internal elastic membranes and basophilic, PAS-positive granules throughout their walls. It is underdiagnosed; this may change since there is supposedly a pathognomonic MRI. The gene's name is Notch3. See Lancet 350: 1490, 1997, Nature 383: 707, 1996; anatomic pathology Neurology 51: 844, 1998.

      CADASIL and more
      Wash. U., St. Louis
      Illustrated notes

      Susac syndrome is another, thankfully rare (but perhaps underdiagnosed) syndrome of small vessel spasm in the eye, inner ear, and brain. The physician will see occlusions of branches of the retinal artery plus sensorineural hearing loss. It usually affects young adult women and vanishes after a year or so.

    Future hematologists: Remember leukostatic infarcts throughout the brain when the white count is extremely high (i.e., chronic granulocytic leukemia).

    The ability to survive a stroke depends on the availability of collateral flow.

      For example, an intact circle of Willis supplied by good arteries renders complete occlusion of a carotid artery innocuous, and collateral flow from the anterior cerebral artery may protect much brain during occlusion of the middle cerebral artery. (Basilar artery atherosclerosis, however, generally cannot be overcome by good collateral flow).

      For some reason, the small, deep-brain cerebral arteries do not anastomose much. When one is occluded, an infarct is inevitable. This is unfortunate, since these arteries supply such vital structures as the internal capsule.

    The classic brain infarct is ischemic ("anemic", "bland"), and the morphologic changes are stereotyped.

      Six to twelve hours after the "stroke", the brain becomes slightly discolored and soft, blurring the gray-white junction. You may see a few petechiae at the edges (why?).

      Two to three days after the "stroke", the cerebral matter becomes very soft, and starts to break up. At this time, surrounding edema may be quite severe, enough to produce herniation.

{00180} infarct with early softening
{17792} infarct with early softening

Acute brain infarct
Photo and mini-review
Brown U.

Brain infarct
WebPath Photo

Brain infarct
WebPath Photo

Fresh infarct

WebPath Photo

Intermediate age infarct

WebPath Photo

Intermediate age infarct

WebPath Photo

Fresh infarct

WebPath Photo

Intermediate age infarct

WebPath Photo

Intermediate age infarct
Lots of macrophages eating lipid
WebPath Photo

Intermediate age infarct

WebPath Photo

"Cystic" infarct

WebPath Photo

Cerebral Infarct
Australian Pathology Museum
High-tech gross photos

      As the infarct heals, the dead tissue liquifies, leaving a cavity that is typically still crisscrossed by little surviving blood vessels. The overlying leptomeninges (when involved) become thick and form the roof of the cavity. It takes months for a big infarct to transform into a residual cavity ("cyst", a time-honored misnomer).

{00189} infarct, breaking apart
{06348} infarct, old; frontotemporal area
{10350} infarcts, old and recent
{10960} infarct, old, basal ganglia
{17694} infarct, old

Carotid thrombus

WebPath Photo

Organized thrombus

WebPath Photo

Subacute infarct

Old infarct, middle cerebral artery

Old infarct, anterior cerebral artery

Old infarct in the caudate

Old infarct, internal carotid

Old infarct, cerebellum

Old infarct, pons

Recent infarct, lots of petechiae

Recent infarct, lots of petechiae

      Recovery of function after a cerebral infarct (or hemorrhage) is due largely to resorption of edema fluid.

      Microscopically, polys and then macrophages clean up the debris, just as in a myocardial infarct. Unlike in the rest of the body, the macrophages stay around for years. Instead of a fibrous scar, the infarct is surrounded by gliosis.

      Hemorrhagic infarcts are "anemic infarcts" complicated by dissolution of an embolus or backflow of blood from the margins. The result is perfusion of non-viable blood vessels, which rupture.

        Infarcts consist of lots of petechiae (since the vessels that break are capillaries); they may be confined to the gray matter (the vessels in white matter typically do not rupture in this setting).

{18760} hemorrhagic infarct; note it consists of petechiae
{00145} hemorrhagic infarct

Hemorrhagic stroke
Photo and mini-review
Brown U.

Hemorrhagic infarct

WebPath Photo

Infarct with petechiae

WebPath Photo

        Of course, if somebody anticoagulated the patient, the hemorrhage will be much more impressive and dangerous. Anticoagulation is a two-edged weapon in stroke.

    Venous infarcts result from hypercoagulable states (remember polycythemia vera, sickle cell disease, lupus anticoagulant, and the post-partum state in adults, and dehydration in children) or infected (TB, H. 'flu, others) venous sinuses. Infarction will not occur without thrombosis either of very large venous sinuses or many small veins. The typical case shows hemorrhagic infarction, symmetrically around the superior sagittal sinus.

    Cerebral Venous Thrombosis
    Pittsburgh Illustrated Case

{15696} venous infarct
{15697} venous infarct

    * Lenin's brain contained multiple, bilateral, old infarcts. See Neurology 42: 241, 1992. This disproves his friend Maxim Gorky's maxim that a bad person needs a good brain.


Brain Hemorrhages I
From Chile
In Spanish

Brain Hemorrhages II
From Chile
In Spanish

    There are many different types of brain hemorrhages. Some rules:

      Blood in the ventricles is noxious, and if the fourth ventricle is suddenly dilated under pressure, death results.

      Blood in the subarachnoid space is excruciatingly painful.

      Bleeding in the brain substance itself is more subtle, and can present merely as nausea.

      Fresh bleeding produces spinal fluid of normal color, or slightly pink. Xanthochromia results when breakdown products of hemoglobin stain the CSF yellowish.

    Bleeding into the brain substance is attributed to a variety of causes.

    • "hypertension"
      • NOTE: This "clinical truism" ("He popped his cork!") is disputed by some autopsy pathologists who note that there is a reflex rise in systemic blood pressure when intracranial pressure rises ("Cushing reflex", remember?), and that victims of intracranial hemorrhage often lack other stigmata of longstanding systemic hypertension (big hearts, bad kidneys). Wait for my series -- so far, mine all have cardiac hypertrophy from high blood pressure.

    • bleeding disorders (very common; remember the leukemias)
    • hemorrhage into brain tumors (primary, metastatic)
    • congophilic (amyloid) angiopathy (hereditary, idiopathic; "Alzheimer's amyloid angiopathy" generally does not bleed)
    • vascular malformations ("angiomas")
    • mycotic aneurysms (rare)

    Taking all these causes together, these bleeds are fairly common, with an incidence of 35 per 100,000 people per year.

    The classic "hypertensive" hemorrhage (whether or not hypertension is the cause) is classically thought to result from rupture of a little "Charcot-Bouchard" micro-aneurysm (<=2 mm) on the trunks and at the bifurcations of small intracerebral arteries. We do not know why these form, and we don't know whether hypertension contributes to their formation, makes them rupture once formed, or whatever.

      * Medical history buffs: Dr. Charcot is famous as Sigmund Freud's teacher and the founder of "Arch. Neuro."

    The distribution of "hypertensive" hemorrhages given in "Big Robbins" is worth remembering:

      55%... putamen
      15%... deep centrum semiovale
      10%... thalamus
      10%... pons (very bad location....)
      10%... cerebellum

{00144} intracerebral hemorrhage
{01813} intracerebral hemorrhage
{01815} intracerebral hemorrhage
{09476} intracerebral hemorrhage

Hypertensive basal ganglia hemorrhage

WebPath Photo

Hypertensive basal ganglia hemorrhage

WebPath Photo

Basal ganglia ("subinsular") hemorrhage

Basal ganglia hemorrhage

Frontal hemorrhage

    Death results from herniation or distention of the fourth ventricle by blood.

      Note that, in one sense, a hemorrhage is more serious than an infarct of the same size, since there will be more edema and opportunities for herniation.

      When the clot is resorbed, however, the surrounding tissue generally regains much of its function. Survivors of hemorrhages are likely to have some disability, though not so much as in an infarct of the same size.

    Grossly, look for surrounding edema (and maybe herniation), extravasation of blood into the subarachnoid space and/or ventricles, and a big clot on sectioning.

      If present for a while, you'll see blood pigments (bilirubin, biliverdin, later hemosiderin) near the clot.

      If the patient recovers, you'll see a slit ("post-apoplectic cavity") surrounded by gliosis.

    * Actor Richard Burton, just before he died of an intracerebral hemorrhage, scribbled these lines from Macbeth in his notebook: "The multitudinous seas incarnadine, making the green one, red" (i.e., Macbeth sees his victim's blood flowing so copiously as to turn the sea red)....


    These bleeds are fairly common, with an incidence of 25 per 100,000 people per year.

      The usual cause of non-traumatic bleeding into the subarachnoid space is rupture of a "berry" ("congenital" aneurysm).

      Considerably less common is bleeding from a vascular malformation; ruptured mycotic aneurysms are thankfully rare but worth remembering.

      You are already familiar with trauma as a cause of subarachnoid hemorrhage. In addition to skull fractures, remember a blow to the head with twisting of the neck Am. J. For. Med. Path. 24: 114, 2003).

    Berry aneurysms

      Old ideas about "gaps in the internal elastica of the arteries at the bifurcations" as direct cause are wrong; just about everybody has these gaps.

      Hypertension, often cited, is a dubious risk factor. Some people claim it promotes degeneration of the elastica over time.

      One known risk factor is autosomal dominant ("adult") polycystic kidney disease. Checking these patients' heads for berries: NEJM 327: 916, 1992.

      Having a relative who had a berry quadruples your risk: Lancet 349: 380, 1997.

      Berries are often multiple, and tend to undergo thrombosis and even calcification. They may grow over time, berries as small as 3 mm can rupture, and if they get to 6-10 mm, rupture is likely.

      "Big Robbins" lists these sites favored by berry aneurysms:

        40%... Anterior communicating artery, adjacent to the anterior cerebral arteries

        34%... Middle cerebral artery, where it bifurcates in the Sylvian fissures

        20%... Posterior communicating artery, adjacent to the middle cerebral artery

        4%...Bifurcation of the basilar artery into the posterior cerebral arteries

        Although tiny "berries" are common at autopsy, you'll see a big one in about 2% of routine autopsies of adults.

      The thin, fibrous wall of the aneurysm is the site of rupture.

        The blood may be forced directly into the brain substance and from there into the ventricles. (Free blood is noxious to brain, especially under these circumstances.)

        More classically, the blood erupts into the subarachnoid space, producing excruciating pain, followed by progressive neurologic problems.

          Organization of the resulting mass of blood produce hydrocephalus.

          Vasospasm (which develops after a few days) can produce additional cerebral damage.

        Many patients die soon after the bleed, or during re-bleeding. Others recover fully.

{15656} berry aneurysm, ruptured
{15667} berry aneurysm,
{17699} berry aneurysm, PICA
{17712} berry aneurysm, ruptured
{18754} berry aneurysm, ruptured

Brain Aneurysms
From Chile
In Spanish

Berry aneurysm
Incidental finding
KU Collection

Berry aneurysm

WebPath Photo

Berry aneurysm

WebPath Photo

Subarachnoid bleed from berry aneurysm

WebPath Photo

    Vascular malformations may bleed into the subarachnoid space, the brain substance, or both.

      Arteriovenous malformations (masses of large blood vessels) tend to be located in the hemispheres. Review Lancet 359: 863, 2002.

        * Future radiologists: There are other CNS vascular malformations, including those made only of veins, and those made only of capillaries. These are much less likely to cause problems, but the new radiographic techniques are picking these up fairly often (Surg. Neurol. 48: 175, 1997)

{10848} AV malformation
{10849} AV malformation
{18759} AV malformation

Cryptic AV malformation
Pittsburgh Pathology Cases

AV malformation

WebPath Photo

AV malformation

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AV malformation

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      Cavernous hemangiomas, when they occur in the brain, typically ooze small amounts of blood, which may not be symptomatic.

{15661} cavernous hemangioma
{15662} cavernous hemangioma

        A large cavernous hemangioma in the meninges (as in Sturge-Weber syndrome) can steal blood away from a cerebral hemisphere.

          * The same phenomenon in the spinal cord is called "Foix-Alajouanine syndrome".

      Capillary hemangiomas do not bleed, and are incidental curiosities at autopsy.

    Germinal plate hemorrhages in premature babies are worth mentioning here. These are bleeds into the ventricles, rather than the subarachnoid space. The usual setting is a preemie with respiratory difficulty and cor pulmonale; the prognosis is grave if there is rupture through the ependyma into the ventricles ("intraventricular hemorrhages"; * a regrettable misnomer calls a bleed with no blood in the ventricles an "intraventricular hemorrhage grade I").

{00521} germinal plate bleed, small
{09518} germinal plate bleed, large

Germinal plate, normal
WebPath Photo

Germinal plate hemorrhage
WebPath Photo

Germinal plate hemorrhage
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Germinal plate hemorrhage

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    Atherosclerotic aneurysms in the head are typically fusiform dilatations of the basilar artery. These seldom rupture, but they may undergo thrombosis (bad!) or even damage the brainstem and its nerves by compression.

    * Long-mysterious, the hyponatremia and excess urinary sodium loss in patients with ruptured berries now seems to be due to brain natriuretic peptide (Lancet 349: 245, 1997).


    In addition to its (questioned) relationship to hemorrhage, and its known relationship to atherosclerosis, hypertension causes several other cerebral problems.

    Lacunar infarcts ("lacunae") are little infarcts, typically a few mm across, typically in the deep structures of the brain (the basal ganglia and nearby structures are typical sites).

      Classic neuropathology attributes them to hypertensive hyaline arteriolar sclerosis. However, there are often clusters of hemosiderin-laden macrophages at the periphery, suggesting that the real cause is microhemorrhages, which makes sense....

{09446} "êtat criblé", French for multiple lacunes


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    Binswanger's subcortical leukoencephalopathy (Neurology 46: 291, 1996; Am. Fam. Phys. 58: 2068, 1998)

      This describes demyelinization and gliosis of the white matter of the centrum semiovale beneath the cortex ("white matter hyperintensities", * "leukoaraiosis"), producing "Alzheimer-like" progressive dementia.

      We believe the cause of this lesion is ischemia secondary to hyaline arteriolar sclerosis of hypertension.

        * Homocysteine-induced endothelial cell dysfunction also seems to be a major risk factor: Brain 127: 212, 2004; Arch. Neuro. 59: 787, 2002.

      Since this is a subcortical process, expect rigidity, gait, and bladder problems.

      Binswanger's is extremely common, and is one of the great "unnoticed diseases" of the late twentieth century (common illnesses that until recently were overlooked routinely. )

        It's fairl common for patients diagnosed as having "Alzheimer's disease" to turn out at autopsy to have Binswanger's instead. Stay tuned; the public will learn about "Binswanger's" soon.

        Vascular dementia update: Med. Clin. N.A. 86: 477, 2002.

    Hypertensive encephalopathy

      Sudden or extreme rises in blood pressure produce brain dysfunction.

        Patients complain of confusion, drowsiness, headache, and nausea. Seizures are also common.

        After taking the blood pressure, clinicians look for retinal bleeds and papilledema.

      We don't understand all the mechanisms involved, but at high pressures, autoregulation of blood flow breaks down, and the blood-brain barrier is compromised, with resulting cerebral edema.

        In fatal cases, we find necrotic blood vessels, much like in the kidney in "malignant hypertension".



    This is a common, grave problem that (as we have noted) causes much death and disability.

      Damaged neurons undergo apoptosis, or their axons can be severed. The astrocyte foot processes are removed from the endothelium by trauma, with loss of the blood-brain barrier. New astrocytes migrate to the area where proteins have wandered in; they make matrix that seals the leaks ("glial scar").

      Ten percent of disabling injury is brain injury.

      In 1/3 of all "accidental deaths", the cause is brain injury.

      In 2/3 of automobile deaths, the cause is brain injury.

      * Eye-opening article about brain trauma on the job (with suggestions as to who might do well to wear a helmet): Am. J. Pub. Health. 84: 1106, 1994. The "average" industrial worker has one chance in ten-thousand of suffering brain damage each year, but the risk varies tremendously from job to job.

      * Head injuries in young athletes: Med. Clin. N.A. 78: 289, 1994. Safety stuff; required reading for any physician involved with sports.

    Skull fractures may be of many types (even "occult").

      You already know about CSF rhinorrhea. Beware the patient with a "runny nose" or "runny ear" and check the "snot" for glucose with a urine dipstick!

      Bone fragments may injure the brain ("fracture contusions"), and infection may enter this way.

      "Big Robbins" rightly points out that skull injury and brain injury do not necessarily go together.

      An "open" ("compound") skull fracture (i.e., one with an overlying tear in the scalp will, of course, serve as a portal of entry for bacteria.

    Subarachnoid hemorrhage and subdural hemorrhage are both common after severe head injuries; different authorities will cite one or the other as "more common".

    Epidural hematomas are accumulations of blood between the skull and the dura.

{18753} epidural hematoma

Epidural hematoma
CT scan

Epidural hematoma

Epidural hematoma

WebPath Photo

      Usually the middle meningeal artery has been severed (i.e., there has been a skull fracture crossing this vessel). Arterial bleeding causes these lesions to progress rapidly.

      The typical story is a blow to the head, with (or without) loss of consciousness, recovery, then progressive neurologic deterioration leading to coma and herniation. Once the process starts, death is almost certain unless the hematoma is evacuated (i.e., the bleeding will not stop on its own). This is a neurosurgeon's emergency, in which minutes count.

    Subdural hematomas result from avulsion and rupture of the bridging veins that pass between the brain and the large dural sinuses.

      These follow forceful displacement of the brain within the skull (i.e., inertial injury, when the skull stops but the brain continues moving); for this reason, look for them where the brain has the greatest opportunity to slide (i.e., over the cerebral convexities, often bilaterally).

      In acute subdural hematoma following massive trauma, there is obvious severe injury and the prognosis is dismal. Small ones after minor falls and so forth are more survivable.

      Shaken baby syndrome has had its share of dogmatists and faddists but is now being sorted out. (I disagree with "experts" who believe there is always an impact; a new series analyzing statements by perpetrators supports this: Arch. Ped. Ad. Med. 158: 454, 2004, do bear in mind that these confessions may not be truthful, as people would be less ashamed of shaking than of slamming.) The key is the sudden torque forces complied with acceleration-deceleration.

        As common sense would tell you, it's a spectrum:

        • obvious tearing of fiber tracts in the brainstem and upper cord; small or absent subdural / retinal bleeds (no time), immediate coma, death on the scene or minutes after
        • large subdural hematomas, deep intracerebral pathology suggesting damage to the reticular activating system if you look hard for it; may be obtunded rather than comatose but no lucid interval; severe retinal hemorrhages, high mortality
        • expanding subdural hematomas but without clinical evidence of deeper intracerebral pathology, possibly lucid interval, the baby may simply seem to grow more lethargic as the head expands visibly; there may not be retinal hemorrhages. This is the only category that may have an innocent explanation, i.e., short fall with twist.

        * Don't confuse any of these with the intradural bleeds that are commonly seen in babies dying from any cause, or the tiny subdural bleeds that are occasionally seen in babies dying of other illnesses or getting scanned. (Small subdurals result fairly often from the birth process and do not seem to be problematic. See Lancet 363: 846, 2004). This generated some pop-media confusion in early 2003.) I have never taught that hemorrhages with folds near the macula are pathognomonic of child abuse, and it's now quite clear this was never true.

        On the other hand, severe retinal bleeds in a child are pretty much diagnostic of abusive trauma rather than an accident (J. Neurusurg. 102(S4): 380, 2005, others).

        After shaking, the child is never normal and obviously needs medical care (Child Abuse & Neglect 21: 929, 1997), but may deteriorate later (J. For. Sci. 43: 723, 1998).

{00533} acute subdural hematoma
{18758} acute subdural hematoma
{32107} acute subdural hematoma

Acute subdural
Bryan Lee

Acute subdural hematoma

WebPath Photo

      In chronic subdural hematoma, neurologic impairment follows minor trauma and leads to the discovery of the organizing clot, which is removed. (The clot may shunt blood away from the underlying brain, and the large, delicate area of granulation tissue is prone to re-bleed and therefore grow.)

{32110} chronic subdural hematoma
{32112} chronic subdural hematoma; despite the red, note the membrane

Subdural hematoma
Great x-ray
Pittsburgh Pathology Cases

Chronic subdural hematoma

WebPath Photo

Chronic subdural hematomas

WebPath Photo

        Veins are more likely to break if the brain is a bit atrophic (alcoholism, old age) and/or there is some problem with coagulation (i.e., alcoholism).

        The CT scanner has greatly improved our ability to find these lesions. (* The fictional Hans Brinker, of silver skates fame, became a neurosurgeon after seeing his father's remarkable recovery from a chronic subdural hematoma after surgery.)

        * Future pathologists: Dating subdural hematomas depends on old studies from the 1930's. For example...

        • Fibroblastic activity means "36 hours or more"
        • Hemosiderin laden macrophages means "five days or more"

      * As above, a subdural hygroma results from a tear in the arachnoid.

    Concussion simply means being knocked unconscious, with no bleeding; or if you prefer, any change in mentation immediately following a blow (JAMA 266: 2867, 1991 sports). The anatomic correlates are unknown, and "Big Robbins"'s idea about twisting the midbrain reticular activating system sounds as good as any.

      After even the slightest concussion, the brain's ability to adapt to a second blow is much-diminished; hence "second-impact syndrome". Keep the athlete out of play after even the slightest episode of wooziness. Review Clin. J. Sport. Med. 11: 194, 2001. Skeptics see Neurology 50: 677, 1998. This is a very big deal in any contact sport right now.

      * There is some interest right now in prognosticating who may have lasting cognitive problems following concussion by assaying serum S-100 (Acta. Neurochir. 139: 26, 1997).

    Contusion (bruising) and laceration (tearing from being overstretched) are analogous to their counterparts in general pathology. Expect some hemorrhage with each.

      All contusions result in permanent brain damage.

      Coup contusions result from a blow to the unmoving skull that damages the underlying brain tissue without rupturing the pia. Look for cone-shaped lesions with their bases along the apices of the gyri; fresh contusions will show small hemorrhages (from capillaries) and necrosis, while old contusions show gliosis and hemosiderin pigmentation ("plaques jaunes", or "yellow plaques"); these are considered to be epileptogenic foci. Today, pathologists also look for axonal spheroids (diffuse axonal injury; "retraction balls").

{00155} cone-shaped coup contusion. He got hit bad on the left side of the head.
{17779} old contusion
{17780} coup contushon

      Contrecoup contusions (contracoup contusions) result from the brain bouncing against the side of the decelerating skull opposite the point of impact (typically a floor or other large, immovable object). The pathology is similar to "coup contusions".

      The bony structures of the skull itself can cause contusions in surprising places. Classic sites include the frontal lobes just above the orbital plate (from falling backwards off bar stools), and the bottom portions of the temporal lobes.

{00545} contrecoup contusion (classic site, bottom of temporal lobe)
{25618} contrecoup contusion
{25617} contrecoup contusion

Contracoup injury

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Contracoup injury

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Contracoup injury, old

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Contracoup injury, old

WebPath Photo

      Traumatic intracerebral hemorrhages are listed by "Big Robbins" as mysterious consequences of head trauma. Probably they result from tearing of the vessels themselves by mechanical forces.

    Diffuse axonal injury is a newly-characterized problem that probably results from rupture of axons by shearing forces.

      It probably accounts for residual brain damage after trauma that is not visible grossly, by classic histopathology, or on scans.

      Grossly, look for petechiae in the corpus callosum, where the forces come together. Silver stains show many ruptured axons with axonal spheroids (retraction balls).

        * Neuropathologists may see some reactive macrophages. Histopathology: Arch. Path. Lab. Med. 118: 168, 1994 (this crew prefers the good-old H&E stain over anything fancy; ubiqitin has been a popular immunostain though now amyloid beta precursor is preferred).

      If the patient survives a long time, there may be loss of myelin, macrophage reaction, and so forth.

      * Science marches onward. A standard rat model for diffuse axonal injury is now available, involving dropping a 1-pound weight 1 or 2 meters onto the animal's skull (J. Neurosurg. 80: 291 & 301, 1994).

      * There is less traumatic axonal injury in "shaken baby syndrome" than one might expect, at least if we are to believe the immunostains. See Brain 124: 1299, 2001; J. Neurotrauma 20: 347, 2003. The damage is primarily "vascular axonal injury", from the massive edema stretching the axons.

Diffuse axonal injury
Bryan Lee

Shaken baby
Axonal retraction spheroids
WebPath Photo

Motor vehicle fatality

WebPath Photo

    The histology of acute physcial brain trauma is not very helpful in determining the exact time of injury. You can see neutrophils, swollen axons, and red neurons within an hour (and incrusted, i.e., calcified, neurons within 3.)

    Patients "in coma" from trauma often are surprisingly aware of their environment and caregivers' behavior, and remember after. Be advised, and be kind. See J. Neurosurg. Nurs. 20: 223, 1988.

    Neuropathology of boxers is seen years after blows to the head. It begins with mild disturbances of mood and coordination. Later, there is mild dysarthria, paranoid ideas, and/or resting tremor. Eventually, immature and aggressive behavior, impaired memory, hyperreflexia, and poor coordination are likely to develop. Thankfully, only about 20% of boxers are ever affected; risk factors include how much you've been hit, and your apo-E type (JAMA 278: 136, 1997; Semin. Neurol. 20: 179, 2000) like in Alzheimer's. Where dementia has occurred, there are neurofibrillary tangles histochemically very much like those of Alzheimer's (Am. J. Path. 136: 255, 1990). Parkinsonism is common. Cavum septum pellucidum is fairly distinctive for boxers. Boxing injuries JAMA 261: 1463, 1989.

      NOTE: Boxing is a poor-boy's sport in which the object is to scramble the other guy's brain enough to render him unconscious. Amateur boxing is a variant with headgear and tight regulations that keep injuries to a minimum. It is far safer than tackle football, but many people object to people hitting each other. Whether or not physicians approve of the sport, it will continue to find participants who want to improve their fighting skills and/or who dream of big money. Some people say it's unethical for physicians to "support" the sport by caring for boxers. I respect this but do not agree.

    Shock therapy (ECT, electroconvulsive therapy) is an old psychiatric treatment that was popular for the mentally-ill in the pre-phenothiazine era. In the 1960's, office units made it extremely lucrative, and certain unethical psychiatrists made fortunes shocking every unhappy person who came to them. At the same time, leftist writer Ken Kesey misrepresented it as torture in his influential "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest". The public believes that it dulls the mind over the long-term; though nobody has been able to show neuronal loss or other structural changes after shocking animals (Am. J. Psych. 151: 957, 1994), nobody's counted synapses or dendritic spines, either. I'll reserve judgement.

SPINAL CORD TRAUMA (review NEJM 330: 550, 1994)

    This results from gunshots, stab injuries, or vertebral column injury. "Big Robbins" rightly points out that:

    (1) In older people with cervical spondylosis, even small displacements of the cord can and do damage the nerves;

    (2) The associated bleeding ("hematomyelia") and neutrophilic infiltrate probably exacerbate the neurologic damage.

    Years after spinal cord injury, the site of trauma will still be obvious ("myelomalacia"). Look also for ("Wallerian") degeneration of the tracts, especially the posterior columns above the injury, and the corticospinal tracts below the injury.

Trivia: Lots of petechiae throughout the white matter? Fat embolus!

Fat embolus
Petechiae throughout white matter
KU Collection

Fat Embolus
WebPath Photo

Fat Embolus
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Fat embolus

WebPath Photo

Fat embolus
Petechiae throughout white matter
KU Collection


Brain Inflammation I
From Chile
In Spanish

Brain Inflammation II
From Chile
In Spanish

CNS Infections
Virtual Hospital
Good photos and text

CNS Infections
Case Studies by Dr. Richard B. Roberts


    Any pathogen can probably affect the CNS. Meningitis is inflammation of the leptomeninges (pia and arachnoid), encephalitis is inflammation of the brain itself, and meningoencephalitis is inflammation of both. Cerebritis is a term for a bacterial infection of the brain that has not (yet) formed an abscess.

    One can have meningitis not due to infection (for example, a reaction to an intrathecally-injected medication or the release of fluid from a tumor), and there are autoimmune causes of encephalitis, but the unqualified terms imply infection. "Carcinomatous meningitis" is a misnomer for meningeal carcinomatosis, and sometimes the word "meningitis" is used to describe meningeal infections in which there is no inflammation (i.e., many cases of cryptococcosis). Don't worry about it.


Purulent meningitis

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Purulent meningitis

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Purulent meningitis

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Purulent meningitis

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Purulent meningitis

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Purulent meningitis

WebPath Photo

Gram stain
WebPath Photo

Bacterial meningitis
Photo and mini-review
Brown U.

Bacterial meningitis
Thick purulent exudate
KU Collection

    Infection of the CSF around the brain, by classic bacteria. This was a classic infection that used to kill lots of people, including healthy young adults, and cause brain damage in many others.

      Organisms reach the CNS via the nose (? "passing through the cribriform plate" is supposedly the route of entry for the meningococcus; the bloodstream seems more plausible), neural tube defects, middle-ear infections, sinus infections, surgery, etc., etc.

    You will be quizzed frequently on the most common etiologic agents:

      Strep B... At birth

      E. coli... First days of life

      H. 'flu... 1 month to 3-5 year old kids

      Meningococcus... Older kids and younger adults (remember epidemics, military recruits, Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome)

      Pneumococcus... Oldsters and drinkers

      Liseria... The third most common cause in adults nowadays

      Anything... The immunosuppressed -- tough diagnosis

    Note that all these organisms are (or can be) part of the "commensal flora".

    Grossly, the CSF (normally crystal-clear) is turbid to frankly purulent.

      In fatal cases, the pathologist can second-guess the etiologic agent by the distribution of infection. H. 'flu meningitis tends to be basal, and pneumococcal meningitis tends to be worst around the sagittal sinus.

{32838} acute pyogenic meningitis (this happens to have been E. coli)
{10857} acute pyogenic meningitis
{26174} acute pyogenic meningitis
{31992} acute pyogenic meningitis

    On microscopy, neutrophils surround the leptomeningeal venules and may even pack the subarachnoid space. They will tend to follow the Virchow-Robin spaces into the brain matter itself.

    Patients present with fever, malaise, and meningeal signs (i.e., headache, stiff neck, irritability, photophobia, obtundation). Dread complications are numerous, even in the antibiotic era.

      Brain damage probably results mostly from occlusion of nearby blood vessels; only occasionally does the infection manage to penetrate the pia, but enough ischemia is produced to damage the nerve fibers (Neurology 62: 509, 2004).

      Hydrocephalus results from fibrosis around the basal cisterns. (Cryptococcal capsular polysaccharide promotes fibrosis.)

      Nerve damage may cause blindness, deafness, and/or other problems.

    Please have a high index of suspicion for all dread, treatable illnesses, particularly bacterial meningitis. Perform a lumbar puncture whenever you think of bacterial meningitis.

      Pneumococcal meningitis, perhaps because of its predilection for the elderly and drinkers, has the highest fatality rate of adult causes of meningitis.

    A subdural empyema, between dura and arachnoid but sparing the latter structure itself, usually results from extension of a skull or sinus infection. There is usually neck stiffness. If the pus is drained, the outcome is good.

    Spinal epidural infections generally represent extensions of osteomyelitis; intracranial epidural infections typically spread there from sinusitis.

    Pachymeningitis is inflammation of the outer surface of the dura, almost always from nearby sinusitis or osteomyelitis.

      The venous sinuses may become infected by draining bacterial lesions of the ears, sinuses, or face; thrombosis is a consideration.

ACUTE LYMPHOCYTIC MENINGITIS ("viral meningitis", benign "stiff neck", etc.)

    Viral meningitis presents like bacterial meningitis, but usually is not so serious. Etiologic agents include mumps (thankfully rare nowadays), coxsackie and ECHO viruses, lymphocytic choriomeningitis (from house mice), and herpes simplex II. (Don't laugh; around 20% of people who meet up with HSV II get an uncomfortable but mild viral meningitis with their first infection.)

    As you would expect, unless the CSF is tapped very early, there will be a predominance of lymphocytes rather than neutrophils.

    Most patients recover well after several very uncomfortable days. Sequelae are rare.

    * Future clinicians: Viruses and lymphocytes don't consume much CSF glucose as do bacteria and neutrophils, so CSF glucose levels will probably be normal in viral meningitis.

    Mollaret's meningitis, or benign recurrent aseptic meningitis, features real monocytes. Herpes II is often but not always the apparent cause.


    "Big Robbins" says this usually means tuberculous meningitis, with granulomas, lymphocytes, and thick caseous debris concentrated around the basal cisterns, where cranial nerves are destroyed one by one, hydrocephalus results from scarring, and tuberculous arteritis infarcts the underlying brain. Remember TB in AIDS meningitis, especially in communities with lots of TB: NEJM 326: 668, 1992.

    Cryptococcal meningitis usually affects the immunosuppressed, in whom it produces virtually no inflammation. This is an indolent, insidious infection. Eventually, cryptococci can clog the CSF with their mucoid goo, and distend the Virchow-Robin spaces, creating the familiar "soap bubble" effect. (* NOTE: Dead cryptococci can persist in spinal fluid for years.)

Cryptococcal Meningitis
Pittsburgh Illustrated Case

Infection in Virchow-Robin spaces
KU Collection

{06050} cryptococcus, PAS stain
{06055} cryptococcus, India ink preparation

    Meningovascular syphilis is an uncomfortable disease with plasmacytic vasculitis (with the familiar "obliterative endarteritis") as in other syphilis manifestations. Stroke may result.

    Candida can and does cause a fungal meningitis.


    Brain abscess may result from a dirty wound, extension (remember mastoiditis), or septic emboli (lung infections such as bronchiectasis, left-sided bacterial endocarditis, right-to-left shunts through heart or lung).

      The usual etiologic agents are staph, strep, or anaerobes. But most any bacterium can be implicated; "Nocardia" and "Actinomyces" both cause a disturbing number of these. Note that the CSF will be sterile until the abscess ruptures.

      Brain abscesses are very bad, and patients have both systemic symptoms and focal signs. Death results from mass effect.

{00162} brain abscesses
{15544} brain abscess (three in the prefrontal lobes)
{27590} brain abscesses

Brain abscesses
Pittsburgh Pathology Cases

Brain abscess

WebPath Photo

Brain abscess, organizing rim

WebPath Photo

Click on the brain abscess!

WebPath Photo

Brain abscess page

    Neurosyphilis takes four possible forms:

      General paresis ("paretic syphilis"; "dementia paralytica") causes death of brain cells ("windswept cortex") and severe brain atrophy. Ask a neuropathologist to show you the "rod cells" (proliferated / wandering microglia). Patients seem to enjoy the early stages, with euphoria and mania; dementia eventually develops.

      By contrast, nobody enjoys tabes dorsalis, destruction of the sensory nerves in the dorsal roots, with ataxia, loss of pain sensation and deep tendon reflexes, and the characteristic "lightning pains". Both axons and myelin are lost in the dorsal roots and posterior columns.

      Gummas are important mass lesions, quite common in the poor nations.

      Meningovascular syphilis produces headache and sometimes stroke.

    You'll diagnose neurosyphilis by finding FTA-ABS positive spinal fluid. Don't forget to check.

    * Neurosyphilis remains fairly common in the poor nations (J. Neurol. Neuros. Psych. 75: 1727, 2004).

{09027} tabes dorsalis, spinal cord, myelin stain

Tabes dorsalis
Wash U, St. Louis

      Everyone seems to know the Argyll-Robertson pupil, which accommodates but does not react (* "just like a commercial sex worker with syphilis!")

    Lyme disease can affect the brain much as does syphilis. More often, it produces a polyneuropathy, often involving the cranial nerves. Part of the story may be molecular mimicry -- flagellin from the bacterium induces antibodies that cross-react with axons (Infect. Immun. 65: 1722, 1997).

    Tuberculomas, with caseous debris in a granuloma, are still common mass lesions in the poor nations.

Lyme disease of the brain
Pittsburgh Pathology Cases


    Many viruses affect the brain, and "tropism" determines which neurons or which parts of the brain they affect. The selectivity remains mysterious.

    Acute viral brain infections are typically complications of systemic viral illnesses (i.e., "flu-like syndromes").

    "Latent viruses" lie dormant for years, while "slow viruses" (SSPE, PML) have a long latent period and produce a prolonged illness. Don't expect to always identify the virus from a case of fatal encephalitis, even with today's techniques.

    Arbovirus encephalitis may be due to the various "equine" (the reservoir is birds, not horses) or other encephalitis syndromes. Death or brain damage may occur, or the patient may recover completely. In the US, remember St. Louis encephalitis and West Nile; both are carried by mosquitoes, and the latter now kills at least 200 people yearly. Elsewhere in the world, Rift Valley and Japanese encephalitis are even more deadly. Review NEJM 351: 370, 2004. In fatal cases, there is widespread perivascular inflammation (usually lymphs; polys too in eastern equine encephalitis) and widespread necrosis of the brain. West Nile (USA 1999): Lancet 354: 1221, 1999, JAMA 283: 997, 2000, Science 287: 2129, 2000, Am. J. Clin. Path. 119: 749, 2003; JAMA 290: 511, 2003; West Nile is now leaving people paralyzed, as with old-style polio. Louping ill, a sheep encephalitis transmitted by ticks to humans: J. Inf. 23: 241, 1991.

    Encephalitis after childhood exanthems (i.e., measles, mumps, chicken pox) is probably due in most cases to autoimmunity. Mumps and Epstein-Barr virus occasionally really do affect the brain.

    Von Economo's encephalitis ("encephalitis lethargica", Awakenings) coincided with the vicious influenza epidemic of 1918. It struck hardest at the basal ganglia and midbrain, with headache and somnolence.

      There were about 5 encephalitis million deaths overall, and many more millions of patients developed serious brain damage. (The influenza epidemic itself killed 20-40 million people.)

      Some survivors developed post-encephalitic Parkinsonism, with neurofibrillary tangles in the dying cells of the substantia nigra. It was not uncommon for patients to become "living statues", fully aware but unable to move.

      Survivors who were able to move often exhibited hostility and aggression. Patients generally recognized these as unwanted and seemingly alien, and retained their intelligence and insight.

      The conventional wisdom that influenza was the direct cause is challenged by the failure to demonstrate influenza virus genes in any of the archived material (Virch. Arch. 442: 591, 2003). If the virus merely triggered autoimmunity, this isn't really surprising. An illness with similar histopathology (i.e., a lymphocytic-plasmacytic inflammation of the midbrain and basal ganglia; no neurofibrillary tangles though) seems to follow other infections on an autoimmune basis (Brain 127: 21, 2004).

    Herpes simplex I encephalitis is fairly common in children and young adults, and produces severe, fulminant, necrotizing encephalitis, mostly of the temporal lobes. Pathologists examine brain biopsies for the characteristic intranuclear herpes inclusions (check the oligodendroglia).

      This is the usual cause of encephalitis that leaves its victims unable to form new memories.

      The prognosis has improved since the introduction of anti-viral therapy.

{01335} herpes; look closely, the thing really is in the nucleus (the dark structure adjacent to the inclusion is the nucleolus)
{15473} herpes encephalitis, residual

Herpes encephalitis

WebPath Photo

    Herpes simplex II encephalitis is why we deliver babies of mothers with HSV II by C-section. Around 50% of babies delivered normally during the primary infection are affected, often producing severe brain damage.

    Simian B herpes virus myeloencephalitis is a dreaded, fulminant complication of a macaque monkey bite. Like rabies, it follows the nerves to the brain, and requires post-exposure prophylaxis.

      * The virus, properly "cercopithecine herpes virus 1", causes cold sores in macaques. It is an emerging infectious disease and a serious problem as close to home as Puerto Rico. See Emerg. Inf. Dis. 10: 494, 2004.

    Herpes zoster encephalitis is usually a problem in the immunosuppressed, especially AIDS patients.

    Poliomyelitis is usually a mild viral summer gastroenteritis that sometimes produces a viral meningitis and/or attacks the lower motor neurons. Immunization has made the disease much less common in the developed countries, and its occurrence in recent memory among anti-immunization cultists (four among the Amish MMWR 46: 1194, 1997; Netherlands "orthodox reformed churches" Lancet 344: 665, 1994 has 68 sick, two dead) or those who received weak vaccines (Lancet 335: 1192, 1990) proves it is still around. Christina's world

      There's still paralytic polio in the poor nations.

        There has been much talk about "global eradication of polio" since the late 1980's. In 1988 (during which 350,000 children worldwide were paralyzed from polio), the international community started dealing with polio systematically. By 1994, the Western Hemisphere was fully immunized and polio ceased to occur (a good thing that is 50 years overdue -- it happened mostly because of international philanthropy, not "good local government" in most of the nations). New cases come from the Old World kleptocracies (Br. Med. J. 313: 1412, 1996; how antibiotic injections, given in the poor nations for everything, turn non-paralytic polio into paralytic polio).

        Your writer predicts that polio cannot possibly be eradicated in the forseeable future. Most people who are sick with, and spreading, the polio virus do not appear especially sick. The virus is spread by water, and poor sanitation makes even one unfortunate person able to infect many, many others. Worldwide, TB, AIDS, and malaria are much greater health problems. And there are hundreds of stock specimens of the virus, and these are distributed in dozens of countries; surely some are in the hands of terrorists / rogue nations. For more, see Lancet 362: 909, 2003; Nat. Med. 9: 1225, 2003. Nigerian anti-Western politicians sponsor an anti-immunization disinformation campaign resulting in hundreds of sick children: NEJM 350: 645, 2004 (contains euphemisms).

      * Japanese Encephalitis Virus is evidently now the major cause of an acute polio-like paralytic illness in Vietnam: Lancet 351: 1094, 1998.

    Old Yeller Rabies (* "lyssa", "hydrophobia"; Lancet 363: 959, 2004) results when a rhabdovirus follows the nerves up to the brain (1 mm/day or so) after the bite of a rabid animal (in the U.S., most often a skunk or other wild carnivore; remember cows).

      Different animals harbor different strains. People with bat strains often do not remember a bite (Ann. Emerg. Med. 39: 528, 2002; the authors conclude that aerosol transmission is unlikely and that the bat bite went unnoticed).

    Rabies is among the most dreaded of diseases. It kills at least 40,000 people every year, and historically no one has survived. (In animals, the virus does not always produce disease.) Stay tuned for more on the artificial coma therapy. The distinctive "Negri bodies" are bullet-shaped intracytoplasmic inclusions in the neurons. The dramatic clinical syndrome includes headache, fever, irritability, paresthesias around the wound (helps make the diagnosis), excruciating spasms on movement or the thought of drinking ("hydrophobia"), and mania or stupor. Foaming at the mouth results from inabiity to swallow. Finally coma and death occur.

      * Rabies is most rampant in India, where ordinary decent people do not have guns to protect themselves from rabid dogs, and the government's priorities do not include effective animal control. There are 30,000 human rabies cases in India alone every year, and 500,000 people need to be immunized; the typical Indian must pay 144 day's wages to be immunized (JAMA 1996; J. Trav. Med. 5: 30, 1998).

      * By contrast, in 1994, the finding of one rabid kitten in a pet store (no clue how the kitten got infected) resulted in 665 people getting post-exposure prophylaxis, which was silly, painful, and expensive (Am. J. Pub. Health 86: 1149, 1996).

      Rabies transmission from an organ donor: Arch. Neuro. 62: 873, 2005; NEJM 352: 1103, 2005).

      * V-RG vaccine is a recombinant vaccinia virus bearing rabies antigens, which is distributed as food to wild animals. This is now widespread though low-profile, and it seems to work nicely (Vaccine 18: 3272, 2000).

      The first cure of human rabies: NEJM 352: 2508, 2005 (Wisconsin).

      * DNA-based immunization is cheap and seems to work (Nat. Med. 4: 949, 1998.)

{01337} Negri body

      The disease appears to remain latent within feral carnivores, and can be activated by stress (Nature 359: 277, 1992).

    Cytomegalovirus encephalitis ("ventriculoencephalitis") causes necrosis and (typically) dystrophic calcification of the brain in fetuses. The periventricular region is selectively affected. Radiologic correlation Radiology 230: 529, 2004. The pathology in acquired CMV encephalitis (as in AIDS) is similar (Neurology 55: 1910, 2000).

    AIDS encephalopathy affects the majority of HIV-positive victims during the course of their illness. Patients may have acute viral meningitis shortly after meeting the virus, a peripheral neuropathy, a "vacuolar myelopathy" (very common; look at the dorsal columns), and subacute encephalitis. In the latter, groups of macrophages, lymphocytes, and multinucleated giant cells cluster in the white matter, with loss of surrounding myelin.

      The majority of AIDS patients become demented, at least to some degree. We do not really know the morphologic correlate.

      Young children with HIV are prone to calcification of the vessels and white matter deep in the brain. Nobody knows why.

{37378} HIV giant-cell encephalitis

    HTLV-I encephalomyelopathy (tropical spastic paresis) is well-known, especially in the Caribbean and Brazil (Neurology 48: 13, 1997). This is now pretty well established as an example of molecular mimicry (Nat. Med. 8: 509, 2002). The disease resembles multiple sclerosis but the immunology is different.

SLOW VIRUS INFECTIONS: Long incubation period (years), long relentless disease (months or years)

    Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis ("SSPE") is a disease of older children caused by measles virus (acting as a slow virus; victims had previous had measles). Despite "pan-", the white matter is most severely affected. Oligodendroglia, and to a lesser extent neurons, are destroyed, and measles (one of many cases of "Cowdry A") inclusions are seen in the nuclei of sick cells. Dementia and motor problems occur, with death following over a few years.

      You'll make the diagnosis in life by the clinical picture and by finding very high titers of anti-measles antibody in the spinal fluid.

      People who have received the live vaccine and do not remember clinical measles have occasionally come down with SSPE, but the rate is less than 1/10 of that for the natural infection (about 1 in 100,000). Most likely they had measles before, or in spite of, the immunization (Epid. Inf. 131: 887, 2003).

    Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis

    Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy ("PML") is an opportunistic infection (AIDS, cancer) by JC papovavirus (less often, SV-40). It affects oligodendroglia, blocking production of myelin basic protein and causing apoptosis (Arch. Neuro. 59: 1930, 2002), and produces soft, gray patches, especially around the gray-white junction. Affected oligodendroglia nuclei contain distinctive inclusions made of virus crystals, while nearby astrocytes acquire bizarre, very large nuclei ("Alzheimer's type I glia", also seen sometimes in SSPE).

{31956} progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy; Alzheimer I bizarre large glial nucleus
{31957} progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy; this shows the inclusion bodies better
{01744} PML inclusions, schematic diagram

Great scans and photos
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Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy
Pittsburgh Illustrated Case

    Somebody might still try to tell you that the spongiform encephalopathies are "slow virus infections". Given present knowledge, this is simply ignorant.

SPONGIFORM ENCEPHALOPATHIES ("unconventional agent encephalopathies"; a better name today would be "prion dementias"; some people call these "transmissible amyloidosis")

Pittsburgh Pathology Cases

Spongiform encephalopathy
WebPath Case of the Week

Prion disease

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Prion disease

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Prion disease

WebPath Photo

Prion disease

WebPath Photo

Prion disease
Lots of amyloid ("kuru plaques")
WebPath Photo

    These infectious disorders are caused by agents that, to scientists before the 1990's, seemed to break the rules of basic biology. It has been clear for two decades that they lack nucleic acid (Nature 349: 569, 1991). They are designated prions. Best current review of the pathology: Am. J. Path. 146: 785, 1995.

      The most efficient means of transmission is direct inoculation of infectious nervous system material. Unfortunately, it takes autoclaving, hypochlorite or phenol to render the material non-infectious.

      By definition, prions are protein-containing infectious particles that keep their infectivity after being subjected to procedures that specifically destroy nucleic acids.

    By the late 1990's, the mystery was solved. All known prions are altered conformational states of "prion protein" (PrP; PRNP; * PrP 27-30; Science 233: 364, 1986), a normal membrane glycoprotein coded in the mammalian genome (* human chromosome 20), and well-conserved over evolution, has its gene transcribed (but does not accumulate) in health (Neurology 40: 518, 1990), and is not homologous to other known proteins. No other components have been identified to date. The altered PrP catalyzes the transformation of normal PrP molecules into more prions.

      The infectious particles are designated PrPSc (for scrapie) and PrPC (for Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease). The exact sequences change when the infections are passed from one species to another, confirming that the new particles are coded by the host genome.

      PrPSc transforms PrP to PrPSc by altering its physical conformation (Nature 349: 569, 1991; how Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 90: 10962, 1993).

    A variety of human and animal syndromes are all really varitions on the same theme.

      Scrapie causes sheep to scrape themselves against fence posts, then become demented and die. (* Don't confuse scrapie with visna, which is caused by a retrovirus. * Early diagnosis from tonsils: Nature 381: 563, 1996)

      Transmissible mink encephalopathy was apparently transmitted to minks by feeding them dead sheep that had scrapie.

      Bovine spongiform encephalopathy ("mad cow disease") was transmitted to British cattle by feeding them meal that included sheep that had died of scrapie. Thanks to a altered method of preparing the feed, prions were no longer inactivated. That there was an epidemic was obvious by 1990 (Nature 343: 193 & 196, 1990; Nature 344: 297, 1990; molecular biology J. Inf. Dis. 167: 602, 1993)

        About 170,000 cattle died of the disease. The British had also been using very, very poor slaughterhouse practices, with brain mixing with the meat. The "mad cow" flap resurfaced in 1996, with the claim (Lancet April 6, 1996, most of the issue) that a new strain of Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease, with early onset, more psychiatric changes, less myoclonus, and lots of amyloid, had perhaps resulted from the abundance of prions in beef.

        * I thought at first of the obvious explanation (i.e., younger age of onset, with the rest of the body healthier and family that cares more, allows longer survival and more time for amyloid to accumulate.)

        I changed my mind in November, when Nature (383: 685, 1996) demonstrated that these patients, as well as the cows, had a prion with some different physico-chemical properties, i.e., a differently-twisted prion that autocatalyzes normal PrP true-to-form. I'm now satisfied (barring new information) that a few Brits have gotten CJD from the cattle, though we don't know how. The beef strain is now called "nvCJD", or Will-Ironside Syndrome (Lancet 352: 252, 1998).

        One of the most interesting things about vCJD is the fact that a mutation (methionine at codon 129) in the PNRP gene is required for susceptability (Lancet 364: 527, 2004).

        First apparent transmission of vCJD by blood transfusion: Br. Med. J. 328: 118, 2004.

        * That Americans that eat Rocky Mountain deer and elk are catching their fairly common prion disease is possible but unlikely: Arch. Neuro. 58: 1673, 2001.

      Kuru affected cannibals in New Guinea, and victims appeared to be those persons who rubbed raw brains of previous victims over their own bodies. Motor problems and dementia led to death within months to years. It is Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, transmitted in an exotic ethnic group. You will enjoy reading Am. J. Med. 26: 442, 1959 and Science 197: 943, 1977.

      Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJ disease or JC disease; the former is preferred now because this Creutzfeldt described it first and the disease has nothing to do with JC virus) is a relatively uncommon (incidence 1/million in most societies), dementing disorder that usually strikes between ages 40 and 60, no sex predominance. Motor symptoms (pyramidal, extrapyramidal, myoclonic, and/or cerebellar) and behavioral aberrations may be noted. The EEG is distinctive and establishes the diagnosis. The disease is relentless and untreatable, and death results within a year or so.

        Usually sporadic, the disease has also followed exposure to corneal transplants, surgical instruments (Lancet 1: 478, 1977), pituitary extract (NEJM 313: 731 & 734, 1985; Lancet 337: 1441, 1991; of the many who were exposed, those getting sick had a mutant PrP), and formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded brain (NEJM 318: 853 & 854, 1988, well, maybe). Pathologists treat this agent with great respect. * Formic acid disinfection: Neurology 40: 887, 1990.

        A portion of the prion protein is now known to be a neurotoxin (Nature 362: 543, 1993).

        Clinical reviews: Br. Med. J. 300: 817, 1990; South. Med. J. 83: 141, 1990 (physician's duty; the disease doesn't seem to be catching from patients); Brain 113: 121, 1990 (electron micrographs). Genes for PrP seem to correlate with susceptibility: Nature 352: 340, 1991; as do other genes modifying the course of the infection (Nat. Genet. 18: 118, 1998).

        * Congo red was tried as a treatment for prion disease; it failed miserably. Perhaps acridine, phenothiazine, and so forth will work (Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 98: 9836, 2001).

        Pittsburgh Illustrated Case

Knowledge makes you vain, education makes you humble.

              -- Hans G. Creutzfeldt (worth repeating)

      Hereditary Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease (gCJD) features any of three mutations in PrP (*nbsp;E200K, D178N, or V210I). These are transmitted as dominant genes and produce proteins that have a much greater

      Gerstmann-Sträussler syndrome is another hereditary prion disease. These patients have a different mutation in PrP (* P102L or A117V). Transgenic mice with Gerstmann-Sträussler: Science 250: 1587, 1990; the disease has been transmitted from these mice, strongly confirming what we were learning about CJ disease in general: Science 251: 1023, 1991.

      * CJ disease in Libyan Jews (NEJM 324: 1091, 1991) turned out to be gCJD (E200K; Medicine 76: 227, 1997). This exonerated the ethnic custom of eating raw sheep brains and eyeballs.

      Transgenic mice with no PrP seem to be okay mice (Nature 356: 577, 1992, except that they get the staggers late in life: Nature 380: 528, 1996) and they are immune to prion disease (Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 90: 10608, 1993). As far as I'm concerned, this settled the nature of prion disease.

      Yet another CJ mutation in PrP, which gives a variant of the familiar CJ syndrome (Neurology 42: 422, 1992). And another prion disease (Brain 115: 675, 1992). And how the various molecular defects affect PrP distribution at autopsy: Am. J. Path. 141: 271, 1992.

      * A different prion-related disease, fatal familial insomnia, as bad as it sounds, involves rapid destruction of the thalamic AV and MD nuclei without spongiform change. The disease is autosomal dominant and involves a different substituted PrP allele (178 aspartate-->asparagine) plus methionine at 192. Read all about it: NEJM 326: 444, 1992, Neurology 42: 669 & 1859, 1992, further complexities Science 258: 806, 1992; review Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 91: 2839, 1994; Neurology 49: 552, 1997; produces standard-brand prion disease when transmitted to mice Nautre 377: 65, 1995.

    Microscopically, the neuropil appears vacuolated ("spongiform changes"); the vacuoles are in the cell processes and perikaryons. At autopsy of victims of the spongiform encephalopathies, the neurons are mostly gone, but there is a corresponding tremendous astrocytosis, so brains may not appear atrophic. Pathology: Neurology 39: 1337, 1989.

      "Kuru plaques", made of beta-pleated ("amyloid") PrP, affect most patients with Kuru and * GS disease and around 10% of patients with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Kuru plaque formers have leucine at codon 102 of PrP.

      * The differences in clinical pictures from patient to patient correlates with which thalamic cells are most severely damaged: Brain 125: 2558, 2002).

    * Prions probably have nothing to do with diseases except for the spongiform encephalopathies (Lancet 341: 127, 1993). Progressive subcortical gliosis involves accumulation of PrP, but not as prions, and as a result of some other mutated gene.

    * The diagnosis requires correlation of clinical, imaging, and biopsy/autopsy findings. Suggested lab tests on CSF have proved unreliable at best (Arch. Neuro 60: 813, 2003). Everybody would like a way to establish the diagnosis without having to resortto brain biopsy. Prions are likely to be present in other tissues (NEJM 349: 1812, 2003) including peripheral nerves (Arch. Neuro. 61: 747, 2004), but so far nothing is reliable.

    * An antibody that clears prions, in culture and perhaps in vivo: Nature 412: 739, 2001.

    * Dr. Creutzfeldt was imprisoned by the Nazis for granting asylum to "people who violated the hereditary laws".



WebPath Photo

    You are already acquainted with aspergillus and mucormycosis, which invade blood vessels and can infarct the brain. "Candida" (the most common fungal brain pathogen) and "Cryptococcus" can produce brain infections by spreading from fungal meningitis; Candida is likely to present microabscesses.

    Rocky mountain spotted fever and typhus affect primarily the endothelial cells; they may produce characteristic glial nodules ("typhus nodules") in the brain. Patients are likely to have severe headache.

    Acanthamoeba is an opportunist that produces a granulomatous response. Naegleria, acquired by healthy people who swim in stagnant ponds, enters the CSF via the nose, and causes necrosis of the olfactory bulbs and nearby frontal and temporal lobes.

{08419} acanthamoeba, trust me
{08278} naegleria, trust me

Acanthamoeba of the brain
Great photos
Pittsburgh Pathology Cases

    Toxoplasmosis causes brain damage similar to that seen with CMV in the fetus (including calcifications), or a necrotizing meningoencephalitis or discrete mass in AIDS patients.

CMV of the nervous system
Pittsburgh Pathology Cases

{15472} toxoplasmosis of the brain in AIDS
{53733} brain damage from toxoplasmosis before birth
{32317} cat, trust me

    Cysticercosis is the larval stage of the pig tapeworm (Taenia solium) in the brain. Single worms can serve as foci for seizures, a few can obstruct the flow of CSF, or masses of larvae can fill the ventricles ("racemose form").

Pittsburgh Pathology Cases

Spectacular x-ray
Brazilian Medical Students

    Cerebral malaria, once attributed to immune complex deposition in blood vessels, is now clearly caused by plugging of the vessels by infected red cells (Nat. Med. 10: 143, 2004).

    Chagas disease features trypanosomes in the bloodstream, leishmanial forms in the brain. Look for lymphocytes and plasma cells inside macrophages.


    If it's not the person's usual headache, it is meningitis until proved otherwise.

    Anything that puts a stretch on the scalp or the dura will make the head hurt. But pain can also be generated within the brain itself.

    The most common cause of headache in the U.S. is probably caffeine withdrawal (i.e., less coffee today than yesterday).

      * This fact explains:

      • why savvy surgeons tell patients to drink no coffee during the week before surgery, so that on the morning of surgery (or after surgery), the patient had no headache;
      • why "Anacin", an aspirin preparation containing a bit of caffeine, and the old irrational combination of aspirin, phenacetin, and caffeine "worked so well for headache / all forms of pain";
      • why "headaches result from stress" (i.e., times when people drink more coffee to push themselves) "and muscle spasm" (i.e., reflex spasm of the occipital muscles to centrally-generated pain.)

      The scientific community is finally getting wise to the caffeine withdrawal syndrome (headache, tiredness, irritability, dysphoria, sometimes upset stomach), which is common and, fortunately, mild. See Br. Med. J. 300: 1558, 1990; Am. J. Psych. 149: 33, 1992; NEJM 327: 1109, 1992; Mayo Clin. Proc. 68: 842, 1993. I hope this does not surprise you.

    Migraine is a centrally-generated pain syndrome, and the old story about "vasoconstriction followed by reactive vasodilatation" was silly (Neurology 42(3S2): 6, 1992), as any thinking person who's had a throbbing headache realizes.

      The process is a vicious cycle between the spinal nucleus of V and the cerebral vessels, with sensory afferent stimulation (especially sudden changes in the internal or external environment) making the cycle worse (migraine patients seek out a dark silent room; the migraine story Neurology 43(6S3): S11, 1993).

      Different people have different migraine thresholds (Arch. Neur. 49: 914, 1992). In exceptional cases, the vessels can, indeed, spazz shut and produce a stroke. Ordinarily, the pain and nausea are disabling, but the attacks end almost as abruptly as they began.

      The disturbance in chemistry and physiology is systemic (Neurology 43(6S3): S16 & S43, 1993) and mysterious; the new crop of drugs react with the serotonin receptors (aborter drugs like sumatriptan activate 5HT1 receptors on vessels, preventive medicines activate 5HT2 receptors in the brain substance itself; these also seem to be good for "muscle spasm tension headaches"). All about treating migraine: Am. Fam. Phys. 49: 33, 1994. A new remedy is lignocaine onto the sphenopalatine ganglion.

    Cluster headaches (* Horton's headache) are usually unilateral and feature tearing of the eye and dropping from the nostril on the same side. Review Lancet 366: 843, 2005.

      Folks with cluster have a trademark abnormality on high-resolution scans of the hypothalamus: Nat. Med. 5: 836, 1999.

    Uncorrected refractive error is another important cause of headache. Humanitarians: Note that these "trivial" conditions can ruin the quality of a person's life, though they are not part of the classic content of pathology.

    Hangover requires no description here. Ask a pharmacologist about withdrawal, fusil oils, etc., etc.

    We'll leave you to finish the list of causes of headache. They include all of the processes on this handout that involve deformation of the cranial contents. The worst headache is supposed to be ruptured berry aneurysm. In the emergency room, a headache is meningitis or berry until proven otherwise, i.e., get out your spinal needle. Despite what was recently dogma, your lecturer does not believe that "depression" is an adequate explanation for headache. Try getting "headache" patients off daily analgesics and coffee (South. Med. J. 86: 1202, 1993).


Pathology of CNS Degenerative Disease
WebPath Tutorial

Neurodegenerative Diseases
Great pictures in a clickable handout


    The "degenerative diseases of the CNS" are a family of disorders, most involving accumulations of aktered forms of our own proteins, in which neurons at certain locations are selectively lost and symptoms eventually result.

      The simplest "animal model" for these diseases is a dominant gene for late-onset degeneration of a few neurons in the roundworm; the effects of this gene are modified by a host of other genes (Nature 345: 410, 1990).

      Watch for these to be renamed "the proteinopathies" soon.

    Alzheimer's is an extremely common disease with an extraordinary social impact, and other less-common diseases are equally devastating for patients, as well as families.

    Rules: (1) Unless a specific pattern of inheritance is noted (Huntington's, Friedreich's, Werdnig-Hoffman's), around 5% of cases of each of the major degenerative diseases are familial; (2) There are many variants of each of these diseases.

    Dementia: Sustained permanent decrease in several dimensions of intellectual function, so as to interfere in normal social or economic activity

    Amentia: Mental retardation (misnomer)

    Obtunded: Less responsive than normal, especially to pain

    Delirium: Reversible impairment of mental functioning, typically with some degree of disorientation, usually without permanent abnormalities, usually with some agitation.

    Abiotrophy: Neurons "just decide to die". "The essential lesion in the degenerative diseases of the nervous system"; i.e., a confession of utter ignorance by pathologists and clinicians ("jargon is not insight", etc.).

    The differential diagnosis of dementia in the older patient is a long one. Think of:

      Cortical degenerations

        Pick's & family
        Schizophrenia (the pathology is not that of any classic neurodegenerative disease: Am. J. Psych. 160: 867, 2003)
        * Mild fragile X
        Some others

      Subcortical degenerations

        Huntington's chorea
        "Normal pressure hydrocephalus" (still poorly understood)
        * Bilateral symmetrical degeneration of thalamus (zebra)

      Other CNS infections / inflammations

        Lyme disease (don't miss this one)
        Neurosyphilis (still with us)
        CNS sarcoid
        Paraneoplastic encephalopathies (don't miss this one)

      Nutritional disease

        Subacute combined degeneration (i.e., vitamin B12 deficiency)
        Folic acid deficiency (maybe)
        Magnesium deficiency (don't miss this one; no one really knows the best way to check for it, either)

      Vascular CNS disease (very common: NEJM 328: 153, 1993)

        Atherosclerotic arterial stenosis
        Binswanger's hypertensive damage
        Multi-infarct dementia

        * Sneddon's syndrome (livido reticularis followed by small strokes, often with anticardiolipin / antiphospholipid antibodies: Mayo Clin. Proc. 74: 57, 1999; Neurology 60: 1181, 2003)

      Endocrine disease


      Neoplastic disease

        Metastatic disease
        Remote effects of cancer


        Chronic subdural hematoma
        Diffuse axonal injury

      Psychiatric/functional disease

        No glasses / needs cataract surgery
        No hearing aid / needs earwax removed

      Overlooked medical disease

        Bad kidneys
        Bad liver
        Blue bloater
        Sleep apnea (Geriatrics 45(6): 16, 1990)
        Parathyroid adenoma


        Other industrial poisons

        Pfiesteria piscicida, the dinoflagellate from Chesapeake Bay, and the coasts of Virginia and North Carolina, due to contamination by pig runoff, is another neurotoxin to watch. J. Tox. Env. Health 46: 501, 1997. Alarming. It's now called "estuary syndrome". Also Lancet 352 532, 1998. However, to date the toxic molecule has not been characterized or even identified (Microbes 4: 751, 2002; South. Med. J. 95: 720, 2002; Science 303: 25, 2004; Science 303: 46, 2004), raising the possibility that something else is going on.

        Certain cancer chemotherapeutic protocols produce serious brain damage (for only one example, which suggests how badly this problem has been overlooked, see Neurology 59: 48, 2002; more Neurology 62: 548, 2004).

      Iatrogenic disease

        Anti-hypertensive medications
        Anti-convulsant medications
        Too much digitalis
        Polypharmacy in general

    * Here's the NIH Consensus Conference's list of tests for the demented (Med. Clin. N.A. 77: 215, 1993):

      History and physical exam
      Medication history
      Neuro and psych exam
      CBC, 'lytes, chem profile, UA, syphilis serology
      CXR, EKG
      Serum B12 and folate
      CT of the head
      Thyroid panel

      I would have added an anti-nuclear antibody, an anti-Ro, a serum magnesium (!), and a Lyme serology, plus lead and mercury screens for those that might have been exposed. Anti-microsomal antibody for anybody with a goiter (Hashimoto's encephalopathy does not always feature hypothyroidism.)

    Brain biopsy for dementia: One center's experience (Arch. Neurol. 49: 28, 1992). Not a routine procedure!

    * UCLA autopsy series for causes of dementia: Arch. Path. Lab. Med. 128: 32, 2004. Alzheimer's is most common, with vascular dementias second, and Lewy body dementia (6%), normal-pressure hydrocephalus, PSP, and Pick's (and variants; 4%) all common as well.

ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE ("pre-senile dementia", "senile dementia", "old timer's disease", "brain failure", etc.; "a primer for practicing pathologists": Arch. Path. Lab. Med. 117: 132, 1993)

    This very common dementing disease affects at least one million Americans. It becomes more common with advancing age, and will be an even more serious a problem as the numbers of elderly increase.

      If you control for how old people are, Alzheimer's is about equally common everywhere in the world.

      The disease seldom begins under age 50, except in Down's syndrome survivors, who all get it in their thirties or thereabouts (N.Y. State Med. J. 90: 64, 1990). Estimates of its frequency vary widely, but around 5% of people over 65 are affected, and 20% of people over 80 are affected. There is no sex predominance.

      The familial forms of Alzheimer's, which accounts for around 5-20% of cases, are mostly autosomal dominant. There are now several different loci known. See below.

      We no longer distinguish between "pre-senile dementia" (Alzheimer's before age 65) and "senile dementia" (Alzheimer's after 65; formerly only "pre-senile dementia" was dignified with the Alzheimer's label, though the pathology and symptomatology are identical.)

    You will learn plenty about Alzheimer's disease during your medical education. Here, we'll focus on the pathology.

      The gross pathology is that of diffuse cortical atrophy, with widening of the sulci, narrowing of the gyri, and hydrocephalus ex vacuo.

        Once Alzheimer's disease declares itself, the worst-affected areas of cortex can shrink by around 15% per year (!! Lancet 343: 829, 1994).

{34478} brain atrophy

Brain atrophy

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Alzheimer's disease
Great pictures
Rockford Case of the Month

Brain atrophy.
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Alzheimer's disease
Silver stain
KU Collection

Brain atrophy

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Brain atrophy
Hydrocephalus ex vacuo
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      The microscopic pathology shows several distinctive features:

        Neurofibrillary tangles are amyloid, beta-pleated from phosphorylated tau protein, in the form of twisted paired helices ("curly fibers"), within neurons. They stain best with silver (*Bielschowsky).

{26762} neurofibrillary tangles

Neurofibrillary tangle

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Neurofibrillary tangles
Silver stain
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Alzheimer's cases

          A major component of these tangles tau protein, a microtubule element (Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 88: 8910, 1991; Am. J. Path. 140: 277, 1992). * Ubiquitin is added as they grow; you may also find some Aβ (see below).

          Neurofibrillary tangles are not pathognomonic of Alzheimer's, as they occur in post-encephalitic parkinsonism, ALS-dementia complex of Guam, and dementia pugilistica (i.e., the mental and brain changes in boxers; histopathology: see J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psych. 53: 373, 1990).

        Senile plaques ("neuritic plaques") are focal abnormalities in the cortex (check the hippocampus), 20-150 across, consisting of abnormal, tau-protein laden nerve processes, microglial cells, and turned-on astrocytes, usually surrounding an amyloid core Aβ and apo-E core (future pathologists read Am. J. Path. 137: 1383, 1990). The neuritic processes contain neurofibrillary tangles (i.e., tau isoforms), new axons sprout in this region and make inappropriate connections (nice study: Am. J. Path. 142: 871, 1993), and the amyloid core may contain some aluminum silicate (well supposedly).

          As easy as it would be to think that the physical disruption by the plaques is central to the brain failure, the real lesion is probably still molecular. In some of the mouse models, plaques are few but dementia is severe. We will not know whether the amyloid accumulation is the true cause of the dementia until the amyloid-removing therapies start working (J. Clin. Inv. 115: 1121, 2005).

          * I suspect the aluminum silicate is often there as a result of binding during the tissue processing. Aluminum caused neurotoxicity in "dialysis dementia" decades ago, but the neuropathology is completely different, and heavily-aluminum-exposured, relatively young brains do not exhibit more Alzheimer changes (Acta Neuropath. 101: 211, 2001). Despite decades of trying, no "environmentalists" have been able to show an obvious risk from drinking water or dietary aluminum concentrations. Results of studies on aluminum concentration in drinking water and Alzheimer rates are mixed, and in any case drinking water contributes only a small amount of total aluminum in the diet (Brain Res. Bull. 55: 187, 2001). And having worked in an aluminum factory clearly does NOT put you at greater risk (Br. J. Psych. 168: 244, 1996).

{01339} senile plaques
{01341} senile plaques, silver stain
{01342} senile plaques, immunoperoxidase stain for amyloid

Senile plaques
Silver stain
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Senile plaques
Silver stain
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Alzheimer's disease
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Alzheimer's disease
Senile plaque -- silver stain
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        Lots of older people have a few plaques in the hippocampus, but in the absence of Alzheimer's disease, plaques in the neocortex should be very rare (Arch. Neuro. 50: 349, 1993).

        Of course, dendrites and their complex patterns are also greatly diminished in Alzheimer's: Am. J. Path. 163: 1615, 2003.

        Amyloid angiopathy ("congophilic angiopathy") is usually present in the gray matter arteries by the time the patient is symptomatic. The fragile, amyloid-laden vessels seldom hemorrhage; the amyloid is made of Aβ (Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 90: 10836, 1993).

        Granulovacuolar degeneration (silver-positive granules surrounded by clear zones, within neurons; the granules were identified as tau by my old teacher, William Bondareff: Am. J. Path. 139: 641, 1991) and Hirano bodies are often seen and are of obscure significance.

        WARNING: Many (if not most) older patients have similar changes, though to a lesser degree, without being demented, i.e., senile plaques in the hippocampus probably explain a lot of the forgetfulness of some old people. Ask a neuropathologist about criteria for "Alzheimer's disease", "Alzheimer's senile change", etc.

      We do not really know how the morphology correlates with loss of function, though there must be a connection between loss of the hippocampus and loss of the ability to learn. Some neuropathology experts think most of the dementia is due to damage to the basal forebrain nuclei (notably the nucleus of Meynert), which is a major cholinergic center. (Alzheimer's patients have selective loss of acetylcholine synapses in the high brain centers.)

        * Before the classic lesions appear, normal tau greatly decreases and/or abnormal tau greatly increases in neurons (Am. J. Path. 140: 937, 1992). And the number of tangles in the neocortex seems to be the best correlate with dementia (Neurology 42: 631, 1992; Arch. Neuro. 50: 349, 1993). Neuritic clusters around tangles without Aβ: Am. J. Path. 140: 1167, 1992. Stay tuned.

    Alzheimer's disease presents a progressive, unremitting dementia. The first deficits are in mood, judgement, and recent memory. There may be motor problems. The end is always profound disability and death. Insight is lost very early; a patient who says, "I think I have Alzheimer's disease" is probably depressed instead.

      Diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer's: Kansas Medicine 91: 132, 1990 (tells you how to do the mini-mental status; <20 points is dementia).

        * A claim that these people's pupils are more sensitive to anticholinergic pupillary dilatation was the basis for a mid-1990's test-claim for the disease. It just wasn't true (Mayo Clin. Proc. 72: 495, 1997).

      UMKC's past chief of pathology, Dr. Parker, was "Mr. Alzheimer's disease" for the Kansas City area. We provided post-mortem neuropathology at no charge to families. A significant number of ante-mortem Alzheimer diagnoses are wrong: Am. J. Psych. 147: 168, 1990; our figures from outside TMC are even more discouraging.

    Most of the work in Alzheimer's is of course focused on the amyloid in the cores of senile plaques and the vessels ("amyloid beta" or "amyloid A4", or nowadays, "Aβ" or "AbetaP"), and the precursor protein of this amyloid.

      The Aβ amyloid is beta-pleated from a fragment of a much larger protein (APP, amyloid precursor protein), coded on chromosome 21 ("just like Down's syndrome"). We don't know what it's for, but it's an integral membrane protein of healthy brain; it binds to GTP-binders (Nature 362: 75, 1993), etc. Similar proteins occur all over the brain and the body (Nature 344: 497, 1990; Science 248: 1126, 1990, lots more).

      In the brain, the healthy way of processing these proteins involves breaking them down using a still-not-isolated protease called "alpha-secretase" or "the non-alzheimer's secretase", at positions 15-17, in the middle of the Aβ sequence, so none of the amyloidogenic peptide forms ("the good secretase pathway").

      If the precursor is broken down instead by a different enzyme, "beta-secretase" or "the Alzheimer's secretase" (now "BACE"), an amyloidogenic peptide is produced and, since the body does not metabolize amyloid well, begins to cause damage. Enzyme isolated and characterized Science 286: 735, 1999; J. Biol. Chem. 275: 21099, 2001; knockout mouse Nature Neuroscience 4: 231, 2001.

        A second protease, "gamma-secretase", is also required to produce the amyloidogenic peptide; so far it's uncharacterized, but seems to be a mix of presenilin 1 (see below) and another protein (* nicastrin, from a town in Italy with a lot of hereditary Alzheimer's): Nature 407: 34, 2000.

      Exactly how the amyloid causes problems is becoming clear.

        The Aβ protein is neurotoxic or enhances the neurotoxicity of something else, opening ion channels and causing cell machinery to become over-phosphorylated. The Aβ now seems, by itself, to form a new kind of calcium channel in the membrane of the brain cell, which would surely be unwholesome (Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 90: 10573, 1993).

        Further, the presence of the amyloid does seem to excite some inflammation, and this may wreck havoc in the brain. See below.

      Most recently, immunotherapy against the Aβ42 fragment of the peptide seems to protect and even clear plaques from the mouse model (Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 98: 8850 & 8931, 2001; Nature Medicine 7: 369, 2001; Nat. Med. 6: 916, 2000). This has received tremendous attention and is the basis of a push for the "Alzheimer vaccine".

        The first human trials of the "Alzheimer's vaccine", not surprisingly, caused death from massive macrophage encephalitis (6% of those given the vaccine): Science 302: 834, 2003; Nat. Med. 9: 448, 2003; Nat. Med. 10: 117, 2004; Brain Path. 14: 11, 2004. Was this unethical? The study was stopped -- should it have been? I say no. You may disagree. Another vaccine is on the way: J. Immuno. 174: 1580, 2005.

    The known Alzheimer's genes

    • Amyloid precursor protein (APP, dominant)

    • Presenilin 1 (PS1, dominant)

    • Presenilin 2 (PS2, dominant)

    • Apoprotein E (APOE; weak dominant, 2 doses worse)

    • alpha-2 macroglobulin (recessive)

    • * ubiquilin 1 (risk for late-onset; NEJM 352: 884, 2005)

    • * insulin-degrading enzyme (risk for late-onset; Neurology 63: 241, 2004)

    The presenilins (PS1, PS2) somehow modify the activities of one or more of the secretases, though the big picture is still far from clear (Nat. Med. 2: 864, 1996 was the key article); perhaps the mutant forms also fail to clear amyloidogenic Aβ: Nat. Med. 3: 67, 1997; Nat Med 5; 164, 1999. Mutant presenilin 1 is now considered the most common cause of familial early-onset Alzheimer's: Am. J. Path. 150: 429, 1997; Brain 120(3): 491, 1997, Nat. Med, 4: 452, 1998.) The syndrome begins in the mid-40's: JAMA 227: 793, 1997.

    The type 4 allele for apolipoprotein E is a risk factor for common, late-onset Alzheimer's, for heterozygotes and especially for homozygotes (NEJM 335: 1242, 1995; JAMA 273: 1274, 1995; more Nat. Genet. 19: 69, 1998). ApoE of any flavor accumulates in the senile plaques, congophilic vessels, and neurofibrillary tangles; it actually seems to do some of the phosphorylating and tangling (Science 261: 828 & 921, 1993; Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 90: 8098, 1993) and serves as a template for the beta-pleating (Am. J. Path. 147: 238, 1995), and gets beta-pleated itself (Lancet 345: 956, 1995).

    Elevated homocysteine levels as a risk factor for Alzheimer's: NEJM 346: 476, 2002. Stay tuned.

    * Alpha-2 macroglobulin (the pentamer that cleaves Aβ) if partially deleted strongly predicts you WILL get Alzheimer's thought not when. It's a whether. Lancet 352: 293, 1998; less certain Neurology 55: 678, 2000

    * Everybody wishes we had more for treating Alzheimer's. Tancrene: Lancet 337: 989, 1991 and donepezil enhance cholinergic activity. Obviouly this can't replace neurons once they're gone. Since microglia seem to be important components of senile plaques (Acta Neuropath. 77: 569, 1989, i.e., they are inflamed, perhaps because Aβ activates C1q J. Imm. 152: 5050, 1994 and microglia too of course Nature 374: 647, 1995), there is presently some empirical interest in anti-inflammatory drugs to prevent Alzheimer's, and this is supported by its low incidence in rheumatoid arthritis (aspirin) and lepers (dapsone). This could be important: Science 260: 1719, 1993; Am. J. Psych. 151: 1105, 1994; Neurology 44: 227, 1994.

    * Nobody knows why Alzheimer's patients tend to become acutely delirious as the sun sets ("sundowners"): Neurology 42: 83, 1992.

    * In 1995, I predicted the 1997 media flap about smoking preventing Alzheimer's. It doesn't.

    * A proposal for early diagnosis of Alzheimer's based in finding tau in the easily-biopsied olfactory epithelium flopped: Nature 369: 365, 1994. We may eventually diagnose Alzheimer's by finding diminished beta-amyloid 1-42 and increased tau in the spinal fluids (JAMA 289: 2094, 2003).

    * Some "totally gone" Alzheimer's patients seem to enjoy headphones playing the music that was popular when they were teens.

FRONTOTEMPORAL ("lobar atrophy", formerly all lumped as "Pick's disease") is a pattern of cortical dementia, less common than Alzheimer's. Update of the frontotemporal lobe dementias for clinicians: Med. Clin. N.A. 86: 501, 2002.

    The gross pathology is distinctive, with selective, extreme ("walnut", "knife blade") atrophy of the prefrontal cortex and anterior 2/3 of the superior temporal gyrus.

    Microscopically, we look for balloon-swollen "Pick cells", and silver-positive intra-neuronal "Pick bodies" (probably a variant on the neurofibrillary tangles of Alzheimer's disease). There is widespread neuronal loss, with virtually none remaining in "walnut" areas.

    The molecular biology is just starting to become clear. Not surprisingly, the problem is with the processing of tau microtubules, and defects are various (Ann. Neuro. 51: 730, 2002).

    Patients have a course similar to Alzheimer's disease.

    True Pick's disease is now restricted to cases with the classic Pick bodies. (I can't recommend doing a biopsy to distinguish similar, untreatable diseases.)

    Primary progressive aphasia is a Pick variant (Neurology 44: 2065, 1994) sometimes with more atrophy on the left. Speech goes long before anything else. There are balloon cells, but no Pick bodies.

    * Other variants have no balloon cells and sometimes no Pick bodies. Sorting these out is in progress: Brain 126: 827, 2003; best to diagnose "frontotemporal lobe dementia" from the scan until autopsy or genetic studies are in.

Pick's disease

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Pick's disease

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Woody GuthrieHUNTINGTON'S DISEASE ("Woody Guthrie's disease")

    This is an autosomal dominant disease (* chromosome 4, gene cloned Cell 72: 971, 1993, Nature 362: 408, 1993) with complete penetrance. Between age 20 and age 50, mental function diminishes (* "subcortical dementia"), behavior, insight, and mood change for the worse, and a movement disorder (chorea and athetosis, resembling a jerky dance) develops. Profound disability and death occur after 10-20 years.

    The gene (for "huntingtin") is interesting. It is another "Sherman's paradox" gene, confirming the clinicians' impression that Huntington's gets worse from generation to generation. The mutation involves expansion of CAG sequences. The proteins that are produced have poly-glutamine sequences, which un-solubilize the protein, causing it to accumulate and gum up the nucleus (Cell 90: 537, 1997; Nat. Genet. 18: 150, 1998). All about Huntington's genes around the world: NEJM 330: 1401, 1994.

    At autopsy, there is moderate atrophy of the whole brain, and striking atrophy of the head of the caudate nucleus (* to a lesser extent, the putamen and globus pallidus; there is generally considerable atrophy of the frontal cortex and locus ceruleus as well.

    Of course, it's possible to predict who will get the disease. This is sensitive ethically and emotionally, and seems to be getting intelligent handling (for example, Br. Med. J. 304: 1593, 1992).

      * For an account of a town in Latin America with a tremendously high incidence of Huntington's, see Lancet 364: 569, 2004. All victims are descended from a single man. If someone has a parent with the disease, he/she tries to have as many children as possible in order for there to be a caregiver if he/she becomes disabled. Since genetic testing and prenatal screening are not options for this community because of the politics, the situation can only get worse.

      * Some countries (and not just the Third Reich) have tried to control Huntington's by government policies. Review of this: Am. J. Hum. Genet. 50: 460, 1992. A discussion (JAMA 290: 1219, 2003) of the "ethical dilemmas" posed by Huntington's testing ("No! No! Don't tell my children they and the children they're going to have may be at risk too!") showcases (at least for me) the decline of common sense and common decency. ("No, you can't do that, it would be paternalism and that's evil.") You may disagree, but like it or not, "paternalism" is basic to public health.

      * Striatal embryonic allografts now underway in humans for Huntington's Nat. Med. 4: 727, 1998. An inhibitor of the transglutiminase that cross-links huntingtin is the first medication to slow down Huntington's disease, at least in mice (Nat. Med. 8: 143, 2002). Trehalose and/or Congo red (!): Nat. Med. 10: 123, 2004.

{32870} Huntington's brain, gross; not much caudate

Huntington's disease

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Huntington's disease

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Pittsburgh Pathology Cases

PARKINSONISM ("paralysis agitans") and its relatives: Parkinsonism review: NEJM 339: 1130, 1998; Lancet 363: 1783, 2004.


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Parkinson's disease
Lewy bodies
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    This is a family of disorders involving destruction of the dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra (i.e., the fibers that talk to the striatum) and locus ceruleus (* and the dorsal motor nucleus of X: Neurology 42: 2106, 1992).

    Grossly, you'll see "depigmentation of the substantia nigra", no matter what the cause.

{17754} Parkinson's vs. normal (midbrain sections)

      The crew at K.U. writes about the long latent period of common parkinsonism: Neurology 42(4S4): 27, 1992.

    The result of the neuronal loss is a movement disorder, with "pill-rolling" resting tremor, festinating gait, bradykinesia, cogwheel rigidity, and mask-like face. Many patients become demented (if the nucleus of Maynert is also full of Lewy bodies: Neurology 43: 986, 1993; co-existing Alzheimer changes are even more common and the relationship to Parkinsonism is unknown), though you may have trouble separating this from depression.

    Known causes include Von Economo's encephalitis ("post-encephalitic parkinsonism", with neurofibrillary tangles in the substantia nigra neurons instead of Lewy bodies), boxing (South. Med. J. 82: 543, 1989), and the "designer drug" (MPTP, "Ecstasy") fiasco of a few years ago. Dopaminergic neurons are the only ones that take the drug up, and it produces mitochondrial damage and a permanent Parkinson-like sydnrome ("The case of the frozen addicts!")

      * Vascular disease causing Parkinsonism is rare but occurs: K.U. case Neurology 40: 1218, 1990.

    Most cases do not seem to be familial, but some are (Arch. Neuro. 49: 1205, 1992; Neurology 41(5S): 82, 1991.) The known Parkinsonism genes:

    • alpha-synuclein, a presynaptic protein involved in synaptic plasticity; in the disease, it twists and accumulates (autosomal dominant PARK1=SNCA; Neurology 43: 69, 1993; Geriatrics 46(S1): 52, 1991; Neurology 45: 502, 1995; Science 256: 2045, 1997 Nat. Genet. 18: 168, 1998; Nat. Med. 8: 564 & 600, 2002); one extra copy gives parkinsonism without dementia, while two extra copies give parkinsonism plus Lewy body dementia: Lancet 364: 1167, 2004.
    • tyrosine hydroxylase (autosomal recesssive; Neurology 41: 719, 1991).

    • Parkin, autosomal recessive (PARK2) early-onset Parkinsonism: NEJM 342: 1560, 2000; it's the protein that ubiquinates synphilin-1 which in turn interacts with synuclein (Nat. Med. 7: 1108, 2001; update Science 304: 1328, 2004).
    • tau (a variant, Picks-plus-Parkinsonism: Neurology 54: 1787, 2000; Am. J. Path. 153: 1359, 1999)

    The epidemiologic link between insecticide and/or herbicide exposure and Parkinsonism continues to be discussed, especially since MPTP produces permanent Parkinsonism and works like many insecticides on the mitochondrial complex 1 system. Nobody's been looking hard at the epidemiology in recent years; living your life in farmland seems to be a risk, and there was a study where Dieldrin was found in 6 of 20 Parkinson's brains, and none of 14 controls (Ann. Neuro. 36: 100, 1994), and two pretty-good-looking epidemiologic studies (Neurology 43: 1150, 1993; Neurology 42: 1328, 1992). Rotenone, which like other insecticides resembles MPTP chemically and pharmacologically, produces Lewy body parkinsonism in mice (Science 290: 1068, 2000). So far there's no model of the chronic disease using herbicides, though some of these produce acute effects on the dopaminergic system as do many other substances (Science 290: 1068, 2000).

    The claim that cigaret smoking is protective against Parkinsonism is by now clearly true (Neurology 45: 1041, 1995; Epidemiology 10: 327, 1999). So is caffeine (Drugs & Aging 18: 797, 2001). Nobody knows why; animal research is in its early stages.

    Most cases are "idiopathic", and begin in later middle age. Look for the distinctive (but not pathognomonic) "Lewy bodies", round pink masses of neurofilament material, in dopaminergic (and other) neurons. Big autopsy series: Arch. Neuro. 50: 140, 1993.

    * Acupuncture and every other "complementary / alternative remedy" studied for Parkinsonism have been flops (Neurology 57: 790, 2001).

    The adrenal medulla autotransplantation experiment resulted in non-viable grafts. An animal model of Parkinson's responds dramatically to embryonic stem cell therapy: Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 99: 2344, 2002. The proposal to try stem cells in people has turned into a symbolic political battle which I think most people who have devoted their lives to the battle against disease find disheartening. We await more publications, but it's a hopeful area (Nat. Med. 7: 381, 2001).

    Remember the parkinsonism mimics, which include manganse toxicity, Lyme disease (Arch. Path. Lab. Med. 127: 1204, 2003), and now West Nile.

    Corticobasal degeneration ("Pick's Type B") is a dementing disease with ballooning neurons, inclusions resembling Pick bodies, and motor problems (notably alien limb, "My hand escaped and is doing its own thing.")

      Astrocytic plaques are the histological hallmark of corticobasal degeneration.

      * These people may have neurofibrillary tangles, with straight rather than twisted filaments, as in progressive supranuclear palsy.

      The disease is notoriously unresponsive to therapy. Reviews: J. Neuro. Neurosurg. Psych. 68: 304, 2000; Arch. Neuro. 55: 957, 1998, pathology J. Neuro. 246 S-2: II 6-15, 1999.

    Multiple systems atrophy is now considered a single disease, because of its distinctive inclusions in the oligodendroglia.

      Striatonigral degeneration (* multiple system atrophy C) is a degenerative disease in which the caudate and putamen atrophy along with the substantia nigra. Patients have a similar clinical syndrome to Parkinson's, but do not respond to L-Dopa therapy and do not have Lewy bodies.

      Shy-Drager (see Ann. Int. Med. 125: 194, 1996) is striatonigral degeneration with the loss, in addition, of the intermediolateral neurons of the spinal cord and resulting autonomic disturbances. I've never seen a case, though it's in the differential diagnosis of every patient with orthostatic hypotension, and is perennially discussed.

    Progressive supranuclear palsy ("PSP", Steele-Richardson) is an underdiagnosed, fairly-common (Neurology 44: 1015, 1994; Med. Clin. NA 83: 369, 1999) dementing disorder of older adults with eye movement disorders (initially, they just can't look upwards), other movement disorders, and often dementia. Neuronal loss is most prominent in the deeper brain structures, and the key to diagnosis is neurofibrillary tangles found mostly in the basal ganglia and brainstem. Abnormal fiber tufts as the distinctive histologic sign: Acta. Neuropath. 96: 401, 1998. NIH workshop, with criteria for diagnosis: Neurology 44: 2015, 1993 (* they want us to call it Steele-Richardson-Olszewski syndrome, nobody's going to...), also Brain 118(3): 759, 1995.

      * A claim that the sufficient cause was the A0 allele of the tau protein gene (neurofibrillary tangles), with tandem repeats, did not hold up; however homozygotes seem more severely affected (J. Neurol. 247: 206, 2000) and the allele does seem to put one at risk for several other neurodegenerative diseases: Neurology 53: 1219, 1999.

      * Neurofibrillary tangles in PSP have straight, rather than twisted, filaments. PSP as a taupathy; Lancet 356: 170, 2000.

    Lewy body dementia features neurons packed with Lewy bodies throughout much of the brain. These patients have a rapid Alzheimer-like illness with some extrapyramidal symptoms (stiff and slow but usually no tremor), visual hallucinations, and (often) exquisite sensitivity to neuroleptic drugs (chlorpromazine, etc.) It's not rare, but almost never diagnosed in life. See Br. Med. J. 305: 673, 1992; Neurology 42: 2131, 1992; clinico-pathologic correlation including tips on how to tell this from Alzheimer's in life Arch. Neuro. 59: 43, 2002.

      * Most of these patients also have tangles; the more tanlges, the harder it is to tell it from Alzheimer's clinically (Neurology 60: 1586, 2003).

    Dystonia musculorum deformans is a disease of children in which the muscle tone increases around the body, twisting it into curious positions. The one known gene is Torsin A (TOR1a / DYT1) which does not always express completely (Neurology 59: 445, 2002; Arch. Neuro. 57: 333, 2000.) Neurosurgical procedures on the deep brain structures has resulted in spectacular recoveries (review Ped. Neuro. 14: 145, 1996).

    Hereditary spastic paraplegia is a family of thankfully-rare progressive genetic disorders (dominant and recessive) of varying expressivity; at least eight loci are already known (J. Neuro. Neurosurg. Psych. 72: 43, 2002).

    WORTH MENTIONING HERE: Essential tremor ("benign familial tremor") is a very common (1-2% of humankind), banal intention tremor. It is inherited as an autosomal dominant, first manifests around age 20, and typically vanishes as soon as the "patient" drinks one beer (i.e., here's the three questions you need to ask to pretty-much clinch the diagnosis). If the patient really wants to be treated, try low-dose propranolol or gabapentin (Arch. Neuro. 56: 807, 1999). More important, explain the nature of the process, and that it is not Parkinsonism or mental illness. (* These people do seem to be at maybe double the risk for Parkinsonism later in life, but stay tuned. Neurology 45: 645, 1995.)

THE SPINOCEREBELLAR ATAXIAS (update Mayo Clin. Proc. 75: 475, 2000)

    This array of autosomal degenerative diseases has recently been sorted out thanks to the Human Genome Project. Except Friedreich's and ataxia with vitamin E deficiency, all are autosomal dominant. The pathologist sees only neuronal loss and maybe gliosis.

    Type I spinocerebellar atrophy feature damage to the gene for "ataxin 1", and this also exhibits long tandem repeats and Sherman's paradox (see below; Nat. Neurosci. 3: 157, 2000). So do Type II (ataxin 2; Eur. J. Hum. Genet. 7: 841, 1999) and Type III (Joseph's, a Portuguese ethnic disease and probably the commonest in this group, ataxin 3). All these do their harm by producing a product whose long repeats gum up the nucleus.

    Olivopontocerebellar degeneration (* multiple system atrophy P) is the old name for SCAI and SCAII; in 1990 in these notes, I predicted it would prove to be a Sherman's paradox disease and this has come true (J. Neuropath. 57: 531, 1998).

    Friedreich's ataxia is an autosomal recessive disease with somewhat variable expressivity. Onset is in late childhood, when pes cavus (high-arched feet), clumsiness and speech problems develop. Patients become wheelchair-bound after a few years, and may have a cardiomyopathy. There is gliosis of the posterior columns, dorsal corticospinal tract, and spinocerebellar tracts; the cerebellar cortex and other motor areas may also be involved. The cause is trinucleotide repeats in frataxin, a gene responsible for keeping iron from accumulating in mitochondria; Gene and review: Science 271: 1423, 1996.

      Unlike other long-repeat diseases, this is a loss-of-function gene, hence the recessive inheritance. Because of Sherman's paradox, Friedreich's used to be considered "often dominant". Any idea how this could have been?

    Ataxia with vitamin E deficiency mimics Friedreich's, but is caused by lack of vitamin-E transfer protein. Of course this is also autosomal recessive. Giving the vitamin in big doses is effective treatment. See NEJM 333: 1313, 1995. Though very rare, it's the only really treatable entity in this group, so be sure to think of it!

    * Smith's dentatorubral atrophy is yet another Sherman's-paradox disease ("atrophin"; J. Biol. Chem. 274: 8730, 1999).

    * The episodic ataxia family includes a mutation in the voltage-gated potassium channel gene; ataxic / dysarthric episodes especially follow a startle.

    We've already mentioned ataxia-telangiectasia (gene ATM).

      * I have never seen or read about the "amphicytes" mentioned in "Big Robbins".

      * Men carrying mild alleles of fragile X (i.e., not enough tandem repeats yet) are prone to develop cerebellar ataxias and dementia (Brain 125: 1760, 2002.)

Lou Gehrig AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ("Lou Gehrig's disease"; "creeping paralysis"; motor neuron disease complex; Am. Fam. Phys. 59: 1489, 1999; NEJM 344: 1688, 2001)

    This is actually four diseases, featuring loss of the motor neurons

        1. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (loss of upper and lower motor neurons); this is the common one

        2. Progressive bulbar palsy (cranial nerves are most severely affected)

        3. Progressive muscular atrophy (lower motor neurons only)

        4. Primary lateral sclerosis (upper motor neurons only)

    ALS is a disease of older middle age, progressing to profound disability (usually without mental impairment) in a few years. Most ALS cases are sporadic (but see below). There is a slight male predominance

      Current thinking has involved destruction of motor neurons by excitotoxicity (Mayo Clin. Proc. 66: 54, 1991; J. Neurol. 247-S1: I-7, 2000). This is supported by the finding that the anti-glutamate agent riluzole causes a modest slowing of the progression of ALS (NEJM 330: 585, 1994).

      * The sick neurons contain ubiquitin-positive inclusions of various sorts, thought to be altered or abnormal proteins that resist degradation (Brain 114: 775, 1991). Most distinctive is the Bunina body, a Lewy-like body composed of cystatin.

      One ALS-like motor neuron disease (* "konzo") results from poor people eating semi-poisonous cassava root during food shortages (Lancet 339: 208, 1992; chilling reading).

        * Medical history and "natural healing" buffs: This is the same plant that the right-wing Laetrile proponents of the 1970's fraudulently claimed would prevent and cure cancer.

      The link between cycad (false sago palm) flour and ALS-dementia-parkinsonism complex of the indiginous people of Guam remains speculative. There is now an animal model using the toxin cycasin (Exp. Neurol. 155: 11, 1999). Thankfully the disease is becoming less common, but has not vanished.

      * The most recent work has failed to support the old claim of a relationship with old polio (Acta Neuropath. 97: 317, 1999).

      Hereditary ALS (about 10% of cases are hereditary) is often caused by a defective superoxide dismutase gene: Science 261: 986 & 1087, 1993; Nature 362: 59, 1993; transgenic mice with the mutant form get sick too Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 93: 3155, 1996. The mechanism remains totally obscure; in one model, the protein is misfolded: Brain 127: 73, 2004. Therapy with creatine: Nat. Med. 5: 347, 1999.

        * Motor neuron disease from mutant dynactin: Nat. Genet. 33: 455, 2003.

      * Another locus (alsin, ALS2): Nat. Genet. 298: 160, 2001; Arch. Neuro. 60: 1768, 2003.

      * Inhibiting production of interleukin 1-beta also seems to slow the loss of cells in the ALS knockout mouse: Nature 388: 31, 1997

    ALS complex is very common in Japan, where it causes perhaps 1 death in a few hundred; there is a terrible stigma attached, and Japanese deny and conceal it.

    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is the classic disease cited in considerations of physician-assisted suicide. (Why?) About one Dutch patient in five now chooses this route (NEJM 346: 1638, 2002). And a majority will consider assisted suicide, but most will choose hospice instead (NEJM 339: 967, 1998).

    Kennedy's disease is a bulbospinal atrophy and lack of masculinization of male patients, caused by lack of an androgen receptor. This is yet another trinucleotide repeat disease.

    The other illness to rule out in apparent ALS is "multifocal motor neuropathy", caused by autoantibodoes against GM1 ganglioside. This responds to treatment as other autoantibody diseases (cyclophosphamide, gamma globulin).

Amyotrphic lateral sclerosis

WebPath Photo

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

WebPath Photo

Amyotrphic lateral sclerosis

WebPath Photo

Muscle in ALS
Wash. U., St. Louis
Illustrated notes

    Werdnig-Hoffman disease (spinal muscular atrophy type I) is an autosomal recessive disease causing loss, in the few months before and after birth, of most of the lower motor neurons. It is the most severe of the spinal muscular atrophies, caused by various mutations at the SMN locus (Nat. Genet. 16: 265, 1997).


    Schizophrenia (Lancet 353: 1425, 1999; Mayo Clin. Proc. 77: 1068, 2002) is the most important of the "functional psychoses", supposedly affecting about 1% of humankind in every culture, every bit as devastating as Alzheimer's disease, but under-investigated (i.e., patients don't lobby, there's an awful stigma, and the rich are seldom affected). Schizophrenics consume 2.5% of health care expenditures, constitute 10% of the totally and permanently disabled, and represent around 14% of the homeless (Psych. Clin. N.A. 16: 413, 1993). Schizophrenia reviews: Lancet 346: 477, 1995; NEJM 330: 681, 1994.

      * There are rumors that schizophrenia is becoming less common among young people in the U.S. Perhaps this is because of 'flu shots, and/or perhaps this is due to fetal monitoring and more frequent cesarean sections (and perhaps this will prove to be the great benefit of fetal monitoring; stay tuned here.)

    Even in the DSM-IV era, I find Bleuler's "Four A's" helpful: Autism (apparent absorption in self and fantasy), Ambivalence (maintaining contradictory attitudes in logic-tight compartments, with striking lack of insight), loose Associations, and flat Affect. In schizophrenia, these are much more striking even than in us "normal folk".

      Don't confuse schizophrenia ("fragmentation of the mind") with "multiple personality", a dissociative state that rarely occurs spontaneously but that is easy to produce iatrogenically using hypnosis. (The fad is over -- induce multiple personalities today, or even talk to one, and you'll end up in court.)

    Sensitive physicians know that the negativism, coldness, and lack of motivation of the schizophrenic can be as upsetting to family members as the delusions and hallucinations. Tell them it's nobody's fault and that it isn't that they are not loved.

    One Flew Over the Cuckoo's NestReasonably good models for schizophrenia (i.e., both being very crazy and being oriented in the three spheres) include acute intermittent porphyria, lupus, chronic mercury poisoning, ergotism, pellagra, neurosyphilis, frontal lobe meningioma, and some of the psychedelic experiences.

    Until recently, all public discussion of schizophrenia was dominated by ideology. In the 1960's ("B.F. Skinner says, 'Give me a child until it is seven and I'll make it into anything'"; "All people are born equal and if you aren't getting what you want, it is society's fault"; etc.), behaviorists wrote dogmatically about "the schizophrenogenic mother" ("She said to the child, 'I love you', but her body language said otherwise, and this prevented the child from distinguishing fantasy from reality"; "the double bind", etc., etc.) In the early 1970's, it was all the fault of "the schizophrenogenic father" instead; as with the "S-mother", evidence was "anecdotal" (i.e., the biological parents of crazy people act screwy themselves; stress sometimes precipitates symptoms) and "based on sound theory" (i.e., "all people are born the same", the left-wing/Skinnerian ideology of the day). Some 'sixties revolutionaries discussed schizophrenia as "a disease caused, more than any other, by our reactionary society", or denied its existence altogether (a Dr. Thomas Szasz, author of The Myth of Mental Illness, described witch-hunts and incarcerating people just for being different). 'Sixties rhetoric emphasizing that traditional society was unreasonable and thus the people in the mental hospitals must be the sane ones. "The King of Hearts" put this on the silver screen. Ken Kesey (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest) and Dr. R.D. Laing (The Politics of Experience) wrote their best-sellers. (Dr. Laing's own life-story was not nice.) The ACLU defended the rights of crazy people to refuse treatment (one 1970's study showed 99% were totally grateful after being brought back to earth). And some psychologists inveighed against the use of the obviously-effective phenothiazine drugs, which began cutting through hallucinations and delusions as soon as they were introduced in the 1950's. Confusing fantasy with reality always causes problems, and the beautiful 'sixties rhetoric resulted in disaster for the mentally-ill and their families. Today, only a few psychoanalysts still talk about curing schizophrenia through psychotherapy, and the rest of the world (even the other psychiatrists) just laughs at them (Nature 354: 693, 1991). There are still occasional complaints from non-phsyicians about psychiatry being wicked because it is "authoritarian", or obsolete because it is "culture-bound" or "institutionalized" or "modernist rather than postmodernist" (Br. Med. J. 322: 724, 2001). These people ignore the fact that for the past fifty years, free-world psychiatrists have only used coercion when a person cannot take care of himself/herself or a danger to others, and an examination of any psychiatry textbook will show that the discipline is characterized by a variety of perspectives and ways of understanding a particular person's problems.

    The end result of all this of course, was de-institutionalization ("out of the back wards, into the back alleys"). This pleased the Left ("We're for every individual's freedom to be different"; "Even though the inmates got free food, clothing, shelter, medical care, and protection, and were otherwise unemployable, it violated their civil rights to have them work in the laundry and not get minimum wage and benefits"), the Right ("We're against able-bodied people living at public expense"), optimistic physicians ("The grateful patients will come regularly to their community mental health centers to get their medicines refilled"), and real humanitarians (there were, after all, serious abuses in the old "asylum" system). Well, everybody was pleased at first.... Today, the non-compliant mentally-ill whose families can no longer stand them are homeless, and this gets described as a "human rights problem" by the same people who got the asylums closed in the 1970's. Do you think Dr. Szasz ("Mental illness is a myth") has ever talked to his local "bag person"? By the way, schizophrenics are more likely to commit crimes, including violent crimes, including murder (Psych. Clin. N.A. 15: 575, 1994; a schizophrenic is 8 times as likely to commit murder as a non-psychotic counterpart: Arch. Gen. Psych. 53: 497, 1996), and only a fool believes that psychiatry can protect the public in today's political-economic "mental-health" environment. The truth is that schizophrenics are more likely than non-schizophrenics to commit all categories of crime except sex crimes (Lancet 355: 614, 2000). In fact, people who stalk strangers (rather than previous sex partners) are usually psychotic (Lancet 355: 199, 2000). Even writers who seem to be advocates for "community mental health" and who emphasize that a majority of stranger-murders result from fights in bars or among druggies cannot hide the reality of senseless violence from schizophrenics (especially against family members and friends: Br. Med. J. 328: 754, 2004). As part of the illness, many schizophrenics do not believe they are sick, and do not want to take their medicine. Thanks mostly to "laws that protect the rights of the specially-challenged", it remains extremely difficult to keep a schizophrenic confined even after multiple episodes of dangerous behavior. The shooting of two guards in the US capitol by a chronically belligerent, chronically threatening, non-compliant schizophrenic named Russell Eugene Weston who had just been given "Greyhound therapy" (a one-way bus ticket out of the state) by the Montana mental-health system should have had an impact, but it didn't. Michael B. Laudor, a schizophrenic who successsfully completed the curriculum at Yale Law School and who sold book and movie rights to his success story for $2 million, stopped taking his medicine and a few days later stabbed his pregnant girlfriend to death. In both of these high-profile cases, the families knew there was going to be trouble, but couldn't do anything. The much-hyped recent "study" (Arch. Gen. Psych. 55: 393, 1998) finding that mentally-ill people in the community were no more likely to be violent than their underclass neighbors suffered from serious flaws, including omitting anybody who had been in jail, and not counting threats of violence, swinging-and-missing, fire-setting, or trashing rooms as being violent. More recently, several studies have made it clear that schizophrenics are much more likely to commit violent crimes, especially violent sex crimes (Crim. Behav. Ment. Health 14: 108, 2004 -- note the conflict with some previous studies). A schizophrenic (compared with a non-schizophrenic) is over four times more likely to have been convicted of a crime (21.6% vs. 7.8%), and a violent crime (8.2% vs. 1.8%); the rate of substance abuse among schizophrenics is tremendously high but this doesn't explain all of this (Am. J. Psych. 161: 716, 2004). At present, there are around tens of thousands of chronically mentally ill Americans confined in jails for vagrancy. The truth is that this represents a conscious decision by society to turn care of these people over to law enforcement personnel (who are, for the most part, reality-oriented and respectful of the legitimate rights of all people) rather than non-physician (and non-scientifically-oriented) "mental health experts". But the damage has been done. One of the major moral failures in my life was not speaking up when a group of mental health professionals called a nun a "self-righteous bitch" for no other reason than saying that she preferred -- just for herself -- a celibate lifestyle devoted to caring for the sick and needy. (My course evaluation would probably have been affected adversely, but I'm still ashamed I said nothing. This happened in 1974 or 1975.) On my "psych" rotation, the physicians talked to me again and again about how frustrating it was to have to work with such screwy "fellow-professionals" who wielded so much power. Perhaps things have changed since the mid-1970's. Among my favorite articles from the 1990's was "The Government-Sponsored Revolving Door" in NEJM 333: 777 & 794, 1995. Schizophrenics on welfare learn to act crazy and get admitted while they're broke and waiting for their checks, and recover when the check arrives; and in the study sample, the typical welfare-schizophrenic's largest single expenditure was for cocaine.

    It is now perfctly clear that schizophrenia is a major organic nervous system disease. Before the disease fully manifests itself, brain cells die off and brain atrophy occurs (Am. J. Psych. 155: 1661, 1998); this is already well-underway during the first episode (Am. J. Psych. 157: 1829, 2000). Certain association areas in the cortex and thalamus are hit especially hard (Am. J. Psych. 159: 59, 2002); the more cortex lost, the worse the outcome (Am. J. Psych. 158: 1140, 2001). For a review of various studies at the light microscopic level, see Brain 122(4): 593, 1999; findings differ in different studies but generally agree that there is neuronal loss and cellular disarray in the cortex, without gliosis. The loss is selective, with the dorolateral prefrontal cortex severely involved and nearby Broca's area completely spared (Arch. Gen. Psych. 60: 69, 2003; Am. J. Psych. 159: 1983, 2002); the more that's gone, the worse the outcome (Am. J. Psych. 158: 1140, 2001). Counting dendrite intersections: Am. J. Psych. 161: 742, 2004. In some families, it has been reported to be monogenetic (Nature 336: 164, 1988, locus on chromosome 5; but this has not been reproducible; molecular genetics Br. Med. J. 305: 664, 1992; Scottish kindred has chromosome defect at 11q21: Am. J. Hum. Genet. 52: 551, 1993); familial schizophrenia locus Science 288: 678, 2000. Neuregulin 1: Am. J. Hum. Genet. 71: 877, 2002; Am. J. Hum. Genet. 72: 83, 2003. More on the genetics: Lancet 361: 417, 2003. Even in cases without simple inheritance, the genes obviously dominate family environment (old work on schizophrenia genetics: Lancet 1: 79, 1989; Nature 339: 305, 1989; Nature 340: 391, 1989; non-schizophrenic relatives tend to be a little-bit screwy and fill DSM criteria for schizophrenia-like illnesses Arch. Gen. Psych. 50: 527, 1993, J. Nerv. Ment. Dis. 182: 443, 1994; the adoption studies from Scandinavia, where they keep good records: Arch. Gen. Psych. 51: 442, 1994). The best known locus (and it clearly is real) that confers susceptibility to schizophrenia is dysbindin, on the glutamine neurons (J. Clin. Invest. 113: 1353, 2004.) In twins discordant for the disease, magnetic imaging detects distinctive differences in the brains of the schizophrenic twin (NEJM 322: 789 & 842, 1990) which have been confirmed by neuropathologists (Schiz. Res. 3: 295, 1990; Br. Med. J. 305: 327, 1992; South. Med. J. 85: 907, 1992; more on twins J. Nerv. Ment. Dis. 181: 290, 1993). In monozygotic twins who are clearly discordant for schizophrenia, being the crazy twin correlates very strongly with obstetrical complications and/or problems during pregnancy or shortly after birth (Am. J. Psych. 151: 1194, 1994; there was no relation to trauma or to substance abuse; also Am. J. Psych. 157: 196, 2000; pre-eclampsia as a major risk Arch. Gen. Psych. 56: 234, 1999). In the poor nations, where obstetrical catastrophes and infantile brain trauma are more common, the rate of schizophrenia is supposedly no higher, but there's a strong link to these insults (Am. J. Psych. 151: 368, 1994). And prenatal exposure to famine and malnutrition is a strong risk factor: Am. J. Psych. 157: 1170, 2000. Nowadays, there are a host of anatomic studies, all pointing to abnormal anatomy in schizophrenia (MRI: Psych. Clin. N.A. 16: 281, 1993; Am. J. Psych. 151: 752, 1944; Am. J. Psych. 151: 343, 1994; the latter links symptom types and abnormal anatomy; autopsy J. Neur. Neuros. Psych. 57: 474, 1994; circuits on imaging Nature 378: 120, 1995). Currently, there's a lot of interest in obstetrical complications and/or a catastrophe during the second trimester of gestation as the added insult that makes the hereditary trait manifest itself: Br. Med. J. 305: 1256, 1992; Am. J. Psych. 149: 1355, 1992. And so forth. Schizophrenia's gotta be "multifactorial", with etiologies differing from patient to patient, and the psychiatrists are now recognizing this (Psych. Clin. N.A. 16: 269, 1993; Schiz. Bull. 19: 355, 1993).

    A Beautiful Mind Today's neuroleptic-antipsychotic drugs are potent dopamine antagonists, and dopamine-like drugs (notably amphetamine) can make a person act crazy and paranoid (but without the distinctive thought disorder of the schizophrenic). However, the old story about "high dopamine causes schizophrenia, low dopamine causes Parkinsonism, they are two ends of a continuum" just doesn't hold up to today's neuroscience; there are places in the schizophrenic's brain where dopamine is high, and other places where it is low (Am. J. Psych. 148: 1301 & 1474, 1991; striking decrease in D1 receptors in the prefrontal working-memory-processors that in turn correlates with the negative symptoms: Nature 385: 634, 1997). And the newer anti-schizophrenic drugs (clozapine, etc.) are "atypical neuroleptics" that selectively block the subset of dopamine receptors (D4) not involved in the extrapyramidal side effects of the more familiar anti-schizophrenic drugs, as well as 5HT2a receptors. Watch for more about D4 protein, which varies from person to person, and the origins of psychiatric illness: Nature 358: 109 & 149, 1992. D4 allele correlates with novelty-seeking / thrill-seeking (Nat. Genet. 12: 78, 1996). D2 claims flop: Science 264: 1696, 1994. No one has been able to link schizophrenia to any dopamine receptor gene yet: Am. J. Hum. Genet. 52: 327, 1993; Arch. Gen. Psych. 51: 288, 1994.

    The Caveman's ValentineMore plausible is the phencyclidine model for schizophrenia (ever see someone go crazy on "angel dust?"), and there's some new evidence that the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (blocked by phencyclidine and ketamine) is defective in schizophrenia (Am. J. Psych. 148: 1474, 1991; the ketamine model Arch. Gen. Psych. 51: 199, 1994). Another exciting focus is on under-expression of glutamate receptors, especially in the middle of the temporal lobe (Lancet 337: 450, 1991). Yet another is the finding of a striking increase in sporadic (not familial) schizophrenia following influenza A infection in the fifth month of pregnancy (Lancet 337: 1248, 1991; Arch. Gen. Psych. 47: 869, 1990; Am. J. Med. Genet. 48: 40, 1993). There is a huge excess of schizophrenics born in February and March, and in the city rather than in the country (NEJM 340: 603, 1999). An arcane statistical study of mental and behavioral illnesses that affect primarily the poor (Science 255: 946, 1992) concludes that (in contrast to depression, criminality, and illegal drug abuse), the tendency to schizophrenia causes downward social mobility, and is not the result of bad living conditions.

    De-stigmatize and de-mystify this dread illness -- and explain the hallucinations not as "evidence of being crazy", but as exaggerations of perceptual errors that happen to anyone under stress (J. Nerv. Ment. Dis. 179: 207, 1991). The more the family misunderstands (and therefore criticizes) the patient, the worse the prognosis (Lancet 340: 1007, 1992); your role as educator is extremely important here. Tip: To control "the voices", try one ear plug, or a Walkman, or singing softly to oneself (Br. Med. J. 302: 327, 1991). There was a flap in the early 1990's about neuroleptic treatment causing earlier onset of Alzheimer's in schizophrenics. It's evidently not so (Am. J. Psych. 154: 861, 1997 autopsy studies.)

    Childhood autism (formerly "childhood schizophrenia", semi-glamorized in the film "Rain Man"; reviews Ped. Clin. N.A. 40: 567, 1993; NEJM 347: 302, 2002)

      This is an inborn (usually), organic, sometimes-familial, usually sporadic disease of the brain that impacts dramatically on children's ability to imagine, socialize and communicate. The kids show intensive interest in one or two subjects, exhibit a narrow and repetitive lifestyle, lack intonation and body language, and show poor muscular coordination. You'll learn about the way these children think and behave on "Pediatrics".

      There's a consensus now that the disease arises from neuronal problems that begin before birth. By now, the morphometric differences between autistic and non-autistic populations are robust and consistent from nation to nation (Brain 128: 268, 2005; Arch. Gen. Psych. 61: 291, 2004; Brain 124: 1317, 2001). There is less gray matter in the fronto-striatal and parietal areas, smaller hippocampus, and less white matter in the cerebellum and fornices. Autistic children's brains actually average larger than those of typically-developing children (Neurology 59: 184, 2002). The neuropathology findings are also being clarified (small cells in places in the limbic system, abnormal microcolumn architecture in the frontal cortex, others: Brain 127: 2572, 2004; Neurology 58: 428, 2002), but this will be much more difficult.

      Autism often seems to have an onset sometime during the first three years of life, and this may be fairly sudden. This makes sorting out "possible causes of autism" much more difficult, and makes evaluating anecdotal evidence all the more frustrating. What's more, occasionally there is a primary cause. Autism developing secondary to a brain tumor: Dev. Med. Child. Neuro. 34: 252, 1992.

        * One group looked at head circumferences before the onset of symtoms; they found they were unusually small at birth, and unusually large at one year (JAMA 290: 337, 2003). If this turns out to be correct, then autism is one more programmed disease of nervous tissue.

      Autism is a continuum, with the totally uncommunicative person at one end, and the odd, disliked, clumsy, loner kid who grows up to be a high-functioning, academically-inclined single adult after learning (by trial and error rather than instinct) how to relate to people (Lancet 350: 1761, 1997). In the next few years, watch for a fad for diagnosing nerds (young and old) as "suffering from Asperger's disease" and applying for disability privileges.

      * Pseudoscientists have been particularly cruel to those who care about autistic children. Bruno ("I'm on the child's side!") Bettelheim, of U. of Chicago, assumed a priori that autism was the result of abuse and neglect, scapegoated the parents, and treated these children in an intensive, lucrative "orthogenic" milieu therapy. Of course, he never published his statistics, and he's now remembered as a charlatan (Pr. Kind. Kind. 41: 316, 1992, abstract 93109943; Skep. Inq. 24(6):12, 2000). More recently, a technique called "facilitated communication" was developed, in which the operator uses the child's hand as the planchette of a Ouija board. Even if the child has never communicated or seemed to understand language, the hand will spell out elaborate stories. If the child is shown one picture and the (unknowing) operator is shown a different picture, and the child is then asked what the picture showed, the "child" will describe only what the operator saw (Ment. Retard. 31: 49, 1993 and many, many more). Gee whiz! The first commentators (1987, also J. Aut. & D.D. 21: 561, 1991) in the refereed literature knew that "facilitated communication" was bunk, but supported it because it would make the public believe that autistic kids, kids with cerebral palsy, and so forth were more like ordinary folks. In other words, politics and propaganda are more important than truth. As you might expect, the "children" often produced stories of elaborate secret sexual abuse, using the vocabulary of sleaze-pornography. Even after the above-referenced article was published, at least one parent in Kansas was sent to prison entirely on this evidence. The literature contains some accounts (notably by a group at SUNY) in which "the child's story was proven to be true" by the confession of the accused (no good physical evidence though); however, nowadays it is commonplace for a person accused of a sex crime, often on no real evidence, to be offered leniency in exchange for a confession ("admit you did it and accept counselling, or we'll send you to prison for life"). In 1994, "facilitated communication" (the subject of a media "miracles of healing" hype in the early 1990's) got massive negative TV coverage, which finished particular folly off. Freeing several dozen imprisoned people, all convicted of child molesting solely on this evidence, will take longer. I am not making this up. How this crock happened: Child Abuse & Neglect 22: 1027, 1998 ("Its proponents' resistance to allowing the technique's validation relying on the paradigm of normal science has resulted in its broad dissemination without support", i.e., all this talk about "Thomas Kuhn", "postmodernism", and so forth ruins the lives of innocent people).

      * The whole MMR-vaccine-and-autism scare resulted from a study in Lancet with obvious selection bias; the kids had been brought forward by parents who believed the MMR vaccine had caused their autism. Lancet 351:637, 1998 also includes some stuff on supposed intestinal pathology; the only "consistent" lesions are normal findings (the authors think that groups of eosinophils in the ileum are abnormal even though everybody's got them) and big lymph nodes with big germinal centers (incredibly, they made a deal out of tingible body macrophages here, everybody's got them too; no controls of course). Were they right to fast-report a possible health hazard? Wrong to rush to publication with no proper controls? Reasonable people will differ. In Feb. 2004, the Lancet apologized for publishing it and revealed that Dr. Wakefield, the principal author, was actually in the pay of a legal-aid service hoping to sue over immunizations. More about how this particular strangeness happened: West. J. Med. 174: 87, 2001. Dr. Wakefield, who still holds out that he was right, admits that he's most impressed with anecdotal evidence, and perhaps he's actually seeing an ultra-rare phenomenon hidden in statistics (I think he could be right): Br. Med. J. 324: 386, 2002. But the fact that he apparently withheld information about a major conflict of interest will probably ruin him as a scientist. One of my cyberbuddies, a Ph.D. bioscientist who had a child with autism, is confident of Wakefield's essential integrity, and it's clear that Wakefield shows none of the signs of charlatanism that you see in most other independent thinkers.

      Ileal Lymphoid Hyperplasia
      How the Wakefield
      MMR business got going

      Anyway, in children reported to have autism following MMR or other immunization, there's no dose-response relationship, and no relationship to whether a batch of vaccine actually contained thimerosal (ethylmercury, the supposed toxin): JAMA 290: 1763, 2003. A huge case-controlled in Britain shows no link: Lancet 364: 963, 2004.

      Claims that there is a GI lesion in autism (including a great deal from the "leaky gut" independent thinkers) collapsed in the early 2000's but remain popular: Am. J. Gastro. 98: 1777, 2003; BMJ 325: 419, 2002.

    Asperger's ("high functioning autism") is a new "disease", supposedly affecting boys, running in families. Asperger's boys tend to be of normal or high intelligence, strongly focused on single topics (for example, math, chess, computers, a musical instrument, train schedules, pathology, skydiving, flattop haircuts, etc., etc.), are physically clumsy, find other people bafflng, but don't commit crimes (well usually, the ones that do are refractory to treatment: Med. Sci. Law. 42: 237, 2002). They have to work hard to learn to read body language and to relate to others. I suspect Asperger's will turn out to be a fad diagnosis but that its study will show something about the wiring of personality. See N.Z. Med. J. 112: 60, 1999; J. Aut. Dev. Dis. 28: 457, 1998; Acta Psych. Scand. 97; 99, 1998; Br. J. Psych. 172: 200, 1998; Br. J. Hosp. Med. 55: 80, 1996.

Of all the patient-care specialties, I am most intrigued by psychiatry. Many other pathologists share my fascination with the life of the mind.

    Biological psychiatry is only now coming of age. Remember that different kinds of synapses may use the same neurotransmitter.

    Right now, the study of the very-common obsessive-compulsive disorders is a major topic in psychiatry; watch this elucidate different types of serotoninergic synapses (Mayo Clin. Proc. 67: 266, 1992; Postgrad. Med. 91: 171, 1992; Arch. Gen. Psych. 49: 21, 1992; subtle cues to basal ganglia dysfunction Brain 114: 2191 & 2203, 1991; Arch. Gen. Psych. 47: 27, 1990, notably such stuff as visuospatial coordination; this is no surprise because Sydenham chorea produces obsessions and compulsions: Am. J. Psych. 146: 246, 1989; caudate on PET scan display before and after therapy: Arch. Gen. Psych. 49: 681, 1992). For unwanted intrusive thoughts about a past or present problem, set the business down in a cohesive form on paper. Moderate catechol O-methyl transferase deficiency and obsessive-compulsive: Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 94: 4572, 1997. Not totally unrelated: Serum from Tourette's patients causes a similar illness in rats if and only if there are antinuclear or antineuronal antibodies (Am. J. Psych. 159: 657, 2002).

    behaviorBipolar disorder is obviously genetic with several distinct syndromes and likely loci (Am. J. Psych. 160: 999, 2003; Arch. Gen. Psych. 60: 497, 2003). The genes remain elusive; Sherman's paradox seems to operate Am. J. Hum. Genet. 53: 385, 1993; the "usual suspects" include tryptophan hydroxylase, and catechol o-methyltransferase (Am. J. Psych. 159: 23, 2002). Unipolar depression links nicely to the serotonin transport gene (Lancet 347: 731, 1996).

    Attention-deficit disorder, with difficulty focusing (even on play), is wired in the caudate and its connections to the frontal lobe (Am. J. Psych. 151: 1791, 1994; update from neuroimaging is impressive: Lancet 362: 1699, 2003). The mouse model is the knockout mouse lacking dopamine transporter: Science 283: 397, 1999.

    The big news in dyslexia in 1996 was the discovery that if you help these kids distinguish different phonemes early, they do much better (Br. Med. J. 313: 1096, 1996, Child. Dev. 65: 41, 1994). As I predicted in the 1980's, the US fad to forbid the teaching of phonics resulted in a lot more cases of dyslexia (Psych. Sci. 2(2S): 31, 2001, big review); sadly, it took neuroscientists rather than people possessed of simple common sense to end this fiasco. Some people are not verbal (speaking, reading) despite otherwise normal intellectual function; there's now a known gene that causes its recipients to be unable to use suffixes or complex grammar, and have a lot of trouble not only being understood, but moving their faces (Nat. Genet. 18: 168, 1998). As a college student in the late 1960's when B.F.Skinner was dogma ("Environment is everything"), I say I'm getting the last laugh.

    We await effective therapy for borderline personality ("I hate you, don't leave me!" and more), and I wonder whether it's hard-wired or simply a lack of living skills (which are hard to teach).

    You will hear plenty of glossalalia (i.e., people who believe they are speaking a language they themselves do not understand) among people who are clearly mentally ill, the majority being psychotic; review J. For. Sci. 47: 305, 2002. Whether it is ever really of supernatural/paranormal origin is something you'll need to decide for yourself.

    Interpersonal therapy, a common-sense "innovation", is the psychotherapy for the managed care era, where things have to be cheap and have to work. It's effective for depression (you'll probably also want to medicate): (1) deal with any grief and loss issues, emphasizing what's still intact; (2) solve interpersonal role disparities (i.e., conflicts over who is supposed to do what); (3) deal with role transitions (that was then, this is now); (4) teach them interpersonal skills and make them practice between sessions. They also (5) learn to watch for goofy "I can't because..." thinking that prevents them from doing the things they need or want to do, and having them report each week. It turns out that simply letting your patients learn and practice these skills from an internet site is more effective than talking to them in a nurturing and supportive way: Br. Med. J. 328: 265, 2004. The sites were Blue Pages and Mood Gym. Here is another site I've found helpful (follow the links).

    Somatization disorder ("somatoform disorder" JAMA 278: 673, 1997) is still considered "all in your mind" -- I believe this is wrong. The typical patient is a low-achieving young adult with anxiety, depression, and personality problems ("borderline", etc.) However, these folks also have lots of aches, pains, and symptoms that cause substantial disability. This is a patient type well-known across cultures (Am. J. Psych. 154: 989, 1997). I predict (2001) that it will be found to have a strong organic basis and eventually an effective organic therapy. (Uh, doc, you did rule out porphyria, right?)

    Also watch Kleine-Levin syndrome (spells of hypersomnia and polyphagia with bizarre behavior), or "sleep-related eating disorder". This in turn may or may not be related to compulsive nighttime icebox-raiding.

    Seasonal affective disorder: Arch. Gen. Psych. 41: 72, 1984 (said it all; wavelength Am. J. Psych. 148: 509, 1992; watch for melatonin to help these folks).

    Narcolepsy is real (Mayo Clin. Proc. 65: 991, 1990); patients must have HLA-DR2 / DQ1 (Lancet 341: 406, 1993) and drop over suddenly like a rag doll from time to time. The brain lacks the neurotransmitter hypocretin, though this is usually not the locus (Nat. Med. 6: 991, 2000; update and additional complexity Lancet 363: 1199, 2004).

    The transsexual brain: Ordinary men have huge, and ordinary women have tiny, central divisions of the bed nuclei of the stria terminalis in the hypothalamus (BSTc). Among several male transsexuals (gender-dysphorics, "I'm a woman trapped in a man's body!!"), gay or straight, every one had a tiny BSTc nucleus (Nature 378: 68, 1995). More recent work confirms this even more impressively: J. Clin. End. Metab. 85: 2034, 2000. Despite the politics, some patients find their being unhappy with their sex organs disappears on low doses of medication (Aus. NZ. J. Psych. 30: 422, 1996). Hypersexuality seems to be in the wiring (Can. J. Psych. 46: 26, 2001), so it's not surprising that the 1990's push to define "sexual addiction" as an entity was a total failure (Clin. Psych. Rev. 18: 367, 1998). By contrast, the common paraphilias seem to be acting-out, either a way of dealing with your hatreds or simply avoiding the problems of being "normal". Despite the greater tolerance of (and even promotion of) "minority sexual practices" among consenting adults, these people tend to have overall poor interpersonal skills. If they find real friendship in the "alternative" community, it seems to me it's a good thing, but not the best life could offer.

    Post-traumatic stress disorder is nothing new ("Skipper Ireson's Ride", shell-shocked WWI veterans), and is serious and real, but is now highly politicized. It is most severe in torture survivors, but any brush with death or bad mistreatment (rape, child abuse) can leave a person jumpy, sleeping poorly, and suffering from flashbacks. Two accounts from physicians appear in BMJ Dec. 2, 2000. One found a deeper appreciation for how delicate and uncertain life is, and spirituality became far more important in his life. The volume of the hippocampus is lower in PTSD patients whose trauma took place in adult life (J. Clin. Psych. 62(S-17): 47, 2001, others), but not when the abuse happened in childhood (Biol. Psych. 50:305, 2001). We don't know whether this identifies people more at risk for PTSD after trauma, or whether this is due to beatings sustained to the head, or whether it is an effect of torture. A prospective study that might have helped didn't get results (Am. J. Psych. 158: 1248, 2001). There are glucocorticoid receptors in the hippocampus, and in some models, glucocorticoid excess itself (Cushing's in humans, mice given high doses) causes atrophy of the hippocampus via glutamate excitotoxicity (Arch. Gen. Psych. 57: 925, 2000; Biol. Psych. 45: 797, 1999). People who have long-term severe depression also have marked atrophy of the hippocampus (Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 100: 1387, 2003); interestingly, the volume of the hippocampus is apparently normal at the beginning of these patients' illnesses; another report finds normal volumes but altered shape (Am. J. Psych. 160: 83, 2003). You'll have to decide for yourself about just how prevalent post-traumatic stress disorder is in people whose "stress" seems only part of normal life; lawyers are now alleging PTSD after fender-benders, hearing off-color jokes, etc. (Science 301: 465, 2003).

    Must reading (when you have time!): A chilling article entitled "Violence: The Neurological Contribution"; Arch. Neurol. 49: 595, 1992 (it is simplistic to ignore either neurology or sociology). Mice without nitric oxide synthetase are hypersexual and hyperaggressive (Nature 378: 336, 1995).

    One current big fad in psychiatry is "debriefing", i.e., they bring a psychiatrist to talk to you after any really bad experience, loads of "counsellors" after a natural or man-made disaster, in the belief that this expensive intervention prevents long term psychopathology; I can't see why it should, and now it's pretty clear that it doesn't work (Br. Med. J. 310: 1479, 1995). Curious exceptions, at least in Britain, home of the stiff-upper-lip: Br. J. Psych. 169: 405, 1996 notes the contrast between the way the system totally ignores kids who've seen their loved ones killed in car wrecks with the flood of "counsellors" who descended on Dunblane in 1996.

* NOT TESTABLE, BUT WORTH YOUR ATTENTION: The current health-and-disease crazes are within the proper scope of any introductory study of pathology. Thankfully, the "repressed memories" business is now history.

Probably the worst feature of this fiasco was that it tended to discredit stories of child abuse that are really true, and to transform concern over child abuse into a preoccupation of the right-wing and left-wing lunatic fringes. As usual, the real losers are the children. (For a more sympathetic account of "enhanced memories", by a close friend of a leading advocate, see U.S. News Nov. 29, 1993; nothing in this or any other article makes me think the "memories" are true.) Now ("Ramona vs. Ramona" redefined a therapist's duty to third parties) that the goofy "therapists" are being sued like they should be, we can hope this fiasco is nearly over. Medilegal articles: Med. Sci. Law. 39: 112, 1999, Am. J. Psych. 156: 749, 1999; NZ Med. J. 111: 225, 1998; Comp. Psych. 39: 338, 1998. Even Geraldo reversed himself on "enhanced memories" in 1995, declaring it to be "cr_p". In 1999 I was pleased to meet an attorney who told me that he "makes a good living" in a practice devoted almost entirely to suing these therapists, who he tells me in his part of the country are mostly "social conservatives."

      For me, science is not the interpretation of dreams of Sigmund Freud, but the realization of dreams.

          -- Joseph, one of "The Three Christs of Ypsilanti"

      I love America! No one is responsible for what they do!

          -- Karel Roden, pleading insanity in "Fifteen Minutes"

      Confusing fantasy and reality always leads to disaster.

          -- Goethe

Sane psychiatry for the primary-care physician: A lot of the general practice of medicine is psychiatry. Here's how to be a good part-time psychiatrist most of the time. You get more information by asking open-ended questions and inviting the person to talk, but sooner or later you'll need to have things that are worthwhile to say, yourself. If you actually want to help people with emotional and behavioral problems, focus on reminding them of what they can do, what's still intact (bad for any secondary gains, but good medicine), living in the present, and so forth. Today's psychiatrists give them "behavioral homework", which is simply common sense. Depression etc., both result from negative life events, and causes negative life events (J. Nerv. Ment. Dis. 185: 145, 1997). Cognative-behavior therapy actually changes the PET scan, but in complementary ways to what prozac does (Arch. Gen. Psych. 61: 34, 2003). Keep reminding people of how their screwy behavior and unrealistic attitudes hurt them and those around them. Help them learn living and coping skills (i.e., explain to them how to do stuff that the rest of us may take for granted) rather than jabbering on about ("working through") their past traumas and present follies. Spending too much time figuring out exactly caused the problem can enable ongoing, harmful behaviors. Get them to confront their fears as boldly as they can. And don't call this "empowerment", the 1990's grandiose-trendy word; troubled people already have the power to do plenty. To alter your feelings, alter your behavior first -- "fake it 'till you make it." Be strong. Don't do that any more. Don't run back to things that are childish. If you keep doing that, all you'll get is _____. Find pleasure and meaning in some other way. People growing up in crazy environments acquire behaviors and attitudes that enable their emotional (and even physical) survival there, but that serve them badly in the larger world. Whatever the circumstances, one's emotional ties to one's origins are strong and these people resist change. You can help people realize why this is and that they don't need to be locked into it forever. You may disagree with what a crazy person says, but don't argue; people who are not psychotic will come around as they realize that their thinking is no longer helpful and that they can change their behavior to deal with a world that's saner than their own childhood homes. Don't expect most people ever to understand all that may be obvious to you. But most people can learn new skills. Learn how to use a modest selection of the psychopharmaceutical agents, and use them sensibly; if a medication isn't working in two months, change it or just drop it. Remember the basics: Neurotics are troubled (lots of things upset them), personality-disorder folks are troublesome (they will upset you), and schizophrenia and most of the bad-affect states respond to medication but not to talking. Non-psychotic people with ideas that they recognize as not making sense can usually figure out, with your help, what the obsession stands for, and try to get what they really want by some more realistic route. Marriage counselling is largely the delicate art of getting the two people to listen to one another on a daily basis, and to extend basic human kindness across gender-differences (i.e., a man and a woman can learn to be nice to each other even though they cannot possibly understand each other; the other person isn't acting that way just to be hateful; "the relationship is more important than being right", and so forth). When a relationship fails, remind the person of the ways in which the former beloved / the rival are doing the person a favor. There is no physician-patient confidentiality when a human life is in danger. Physicians respect the religious beliefs of each patient, as long as nobody's getting hurt in a big way; these beliefs are a good topic for discussion. Totally sane people often report experiences with the paranormal (whatever that is, when I was an intern, a group of 15 housestaffers at lunch got into a discussion of out-of-body experience, who among us had experienced it personally, and what you told the patients who came in all worried after experiencing it; we decided it was "normal but something we don't understand"). And crazy people often report experiences with the paranormal (whatever that is; the crazies' experiences are much more diverse and atypical than the "normals"). In my lifetime as a student of medicine, I've never seen a disease that was considered "organic" in the 1950's prove to be "psychosomatic", but I've seen the opposite many times (hypertension, asthma, stomach ulcer, inflammatory bowel disease, atopic eczema, blepharospasm, and torticollis are only the beginning; there are even genetic animal models for folks like your instructor who strongly prefer to keep our fingernails super-short). And a good psychiatrist, seeing mental illness as arising from brain, appreciates both the cognitive-insight and the pharmacological therapies (Science 275: 1586, 1997).


Brain Tumors
Uniformed Services

Brain Tumors I
From Chile
In Spanish

Brain Tumors II
From Chile
In Spanish

Brain Tumors III
From Chile
In Spanish


    You are familiar with the old expression "malignant by location". This is especially applicable to brain tumors, which may be histologically benign but difficult to remove surgically without damaging important things.

    Risk factors for brain tumors are, for the most part, obscure. Trauma (including having been a boxer) and lymphangiomyomatosis (the lung disease) seems to be risk factors for meningiomas. You know Turcot's anti-oncogene deletion syndrome as a risk factor for gliomas, and of course, previous radiation (i.e., for acute lymphoblastic leukemia or solid cancers of the brain or its coverings) is implicated, too (Cancer 67: 392, 1991).

    Just as brain cells may be difficult to distinguish, the histogenesis of most of these tumors is seldom obvious from morphology.

    All gliomas are best considered malignant, though some are more malignant than others.

    Malignant primary brain tumors are locally invasive, and may spread via the spinal fluid ("neuraxis dissemination", J. Neurosurg. 83: 67, 1995), but very seldom metastasize to the rest of the body.

    "Psychiatric" changes are common as the first signs of a brain tumor. Frontal lobe tumors seem to produce personality changes and/or depression and/or loss of interest, while temporal lobe tumors seem to produce hallucinations and/or mania and/or amnesia and/or "panic attacks" (West. J. Med. 163: 19, 1995). Charles Whitman, the University of Texas sniper, had a glioma involving his frontal and hypothalamic areas.

    Numbers to remember: Around 1% of random autopsies includes a primary brain tumor. In adults, 70% of primary brain tumors are supratentorial. In children, 70% of brain tumors are infra-tentorial.

    * Junk science! You're heard the pop claim that cellular telephones cause brain tumors. The idea is that "radiation causes cancer"... or perhaps somebody realized that juries in junk lawsuits won't understand the difference between microwave radiation that makes cell phones work and ionizing radiation that damages the genes. In the most recent study, people who use cell phones have only 9/10 of the risk of getting an acoustic neuroma than do non-users, there is no correlation with duration or total use, and the neuroma is somewhat more likely to be on the opposite side. Neurology 58: 1304, 2002. I have already drawn the obvious conclusion.


    The common tumors arising within the brain itself.

      Service pathologists are pretty good at telling them apart. One recent study of inter- and intra-observer variabilty drew the incidental conclusion that oligodendrogliomas are more common than the books say -- making up about 25% of gliomas (Cancer 79: 1381, 1997).

      *The molecular biology was worked out in the 1990's. p53, as you'd expect, probably heralds the transition to high grade, and not surprisingly, loss of p53 induces greater sensitivity to procarbazine (i.e., the cells do not try to repair their DNA). Surprisingly, most of the more aggressive gliomas have amplification of the EGRF gene (Am. J. Path. 148: 1047, 1996; J. Neurosurg. 82: 841 & 847, 1995). p53 mutation is a grave prognostic indicator in pediatric gliomas, independent of everything else: NEJM 346: 420, 2002. Astrocytomas grow faster if they have trisomy 7 and/or monosomy 10 (Am. J. Clin. Path. 108: 166, 1997). Prognosticating low-grade gliomas using PCNA (proliferating cell nuclear antigen), MIB-1, and Ki-67 positivity: Cancer 76: 1809, 1995; Cancer 77: 373, 1996; Cancer 79: 849, 1996; for MIB-1 see below. Much more will be discovered.

    *The great white-knuckle call in neuropathology today is "recurrent glioma vs. radiation necrosis" (J. Neurosurg. 82: 436, 1995). Nowadays we are doing molecular typing to solve this toughest of calls: Am. J. Clin. Path. 121: 671, 2004.

    Astrocytoma / Anaplastic Astrocytoma / Glioblastoma multiforme

      These are the most common primary brain tumors in adults (about 80%), and are a continuum of malignancy. There is a slight male predominance.

      Astrocytomas tend to become more malignant with time, and ultimately most will probably become glioblastomas. And there is likely to be a mix when you examine the tumor.

      Astrocytomas are poorly circumscribed, whitish brain tumors. Microscopically, they may recall protoplasmic, fibrillary, fibrous, or gemistocytic astrocytes, or grow as spindle cells or xanthoma-like cells, or (most often) present a mix.

        Protoplasmic astrocytomas are perhaps the most familiar, with the tumor cells each bearing only a few processes, and a background of little holes ("microcystic"); these tumors cells actually look like stars ("astro", Am. J. Clin. Path. 103: 705, 1995).

        *In "diffuse astrocytoma" every astrocyte in a region seems to turn neoplastic at once. In "gliomatosis cerebri" (which may be the same thing), the entire brain, especially the white matter, is invaded. I used to wonder about a virus infection; however, it's now quite clear that most of these are aneuploid, like true malignant tumors (Neurology 56: 1224, 2001; Ann. Neuro. 52: 390, 2002). Staining and possible molecular mechanisms: J. Clin. Path. 58: 166, 2005.

        *Astroblastomas (odd name) exhibit perivascular pseudorosettes (J. Neurosurg. 83: 550, 1995).

        New Daumas-Duport grading system: Count one for each of these criteria:

          • nuclear abnormalities

          • mitotic figures

          • necrosis

          • vascular endothelial proliferation ("glomeruloid tufts").

          Grade I: Zero criteria
          Grade II: One criterion
          Grade III: Two criteria
          Grade IV: Three or four criteria

        * Today, the new World Health Organization system, a slight variation, seems to be gaining favor.

        • Astrocytoma (grade II): Minimal analasia, rare or no mitotic figures
        • Anaplastic astrocytoma (grade III): More disturbing anaplasia and/or more mitotic figures
        • Glioblastoma (grade IV): Glomeruloid tufts and/or any coagulation necrosis and/or very ugly

{01497} astrocytoma
{01501} astrocytoma
{01503} astrocytoma
{01518} astrocytoma
{01531} astrocytoma
{15706} astrocytoma
{01504} astrocytoma
{01506} astrocytoma
{01507} astrocytoma

Pittsburgh Pathology Cases

"Cystic" / "Juvenile"
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Don't worry about what kind.
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Brainstem glioma
Don't worry about what kind.
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Brainstem glioma
Don't worry about what kind.
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Don't worry about what kind.
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Well-differentiated astrocytoma

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      Anaplastic astrocytomas ("grade 3"), unlike regular astrocytomas, have some anaplastic features.

        Newer research on prognosticating astrocytoma behavior has focused on counting cells in growth phase -- typically by staining with MIB-1 antibody. These counts correlate strongly with aggressiveness (Cancer 79: 849, 1997; 82: 2459, 1998).

        Simply counting the mitotic figures (rather than noting their presence or absence) has also proved a powerful prognosticator: Camncer 82: 1749, 1998.

      Glioblastoma multiforme is a floridly malignant, variegated (many colors, many kinds of histology) tumor.

{01575} glioblastoma multiforme
{01576} glioblastoma multiforme, butterfly

Butterfly glioma

KU Collection

Glioblastoma Multiforme
Australian Pathology Museum
High-tech gross photos


Cerebellar glioblastoma

        Endothelial proliferation ("glomeruli", etc.; you can do a reticulin stain and it will make these areas stand out) and "palisading" of cancer cells around necrotic areas are typical.

        Despite massive efforts, five-year survival rate is still near-zero, but even after careful examination, it occasionally happens: Cancer 98: 1645, 2003.

{01582} glioblastoma multiforme
{01584} glioblastoma multiforme, dead stuff
{01585} glioblastoma multiforme
{01587} glioblastoma multiforme, gemistocytes
{01596} glioblastoma multiforme, monster cells
{17721} glioblastoma multiforme

Pittsburgh Pathology Cases


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Pittsburgh Pathology Cases

        Gliosarcomas exhibit both glial and mesenchymal differentiation; they often follow radiation (Cancer 75: 2910, 1995).

          *The old canard about their mesenchymal component "arising from the proliferating endothelial cells of a glioblastoma" was recently refuted by some simple staining studies: Arch. Path. Lab. Med. 121: 129, 1997.

      Adult astrocytomas always infiltrate the surrounding tissue, and extend far beyond the obvious tumor mass.

        Growing astrocytoma cells from the "histologically normal" tissue far away from the mass is easy: J. Neurosurg. 86: 525, 1997.

    Brainstem gliomas

      These are pediatric, malignant astrocytomas, which tend to involve the brainstem and turn into glioblastomas. Many cures are obtainable with radiation.

    Juvenile pilocytic astrocytomas (J. Neurosurg. 82: 536, 1995; Cancer 72: 1335, 1993)

      These are indolent tumors that typically involve the cerebellums of children. Even if the histology looks nasty, they are likely to grow only very slowly.

      "Pilocytic" (hair-like) astrocytes are long and thin, and "Rosenthal fibers" are typical.

      * Although these are often cured, patients grow up to be substantially less happy then their counterparts. The teenaged years, during which the young person realizes that he/she will never be able to keep up with peers in many different aspects of life, are especially stormy (J. Neurosurg. 96: 229, 2002).

{01542} juvenile pilocytic astrocytoma

Pilocytic astrocytoma
Pittsburgh Pathology Cases

Pilocytic astrocytoma
Pittsburgh Pathology Cases

Pilocytic astrocytoma
Lacking Rosenthal fibers
Pittsburgh Pathology Cases

Juvenile Pilocytic Astrocytoma
Pittsburgh Illustrated Case


      These are uncommon gliomas of adults that typically occur in the centrum semiovale.

      Grossly, they are gray and soft, often with little calcifications (ask a radiologist). Microscopically, the tumor is sheets of fried-egg cells, with round central nuclei and clear cytoplasm. Often there is a admixture of astrocytoma.

{01618} oligodendroglioma
{01620} oligodendroglioma
{01624} oligodendroglioma with calcifications (shown reddish-purple here)
{01626} oligodendroglioma with calcifications

      Their behavior is unpredictable.


      These arise from the single layer of glia that lines the ventricles.

      Pediatric ependymomas generally arise in the fourth ventricle. As you'd expect, they can cause hydrocephalus and are tough to excise.

{01642} ependymoma (trust me)
{15699} ependymoma (trust me)

      Adult ependymomas are the common spinal cord glioma (astrocytomas less common -- J. Neurosurg. 83: 590, 1995.)

      Pathologists talk about rosettes (little attempts to make neural tubes, but without a whole lot of scuzz in the middle as in a Homer-Wright rosette of medulloblastoma-neuroblastoma), pseudo-rosettes (around vessels), and blepharoplasts (the basal bodies of cilia, visible by * PTAH stain).

      The histologic grade is evidently the major prognostic indicator: Cancer 100: 1230, 2004).

{01650} ependymoma
{1654} ependymoma
{01656} ependymoma, blepharoplasts

Anaplastic ependymoma
Pittsburgh Pathology Cases


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      *Childhood ependymomas and choroid plexus papillomas and SV40 virus (or its kin): NEJM 326: 988, 1992. This is holding up for other gliomas as well (Cancer 94: 1037, 2002; J. Neurosurg. 95: 96, 2001; Am. J. Med. 114: 675, 2003), but there's considerable doubt that this is actually a pathogen; more likely it's reactivation. You already know that SV40 contaminated some of the early polio vaccines.

      * Ependymomas and choroid plexus papillomas expressing genes from the JC virus: J. Neurosurg. 102(S3): 294, 2005.

      Myxopapillary ependymomas arise from the filum terminale and are histologically distinctive.

{01665} * myxopapillary ependymoma
{01666} * myxopapillary ependymoma

Myxopapillary ependymoma

WebPath Photo

      Sub-ependymomas are the most indolent of gliomas, arising from the ventricular walls. The classic case is an asymptomatic mass found at autopsy in the fourth ventricles of an older man. These tumors can occasionally be symptomatic (rays: AJR 165: 1245, 1995).

      Choroid plexus papillomas may occur at any site in the ventricles, and are most common in children. They are generally benign, but cause problems by overproducing spinal fluid or blocking its flow.

        * Future pathologists: Distinguish these from metastatic carcinoma by their being GFAP positive! The rare choroid plexus carcinomas have anaplasia and local invasion.

      * You will be bewildered by the current experiments using herpes simplex virus, its thymidine kinase, and gancyclovir to infect and then selectively kill glioma cells. Suicide gene therapy. J. Neurosurg. 79: 729, 1993; J. Neurosurg. 81: 256, 1994, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 93: 3525, 1996. There is now talk of occasional cures (Neurology 58: 1109, 2002).

Melanotic choroid plexus papilloma
Pittsburgh Pathology Cases

Choroid plexus carcinoma
Pittsburgh Pathology Cases


    Neuroblastomas can arise in the cerebral hemispheres of children, and ganglioneuromas and gangliogliomas (i.e., a mix of neoplastic neurons and glia from a common clone: Am. J. Path. 151: 565, 1997) can be found in the CNS, too.

    Pittsburg Illustrated Case

    Primitive neuroectodermal tumors ("PNET's") in the CNS itself are generally medulloblastomas.

      These typically arise in the cerebellum of younger people ("the commonest posterior fossa tumor in children"), and tend to spread up and down the neuraxis by way of the spinal fluid.

      These tumors strike at random. Turcot's (familial polyposis plus brain tumors) and the basal cell nevus syndrome (PTCH antioncogene deletion) are the two known risk factors.

{31933} medulloblastoma, cord
{01677} medulloblastoma
{01686} medulloblastoma
{01687} medulloblastoma (cord and dura)
{18761} medulloblastoma


KU Collection

PNET of brain
Pittsburgh Pathology Cases


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Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor
Pittsburgh Pathology Cases

Electron micrographs
VCU Pathology

      The new systems for grading correlate quite well with outcome (Cancer 94: 552, 2002).

      Neuropathologists point out that these cells show both neuronal (Homer-Wright rosettes, pseudo-rosettes) and glial (GFAP-positive) differentiation. The various histologic types of medulloblastomas: Am. J. Surg. Path. 16: 687, 1992.

      Medulloblastomas may excite a desmoplastic, fibrous response ("fibrous medulloblastomas", the old * "cerebellar sarcoma").

      The tumor is radiosensitive, or may be found early enough to enable a surgical cure. There is about a 50% 5-year survival.

      There is considerable interest right now in healthy diet / supplementation for mother while the child is unborn as protective against PNET's of the brain. An alleged strong link to nitrosamines fizzled, but folate-vitamins-iron were found to significantly reduce the risk. Definitely stay tuned (NEJM 329: 536, 1993).

      *Somebody FINALLY said it: "The time has come to discard the archaic concept of 'cell of origin'" (Am. J. Path. 144: 444, 1994). Medulloblastoma (nobody's ever identified a "medulloblast") is one good example.

Polar spongioblastoma
Cordouroy tumor
Pittsburgh Pathology Cases

Pittsburgh Pathology Cases

MENINGIOMAS (Lancet 363: 1535, 2004)

    These are tumors of the arachnoid cap cells, and make up about 20% of primary brain tumors and around 25% of spinal canal tumors. Most occur where there are arachnoid granulations (i.e., next to the falx, or on the lesser wing of the sphenoid bone. However, they can occur on any surface in the head.

    Patients are usually middle-aged, and there is a slight female predominance.

      The basic biology of these lesions is obscure. There is a link to head trauma (Science 254: 1131, 1991) and many meningiomas exhibit monosomy 22 (Science 254: 1153, 1991; Cancer 77: 2567, 1996). They express the progesterone receptor, and RU-486 (mifepristone, "the abortion pill") is now in use for nonresectable meningiomas (the weird politics: JNCI 89: 912, 1997).

      * The old-fashioned high-dose dental x-rays probably did cause meningiomas: Cancer 100: 1026, 2004.

    Grossly, the tumors are usually firm, and solid, perhaps with a whorly pattern on cross section.

      Future radiologists: Look for thickening of the bone over the meningioma.

    Microscopically, there may be primarily whorls and nodules (as in healthy arachnoid; this is the syncytial meningioma), or spindle cells (fibroblastic meningioma), or intermediate forms (transitional meningiomas; look for psammoma bodies).

      You can find mixtures of the above, various degenerative changes, or occasionally, evidence of malignancy.

      All about the histopathology of meningioma and its applicability to prognosis: J. Neurosurg. 77: 616, 1992; Cancer 85: 2046, 1999.

      *Occasionally, a hemangiopericytoma will look grossly like a meningioma. These tend to be more aggressive.

    Meningiomas can generally be removed for cure; recurrences may be more and more abnormal cytologically.

      * In this era of CT scans, we are discovering lots of "incidental asymptomatic" meningiomas. Whether to operate: J. Neurosurg. 92: 766, 2000 -- tough call.

    Multiple meningiomas: Think of neurofibromatosis; not surprisingly, the NF2 gene on chromosome 22 is often mutated in its conserved region in any meningiomas (Am. J. Path. 146: 827, 1995).

    *Meningiomatosis: Lots of little meningiomas around proliferating blood vessels, forming a mass that needs to be removed, since it causes seizures (Arch. Path. Lab. Med. 119: 1061, 1995; Arch. Path. Lab. Med. 120: 587, 1996).

{00221} meningioma, gross
{31996} meningioma
{00224} meningioma, micro
{09459} meningioma, with psammoma bodies
{09460} meningioma
{09462} meningioma

Pittsburgh Pathology Cases


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Resected meningioma

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Pittsburg Illustrated Case


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Pittsburgh Pathology Cases

Fibrous tumor of the meninges
Pittsburgh Pathology Cases


    Primary non-Hodgkin's lymphomas of the brain ("microgliomas" is an archaic misnomer): reviews Cancer 74: 1383, 1994; J. Neurosurg. 82: 558, 1995 (HIV negative cases); Am. J. Clin. Path. 121: 246, 2004 (post-transplant CNS lymphomas)

      Transplantation and AIDS have rendered this an important topic. Epstein-Barr virus is usually present (and strongly suspect as a cause) in transplant and AIDS lymphomas, though not in sporadic brain lymphomas (Neurology 43: 1591, 1993).

        You already know that EBV and herpes 8 (Kaposi's sarcoma virus), together or separately, are infamous causes of non-CNS lymphomas in the immune-compromised. Herpes 8 seems to be exonerated, however, as a cause of CNS lymphomas, being present only in the bystander cells (J. Clin. Path. 54: 617, 2001).

        * Not surprisingly, the rate of primary CNS lymphoma is way down over the past few years (Cancer 95: 193, 2002), except among very old folks. Why?

        * The concern that polyomavirus may cause CNS lymphomas has been dismissed by molecular biology: Neurology 63: 1299, 2004.

      A host of diffferenttypes of lymphoma histologies have been reported, with a tendency nowadays toward bigger, meaner-looking cells (Blood 96: 4084, 2000). These tumors tend to follow vessels (check the reticulin pattern; reticulin is likely to be rather dense in these tumors, which helps us tell they are not just inflammation). Death usually results in a few weeks to a year two.

      *We used to think that these tumors mostly stayed local in the CNS, and that systemic lymphomas can't present as apparently-localized CNS lesions. Some authors now urge staging for all "primary CNS lymphomas" (Cancer 77: 827, 1996).

    Hemangioblastomas are distinctive tumors of the cerebellum that mimic very low-grade renal cell carcinoma (!).

      Like renal cell carcinomas, these tumors even produce erythropoietin and cause polycythemia. Patients generally have Von Hippel-Lindau anti-oncogene deletion syndrome. Look for impressive blood vessels, and * foam cells.

        * The VHL locus in health has to do with producing erythropoietin in response to hypoxia, so probably this makes sense (Blood 92: 3388, 1998).

      * Futre pathologists: These tumors even resemble renal cell carcinoma by their positivity for ezrin, an epithelial cell marker responsible for anchoring actin to the cell membrane (Am. J. Path. 148: 367, 1996). Every once in a great while, a hemangioblastoma occurs outside the cerebellum (Arch. Path. Lab. Med. 127: e382, 2003).

{01878} hemangioblastoma
{01882} hemangioblastoma
{01884} hemangioblastoma

    Chordomas are uncommon tumors of the vestigial notochord (ask a comparative anatomist) that occur at the sacrum or clivus. Some are to bland histologically as to be considered "malignant only by location", but even these are deadly, taking out the cranial nerves progressively until death ensues.

      * Don't worry about the histology, which features "bubble cells". Pathology update Cancer 93: 40, 2001. Once uniformly lethal, new radiation technicques are giving apparent cures for a few patienst: J. Neurosurg. 91: 432, 1999, others.

{01897} chordoma (note the resemblance to primitive cartilage)
{01899} chordoma
{01906} chordoma ("bubble cells")

Coccygeal chordoma
Pittsburgh Pathology Cases

    We have already mentioned colloid cyst of the third ventricle as a cause of hydrocephalus.

    Craniopharyngiomas: Rathke's pouch tumors in the pituitary-hypothalamic region. As before, look for machine-oil cysts grossly and the recapitulation of embryonic teeth (ameloblasts, calcium, squames) microscopically.

{01855} craniopharyngioma
{01858} craniopharyngioma
{01860} craniopharyngioma
{01861} craniopharyngioma
{10962} craniopharyngioma
{1857} craniopharyngioma cyst fluid

Hypothalamic hamartoma
Pittsburgh Pathology Cases


KU Collection

Notice the benign squamous pearl
KU Collection

    Teratomas (Am. J. Ob. Gyn. 173: 226, 1995), dermoids (Arch. Path. Lab. Med. 119: 371, 1995), lipomas, epidermal cysts, and so forth may be seen, especially within congenital (?) defects in the corpus callosum.

    Germinomas of the pineal, hypothalamus, and elsewhere ("midline!") usually mimic seminoma, less often embryonal cell carcinoma, choriocarcinoma, and/or other testicular cancers; the more primitive-looking the cancer (i.e., not seminoma), the worse they behave (J. Neurosurg. 86: 446, 1997).

    Hypothalamic germinoma
    Electron micrographs
    VCU Pathology

    Metastatic cancer (contrary to "Big Robbins") is by far the most common brain tumor.

      The most common primary sites are lung (by far; seeking the primary ARJ 168: 1339, 1997), breast, melanoma, kidney, and gut.

        Around 50% of smokers dying of lung cancer have "brain mets", and these are not uncommonly the actual cause of death.

      The best place to find them is at the corticomedullary junction (perhaps the cancer cells get trapped as the vessels narrow at their entry to the white matter -- once your instructor's pet theory, now confirmed Cancer 77: 1551, 1996). There is generally much edema around a "met", and treatment just to reduce the edema helps.

{09442} melanoma
{29393} breast cancer metastasis

Metastatic Malignant Melanoma
Virginia Pathology Cases

Metastatic lung cancer

WebPath Photo

Metastatic melanoma

Metastatic melanoma in brain
WebPath Case of the Week

Paraganglioma of the filum terminale
Pittsburgh Pathology Cases

      Metastatic cancer in the spinal canal often encases the spinal dura and impinges on nerve rootlets. The meninges (cord and brain) may also be packed with a thin layer of cancer ("meningeal carcinomatosis", a diagnosis typically made only at autopsy.)

      *Surgical excision of a solitary metastasis with hope for a long-term survival: J. Neurosurg. 83: 605, 1995, Chest 109: 271, 1996; Cancer 78: 711, 1996. Happens, rare; usually colon primary.

    Don't forget the paraneoplastic autoimmune CNS syndromes:

    • Sudden blindness? Oat cell carcinoma. (* Antibodies against recoverin in the retina).
    • Stiff-person syndrome? (* a paraneoplastic syndrome in breast cancer features antibodies against amphiphysin Neurology 50: 94, 1998). You recall that the ordinary form features antibodies against glutamic acid decarboxylase instead)
    • Opsoclonus-myoclonus (various antibodies)
    • Limbic encephalopathy (various antibodies)
    • Cerebellar ataxias (various antibodies)



    Multiple sclerosis is a common, dread neurologic disease in which myelin is lost successively in many ("multiple") plaques throughout the white matter.

      Although "MS" is clearly autoimmune, the exact etiology remains unclear. Review Arch. Neuro. 58: 1975, 2001.

        Patients are typically young adults. "Big Robbins" points out a strong Caucasian predominance and weak familial tendency and links to certain HLA antigens (Neurology 43: 548, 1993; Arch. Neurol. 50: 256, 1993). More interestingly, adults who spent their first 15 years entirely in the tropics are almost never affected.

        Some familial MS links to the gene for myelin basic protein (Lancet 340: 987, 1992 Finland, Neurology 61: 520, 2003 other caucasians), an antigen that seems to be a principal target for immunity in MS. T-cells rearranged to attack myelin basic protein are abundant in MS lesions in humans, and rat T-cells bearing the same rearrangement cause experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in rats (both Nature 362: 68, 1993). Other familial MS is not linked to the myelin basic protein gene (Lancet 341: 1179, 1993, more since).

        *Glial cells in MS express inappropriate HLA antigens on their surfaces. Astrocytes at the edges of lesions express MCH class II (HLA-DR), which is bizarre. They also express MCH class I antigens in and around the lesions (Arch. Neuro. 48: 1244, 1991).

        Biopsy material from fresh MS plaques shows the oligodendroglial injury (not death) is the early injury in multiple sclerosis. They die at the center of plaques, and proliferate at the edges, and they can re-myelinate if they recover (Mayo Clin. Proc. 68: 627, 1993).

        Ask a virologist about links to viruses. The usual suspects of past years have been Epstein-Barr virus (the most persuasive, I've thought for many years: Epidemiology 11: 220, 2000; now JAMA 289: 1533, 2003; molecular mimicry NEJM 349: 185, 2003; high EBNA-1 IgG titer as a teen, an aberrant response, predicts future MS risk JAMA 293: 2496, 2005 and Neurology 62: 2277, 2004), human measles virus, herpes 6, herpes 7, and canine distemper virus.

          * Support for the idea that Epstein-Barr virus is the culprit comes from the finding that 100% of MS patients are seropositive for this virus, usually at relatively high titer, and that the mechanism of molecular mimicry between myelin and EBV antigen now seems understood (NEJM above).

          HHV6 is now being identified as replicating in active MS plaques of many (but not all) MS patients, but not in control brains. This is another bug that it's reasonable to think is ubiquitous in the tropics and less common in chilly regions. Since the main article (Science 278: 710, 1997), the work has been widely replicated, but many MS patients have no sign of HHV6.

          The mouse model uses (* Theiler's) virus, and mice that go on to get mouse-MS are those in which infection induces lasting expression of MHC-I antigens on brain cells: Mayo Clin. Proc. 67: 829, 1992.

          * A claim from anti-immunization activists and tort layers about hepatitis B vaccine and other immunizations causing MS flopped: NEJM 344: 319 & 327, 2001.

        *Nitric oxide is produced in bulk in the acute lesions (confirmed Am. J. Path. 158: 2057, 2001), and nitric oxide scavengers almost totally prevent / treat one of the mouse models (Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 94: 2528, 1997). Further... the active species may be peroxinitrile, which is scavenged by uric acid (!), and large registries show no patient with both MS and gout (Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 95: 675, 1998). Follow-up with an animal model: Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 99: 16303, 2002. Definitely stay tuned.

      Lesions form episodically in MS, contributing to its picture of exacerbations and remissions.

        "Sclerosis" in this context means loss of myelin and oligodendroglia, with preservation of axons and massive proliferation of astrocytes. The lesions are sharply-circumscribed, yellowish or grayish (pink if very active), firm areas. The can occur anyplace in the CNS; the favorite site is adjacent to the ventricles, often symmetrically.

          Actually, axons tend to be lost specifically in the long tracts: Brain 127: 1009, 2004.

        Microscopically, demyelination begins around the blood vessels. During the active phase, the plaques are packed with T-helper and T-suppressor cells, and presumably there is some autoimmune component to the pathogenesis (providing the rationale for immunosuppression using ACTH).

        In the burned-out, chronic lesions, there are still oligodendroglia with processes wrapped around the axons, but they do not remyelinate the axons; the axons themselves appear abnormal, with thin and thick areas (NEJM 346: 165 & 199, 2002).

{01428} multiple sclerosis, myelin stain of white matter (note areas where the blue-staining myelin is lost)

{31776} multiple sclerosis
{31779} multiple sclerosis
{31797} multiple sclerosis
{31994} multiple sclerosis
{00527} demyelination in the spinal cord

Multiple sclerosis
Autopsy brain
KU Collection

Multiple sclerosis
Pittsburgh Pathology Cases

Multiple Sclerosis
Tom Demark's Site

Demyelination in multiple sclerosis

WebPath Photo

Demyelination in multiple sclerosis

WebPath Photo

Multiple sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis
Pittsburgh Illustrated Case

        *Very bad MS simulates brain tumors, grossly and microscopically (Am. J. Surg. Path. 17: 537, 1993 for the distinction).

      Most (not all) cases of MS present as varying neurologic deficits that come (and go) unpredictably.

        Key symptoms of this protean disease include optic nerve involvement ("retrobulbar neuritis"; "the patient sees nothing and the doctor sees nothing"), problems with coordination, paresthesias, weakness in a limb, and problems with conjugate eye movement. Usually intellect is preserved, especially early in the disease.

        Many (not all) patients progress to severe disability as sites of injury accumulate. The spectrum of disability (1/3 little, 1/3 moderate, 1/3 severe): QJM 83(300): 325, 1992. * MS costs $35,000 per year (Arch. Phys. Med. Rehab. 74: 26, 1993).

      Treating MS mostly involves immunosuppression.

        Interferon-beta (Br. Med. J. 310: 345, 1995) has become standard.

        * Cladribine (2-chloro-deoxyadenosine), a not-very-toxic lympyhocyte suppressor: Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 93: 1716, 1996. This is finding some use but remains "unproven", with conflicting results.

        Glatiromer, a mix of short peptides made of alkaline amino acids (J. Clin. Immuno. 109: 641, 2002; Neurology 57: 731, 2001), helps in the treatment of MS, probably by simulating myelin basic protein. This and/or interferon-beta Lancet 359: 1453, 2002) and/or high-dose intravenous immunoglobulin (Arch. Neuro. 56: 661, 1999; mechanism unknown) is now the mainstay of therapy.

          In fact, it seems as if interferon often keeps very-early MS from fully declaring itself: Lancet 357: 1576, 2001.

        Natalizumab, the α4 integrin inhibitor ("Antegren", "Tysabri"), seems to be a breakthrough for multiple sclerosis therapy: NEJM 348: 15, 2003. It was withdrawn in February 2005 after two reports of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy.

        * A regimen of vitamins and carotenoids completely fails to affect the course of multiple sclerosis: Neurology 57: 75, 2001.

      MS variants mentioned in your texts:

        Marburg MS: Rapidly progressive

        Devic's disease: Aggressive form with retrobulbar neuritis and large lesions in the spinal cord (i.e., blindness and paralysis)

        * Uh... before you diagnose multiple sclerosis, it's good to be sure that you're not really dealing with Sjogren's encephalopathy, Hashimoto's encephalopathy (draw an anti-microsomal antibody, they may be euthyroid), Beçet's, or Lyme disease.

        * A lone activist ("Nancy Markle", an internet alias; she has never come forward) is behind the flood of (fabricated) reports of aspartame causing multiple sclerosis (also lupus, brain tumors, and so forth). Anybody who's completed a college biochemistry course will recognize the bunko artistry ("Methanol causes metabolic acidosis", "Methanol, phenylalanine and aspartic acid are all neurotoxins", etc., etc.) In 1999, when "Ms. Markle" published a made-up story about the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation suing the FDA and the makers of aspartame, the MSF had to denounce her as a shameless liar; since her true identity is unknown, they could not take any further legal action. Is this a clever trick by a sugar-industry partisan? We'll probably never know. Update on the disinformation campaign: Br. Med. J. 329: 755, 2004.

    Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis ("post-infectious encephalomyelitis"; "post-vaccinial encephalomyelitis") is a rare disease that tends to follow (by a few days to 2 weeks) one of the "childhood diseases" or one of the old-fashioned immunizations with lots of impurities (especially rabies). Coma rapidly develops; many patients die, but most recover with little or no residual difficulty. In fatal cases, there is striking demyelinization around the blood vessels. See Ann. Neurol. 33: 18, 1993 (by Dr. Kepes at K.U.) There really are not strict criteria for the diagnosis yet: Neurology 56: 1313, 2001.

    Acute necrotizing hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis is a (fortunately rare) disease that tends to follow a minor viral illness. There is both perivenous loss of myelin, and hemorrhage and necrosis throughout the white matter. There is a heavy, mixed inflammatory infiltrate.

    Acute Hemorrhagic Leukoencephalopathy
    Pittsburgh Illustrated Case

      *The disease strikes down a young doctor: South. Med. J. 87: 851, 1994 (scary reading).

      Both of the above diseases are considered perivenous encephalomyelitis, autoimmune havoc against myelin (with type III immune injury in the severe variant). The animal model is experimental allergic encephalomyelitis, induced by injections of myelin basic protein; the disease can also be transmitted by T-cells specifically reactive for myelin basic protein Neurology 43: 1028, 1993.

    Leukoencephalopathy following cancer therapy is coming to be more widely recognized. Chemotherapy and radiation are both capable of doing serious or even fatal damage (Neurology 62: 451, 2004). The problem appears weeks to months after the therapy.

    Central pontine myelinolysis represents demyelinization (with axon preservation) in the central pons. The histology resembles multiple sclerosis.

      Central pontine myelinolysis can be quite extensive and render a person "locked in".

      Once mysterious (or attributed to alcohol abuse), we now believe this usually represents an unfortunate result of too-rapid correction of severe hyponatremia (uh oh, Doc....) Puzzle that one out! The new name is osmotic myelinolysis. I have seen this lesion three times in my autopsies; in each case, it was unexpected. (* This isn't the only possible cause: see J. Clin. Path. 44: 909, 1991). Review Mayo Clin. Proc. 76: 559, 2001 (replacing sodium "within recommended limits" doesn't guarantee safety). Picture NEJM 333: 1259, 1995.

Central pontine myelinolysis

{31988} central pontine myelinolysis


    Subacute combined degeneration of the cord is a curious term for a curious lesion: destruction of the myelin and axons of the posterior columns of the spinal cord caused by vitamin B12 deficiency.

      Later, the brain and descending pathways are affected. This is a tragic disease to miss, since it's easy to administer the vitamin.

      The brain damage can be permanent.

      Now that food is supplemented with folic acid, we'll be seeing more of this. (Why?) A 14-year-old vegan gives herself spinal cord disease that thankfully is caught in time: Clin. Ped. 40: 413, 2001.

    Hashimoto's encephalopathy, seen in about 1% of patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, involves the white matter underneath the cortex. It is now clear that the pathology includes an immune-based lymphocytic vasculitis You treat it with thyroid replacement and glucocorticoids. Reviews: Neurology 49: 623, 1997. Neurology 61: 1124, 2003.

    Alcoholism probably isn't good for the brain all by itself. But the most famous sequelae (Wernicke-Korsakoff) are the result of thiamine deficiencies (Wernicke's from a prolonged fast: For. Sci. Int. 47: 17, 1990).

      One-night drunkenness and chronic alcoholism have no known morphologic counterparts.

        *You'll learn in your "Psych" unit about brain-waves that are markers for not-learning-from-bad-experiences, etc., etc. Your lecturer, like possibly even some of you, had a few semi-bad experiences with alcohol as a college frosh. Your lecturer then said "To heck with this", and now rarely drinks. By contrast, the future problem drinker doesn't learn.

      Cerebellar vermal degeneration (better than "atrophy"; * superior aspect is most heavily involved) is typical of chronic alcoholism, but is nonspecific.

        * "Bergmann gliosis" merely refers to astrocytes replacing the lost Purkinje cells, in alcoholism or whenever they are lost in large numbers.

        Does the "moderate drinker" really get more cortical atrophy in old age? Yes! -- Stroke 32: 1939, 2001. No! -- J. Neur. N. Psy. 71: 104, 2001. Definite maybe! -- Alc. Clin. Exp. Res. 22: 998, 1998.

{17659} superior vermal atrophy

Superior (anterior) vermal atrophy

WebPath Photo

      Marchiafava-Bignami disease is a mysterious ailment, mostly affecting alcoholics and (less often) anorectics and the badly-neglected.

        The deep white matter of the cerebral hemispheres (centrum semiovale, and especially the corpus callosum) demyelinates and may even undergo necrosis.

        Nobody knows the cause. It's reported mostly from Europe, and used to be linked epidemiologically to Italian red wine. Perhaps an adulterant (arsenic?) was the cause.

        Contrary to classic teaching, the disease is often reversible with good nutrition and cessation of drinking. Great photo NEUM 351: e10, 2004.

{31986} Marchiafava-Bignami


      In suspected Wernicke-Korsakoff, look in the mammillary bodies and periventricular gray of the diencephalon for bleeds and/or gliosis.

{31763} Wernicke's
{31985} Wernicke's
{31985} Wernicke's

From Chile
In Spanish


WebPath Photo

      Blood alcohol levels (gm/dL)....

        0.05-0.1... happy

        0.1-0.2... drunk

        0.2-0.35... kisses mother-in-law, shoots best friend

        0.35 & up... books say "coma & death"; many are still driving

Methyl alcohol causes necrosis of the retinal cells (ganglion cells, rods, cones). In acute fatal cases, there is cytotoxic edema and necrosis of the entire brain.

{31984} methyl alcohol poisoning. Not a pretty sight.

    Reye's syndrome brains show only cytotoxic edema and perhaps Alzheimer II glia.

    Carbon monoxide encephalopathy is often followed (in severe cases that survive for some months) by necrosis of the globus pallidus (less often, the hippocampus, Purkinje cells, and white matter).

{31751} carbon monoxide after-effects
{18751} carbon monoxide after-effects
{31742} carbon monoxide after-effects

      *One of your lecturer's friends in medical school suffered this catastrophe after saving five people from a burning building. After recovering from coma, he had major motor problems.

    Methotrexate encephalopathy causes necrosis of the white matter. Look for mineralization of the axons.

    Arsenic poisoning produces petechiae throughout the deep brain substance.

{00206} fatal arsenic poisoning
{00209} fatal arsenic poisoning

    Manganese toxicity selectively affects the motor system, and produces parkinsonism-plus-dystonia ("strut like a rooster"). However, it does not work on the substantia nigra, but at some site farther down, probably the globus pallidus (Neurology 45: 1199, 1998).

      * The folks at KU actually have six welders sick with this, so it's not something to overlook (Neurol. 62: 730, 2004.

      * Manganese is actually an essential nutrient. In 1999, the Environmental Protection Agency started a flap about possible toxicity from manganese and/or its organic derivative (used in gasoline) in drinking water (Neurotoxicology 20: 379, 1999). Among other things, the article describes asterixis as "Parkinson-like symptoms". I'd put this in a class with the EPA's "agent orange" and "radon in the homes" pronouncements -- shouting "Fire!" where there is none. Nowadays, mainstream science dismisses the EPA as a mere mouthpiece for politicians with no ability to do, or interest in doing, real science (Nature 412: 677, 2001, more).

    Wilson's disease features copper deposition, especially in the basal ganglia.

      Wilson's is probably several diseases, and some patients have primarily neurologic disease while others have primarily hepatic disease.

    Bad Gaucher's disease, Hunter's disease, Hurler's disease, Sanfilippo's disease, Tay-Sach's disease, and Niemann-Pick's disease feature intra-neuronal storage of their respective products, and eventually loss of mentation.

      Also worth remembering are Lesch-Nyhan and phenylketonuria. Neither is a storage disease, but both are inborn errors of metabolism with serious effects on the nervous system.

    Leigh's subacute necrotizing encephalomyelopathy (as bad as it sounds) is the result of any of at least 14 different deficiencies in cytochrome C oxidase.

    Familial myoclonus epilepsy is several illnesses.

      "Lafora disease" features Lafora bodies in the neurons and (convenient for pathologists) sweat glands (Neurology 61: 1611, 2003). * Genes EPM2A/Laforin or EPM2B (Nat. Genet. 35: 125, 2003)

      * Another form (not the Lafora body kind) is caused by mutant cystatin (cystine protease inhibitor): Nature 381: 26, 1996.

    The leukodystrophies feature bad myelin, rather than demyelinization; typically, the diseases are autosomal recessives and there is problem breaking down myelin.

      Metachromatic leukodystrophy ("sulfatide lipidosis") is a deficiency in aryl-sulfatase A. The metachromasia is due to sulfatide accumulation.

        * Marrow transplantation is being tried for these people with some success (J. Ped. 133: 129, 1998.

{31803} metachromatic leukodystrophy patient
{31807} metachromatic leukodystrophy, gross
{31981} metachromatic leukodystrophy, micro. The blue dye stains the metachromatic stuff pink.

      * Zellweger's is caused by a lack of functioning peroxisomes in liver, brain, and kidney.

      Krabbe's globoid cell leukodystrophy is a deficiency in galactocerebrosidase. There's bad myelin, with eventual loss of oligodendroglia, plus lipid-laden macrophages clustering around vessels.

        * This is yet another disease for which marrow transplantation is currently being used.

{32004} Krabbe's globoid histiocytes

      Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease, mutated protolipid protein of myelin, gets discussed a lot because the severe forms are in the "diff" of a profoundly retarded baby. Contrary to "Big Robbins", many adult-onset cases are known. Remember tiger-striping of the white matter.

      Adrenoleukodystrophy is an X-linked disease in which cholesterol esters accumulate. We discussed the whole cruel "Lorenzo's oil" business (by now, it's clear that it doesn't do what it was supposed to do) under "Adrenal gland diseases". It is now being treated with some success using bone marrow transplantation (Lancet 356: 713, 2000).

      Canavan's disease, lack of aspartoacylase, features Alzheimer II glia all over the white matter. (Contrast states with elevated blood ammonia, where you see them best in the gray matter.)

    Radiation necrosis of the brain sometimes occurs.

      Acute radiation necrosis features widespread necrosis of cells, especially oligodendroglia and the granular cell layer of the cerebellum.

      Delayed radionecrosis may occur in therapeutic-range radiation, after months or years.

        In the white matter, all of the cells die. Whatever vessels remain exhibit radiation-type changes.

        At the edges, look for axonal spheroids. It is likely to be worse if the patient has also taken methotrexate.

{01909} radiation necrosis


Peripheral Nerve
Text and pictures
From "Big Robbins"

Peripheral Nerve Exhibit
Virtual Pathology Museum
University of Connecticut

Hydroxychloroquine neuropathy
Pittsburgh Pathology Cases

Acute motor axonal neuropathy
Pittsburgh Pathology Cases

Dysmyelination of peripheral nerve
Wash. U., St. Louis
Illustrated notes

Bell's Palsy


Fiber type grouping
Wash. U., St. Louis
Illustrated notes

Chronic demyelination of nerve
Wash. U., St. Louis
Illustrated notes

Axonal loss
Wash. U., St. Louis
Illustrated notes

Axonal swellings
Wash. U., St. Louis
Illustrated notes

Nerve biopsy
Wash. U., St. Louis
Illustrated notes

    The anatomic pathology of the peripheral neuropathies is the most arcane area in pathology. Don't worry about it.

    Guillain-Barré syndrome (Lancet 352: 631, 1998; Lancet 363: 2136, 2004) is a relatively common (1 person in around 70,000 gets it per year), serious, generally non-fatal, autoimmune disorder of the motor roots.

      Patients experience ascending paralysis and areflexia. If they can be supported through weeks or months of paralysis ("You see, I did hear everything you said!"), survival is the rule, though there may be some permanent weakness. In the 15% of cases in which death occurs, pathologists note demyelinization of the motor rootlets.

      The disease typically follows some viral (notably CMV) or other (notably Campylobacter jejuni) infection. The good animal model involves immunizing creatures with P2-myelin antigen. Review: NEJM 326: 1130, 1992. The antigen itself is GQ1b, the same thing botulism and tetanus toxins bind to. Guillain-Barré variants involve local weakness: Arch. Neuro. 51: 671, 1994.

      Therapy with intravenous IgG (Br. Med. J. 313: 376, 1996); this is now standard.

    Other peripheral neuropathies form a bewildering array. Remember:

    • alcoholism / thiamine deficiency (numb fingers and toes even after years of sobriety)
    • diabetic neuropathy (often painful, dysautonomia common, complex etiology)
    • lead poisoning (limp wrist? have you drunk moonshine?)
    • arsenic / thallium poisoning (is there someone who doesn't like you / has an insurance policy on you? South. Med. J. 96: 632, 2003)
    • Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (hereditary selective atrophy of the lower extremities due to damage to myelin and/or axons of the peripheral nerves, sparing the neurons; there are at least four different genes that produce this syndrome: Neurology 42: 597, 1992; NEJM 329: 96, 1993; * the X-linked form is mutated connexin, the gap junction protein Science 262: 2039, 1993; the two classic types are mutated myelin proteins zero and 22: Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 90: 10856, 1993; a new variant Nat. Gen. 18: 382, 1998; yet another Am. J. Hum. Genet. 72: 722, 2003.)

        * Ascorbic acid helps an animal model: Nat. Med. 10: 396, 2004.
    • *Kugelberg-Welander disease ("spinal muscular atrophy III"; gradual disappearance, first obvious in the teens, of anterior horn cells with eventual profound weakness)
    • Werdnig-Hoffman disease ("spinal muscular atrohpy I"; hereditary disease with disappearance of anterior horn cells early in life); same locus as Kugelberg-Welander (SMN)
    • paraneoplastic neuropathies (many variants)
    • autoantibodies against acetylcholine receptors in the ganglia produce an autonomic neuropathy: NEJM 343: 847, 2000.
    • hereditary sensory neuropathy (* misdiagnosed as "proof of child abuse", of course: Pediatrics 93: 842, 1994)
    • after torture "intended not to leave marks", as in the limb-constriction devices used on U.S. servicemen in Vietnamese POW camps JAMA 276: 375, 1996.
    • Bell's palsy (facial nerve palsy) has many causes, including old zoster infection. Most recently, a quacky intranasal 'flu vaccine caused an epidemic in Switzerland: NEJM 350: 896, 2004. Most often, Bell's palsy is idiopathic.
    • chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy, a mixed sensory and motor neuropathy that lasts for several years and is very debilitating; look for myelin loss and onion bulbs;
    • Gulf War neuropathy in soldiers returning, very likely from the botulinum and anticholinergics given for protection from Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction (Br. Med. J. 312: 797, 1996 -- your lecturer isn't an expert here but thinks it's easy to believe). Neuropathies are hard to diagnose, when there's a functional overlay it gets harder. Stay tuned on this.

        Gulf war syndrome update: BMJ 318: 274, 1999; a subtype perhaps with basal ganglia atrophy Arch. Neurol. 57: 1280, 2000; Radiology 215: 807, 2000. No clear single cause. Patients with "impaired cognition" are especially likely to remember having used flea collars; patients with "confusion-ataxia" and patients with "central pain" are especially likely to remember having been made very sick by pyridostigmine, suggesting some biochemical quirk.
    • *For painful neuropathies, try topical capsaicin, the stuff in hot peppers (it acts by opening sodium and calcium channels, and somehow depletes substance P).

    Neurilemmomas ("schwannomas") arise from the fibrous tissue surrounding nerve bundles. The nerve is at the edge of the lesion.

      As a result, the nerve runs along the edge of the tumor, and resection is generally possible.

      Ask any pathologist to show you "Antoni A" (palisaded spindle cells forming "Verocay bodies", supposedly in imitation of Pacinian corpuscles), and myxoid "Antoni B" areas.

{01846} schwannoma
{01849} schwannoma
{15694} eighth-nerve tumor

Peripheral Nerve Tumors
From Chile
In Spanish


WebPath Photo

Acoustic "neuroma"

WebPath Photo

Two phases of a schwannoma

WebPath Photo

Looks like a generic benign spindle-cell tumor.
WebPath Photo

Acoustic neuroma
Pittsburgh Pathology Cases

Infarct with petechiae

WebPath Photo

WebPath Photo

WebPath Photo

Click on the acoustic neuroma!
Gross specimen
WebPath Photo

Click on the acoustic neuromas
WebPath Photo

Trigenimofacial malignant epithelioid schwannoma
Pittsburgh Pathology Cases

Electron micrographs
VCU Pathology

      "Acoustic neuromas" are schwannomas of the eighth cranial nerve. This is a common location. Especially if multiple, ask about neurofibromatosis (especially type II, schwannomin gene: Nat. Genet. 18: 382, 1998).

      *The NIH acoustic neuroma consensus conference: Arch. Neuro. 51: 201, 1994.

{11031} eighth-nerve tumor
{15693} eighth-nerve tumor

      Plexiform neurofibromas arise from the fibrous tissue within nerve bundles. They are traversed by the nerve fibers, and resection will require sacrificing the nerve. They usually mean neurofibromatosis.

      Most of the neurofibromas in classic neurofibromatosis are cutaneous neurofibromas, subcutaneous bumps. While these look strange, they have very little malignant potential. Anyone can get a lone cutaneous neurofibroma, but in neurofibromatosis, there can be hundreds.

        *"Diffuse neurofibroma" looks like thick nerve trunks with chunks of collagen ("Wagner-Meissner bodies"). It's thoroughly benign.

        A "triton tumor" is a neurofibroma that makes rhabdomyoblasts. This really happens -- something about the Triton salamander regenerating its legs, remember from biology?

{01843} von Recklinghausen's of cauda equina
{01854} neurofibroma, trust me

Thoracic neurofibroma

Virtual Hospital

      *Despite conventinal wisdom, and the fact that skin over big neurofibromas can get to be elephant-like, the "elephant man" probably had Proteus syndrome instead.

Pittsburgh Pathology Cases

    The tendency today is to call nerve sheath sarcomas "malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors" rathan than "malignant schwannomas", "neurofibrosarcomas", etc.



[Gilgamesh, the warrior-king, has left his kingdom to find an answer for death. On his journey, he meets a barmaid. She tells him:]

Gilgamesh, where are you hurrying to? You will never find the answer for which you are looking. When the gods created humankind, they allotted us to death, but life they retained in their own keeping. As for you, Gilgamesh, fill your belly with good things; day and night, night and day, dance and be merry, feast and rejoice. Let your clothes be fresh, bathe yourself in water, cherish the little child that holds your hand, and make your wife happy in your embrace; for this too is the lot of humankind.

                  -- 2600 B.C.

[Gilgamesh finally found his answer, though it was not the one he was looking for. The entire conversation between Gilgamesh and the barmaid has been repeated billions of times since.]

I have concluded that what we call "a person" is fundamentally a spiritual process. After reviewing what evidence I could find, it seems most reasonable to me to think that we inhabit our human bodies and human brains (the products of Darwin's world) only temporarily. This doesn't bother me as a man of science, since I'm impressed by anecdotal accounts of phenomena that do not fit the familiar scientific paradigms but that have resisted systematic study. Relativity and quantum theory have satisfied me that the universe is stranger than we think, or even than we can think, even before we consider the riddle of consciousness. Considering spirit and body to be distinct helps me deal (though not in full) with questions of religious faith in Darwin's world. Why spirit and body have been joined remains the great question, which I will pass along to you. Like Socrates, I've heard it whispered that the answer involves "Love" with a capital "L".

Humankind began performing ceremonial burials at least 50,000 years ago, and we may assume that we've been contemplating our own mortality at least since that time. While discovering the relationship of mind and brain would seem a key to determining the true nature of human beings, there seems to be no easy answer. Philosophers regard this as a key problem, and (to my knowledge) all the great world-faiths allow considerable room for discussion.

The mind and the body (brain) might be related in any of several ways. This is a short survey of the principal positions; my amateur effort made it past a philosophy professor when I first prepared it in 1984.

Interactionism describes the mind and brain are distinct and equally real; during life, the mind effects changes in the material brain (presumably by telekinesis). Philosopher Karl Popper and neurosurgeon Sir John Eccles currently maintain this view. Popper says "the mind plays on the brain as the pianist plays on the keyboard". Parapsychology has failed to demonstrate any such force to most people's satisfaction. Neuroscience hasn't found it, either (nor can I imagine how we could, at present). Physical causation is easily demonstrated in our world, but no case of non-physical causation been demonstrated. (But psychologists do continue to study mind as if it obeyed causal laws.) Of course, interactionism probably violates the laws of conservation of energy, momentum, and so forth. Niels Bohr (of the Bohr atom and much more) pointed out that the microprocesses of the brain are of an order of magnitude where quantum indeterminacy should make a difference. Anyway, the laws of physics have never really been tested for neurons. An interactionist may believe (but does not have to believe) that all mental events are accompanied by physical change in the brain. NOTE: Some people (especially those interested in parapsychology) talk about "a different kind of matter", unknown to conventional science, which forms a second body for spirits, the dead, etc. (Popularized in Ghost.... and there are some interesting anecdotes.... but no convincing demonstrations have been forthcoming from the parapsychologists, despite decades of trying.) Dante (Purg. canto 25) describes how ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny (this will surprise those of you who believe that the medieval mindset was anti-science -- that's simply wrong) and follows this discussion with an account of interactionism (following Aquinas, Dante believed that God creates and infuses the soul when, and only when, the brain is prepared). After death, a new body is created from the matter of the spiritual realms. Philosophically, this is unrelated to interactionism (and not so interesting); the problems of how "mind" can be related to "subtle matter" are as difficult as defining how mind and brain interact.

Parallelism regards both mind and matter as closed systems, each with states determined by its own laws. However, they have been set in motion so that, in the course of time, every change in one corresponds to a change in the other. Leibnitz (co-discoverer of calculus) compared mind and brain to two clocks set in motion simultaneously. Though they always show the same hour, neither influences the other. I don't know anybody who believes this nowadays, or why anybody would.

Epiphenomenalism sees mind as real and different from brain, but as dependent on brain and exerting no causality it. I suspect this is the practical view of most medical doctors.

Materialism sees matter as possessing an ontological priority to mind. (Brain is ultimately "more real than" mind.) The assumption is that as neuroscience advances, it will become possible to explain all behavior without postulating mental causes. Interactionists assume the opposite, of course. Radical behaviorism, as explained by B.F. Skinner, defines behavior as the set of observable responses of an organism to stimuli. Skinner was unconcerned with non-observable mental states, denied that mental states are causes, are real, etc. Most of us, however, find being conscious interesting. For specialists: Reductive materialism describes the mental as no different from the physical. Emergentist materialism views mental events as a special set, though a distinguished set, of brain states. Eliminative materialism denies the reality of mental states at all. Logical behaviorism defined mental states in terms of dispositions to certain behaviors (although it might be hard to define these behaviors completely). It is hard for logical behaviorists to explain how one mental state causes another, or how a mental state can result in no behavior. Central-state identity theory views mental events as real and as causes, but they are identical with microstates of the brain. Some theorists claim (and I have no idea why) that all the mental events that could possibly exist must correspond to neuronal states. Others claim only that all known mental events correspond to neuronal states. The former theorists deny that a machine or a disembodied spirit or a Martian could think; the latter theorists consider this possible.

Functionalism, based on information theory and work in artificial intelligence, seeks to avoid the difficulties of both interactionism and materialism. This view compares mind to computer software, brain to computer hardware. The "personal self" is the self-organizing portion of the program within the computer of the brain. Thus, it is meaningful to talk about mind affecting brain, whether or not we believe in the ultimate physical determinacy of the brain. The mind obeys its own set of laws. Exactly what "consciousness" has to do with all of this is unclear. Most of us do not think "consciousness" is the same as a computer program's ability to edit itself. Functionalists do not care whether all mental events are related to changes in neurons, or whether the same organization might be operative in other systems (machines, disembodied spirits, etc.) A personal after-life requires only that the same software be run on a different machine. David MacKay thinks this is quite possible; Roger Sperry is pessimistic....

Further reading for physicians on mind and body:

    Churchland, P.S., "Mind-Brain Reduction: New Light from the Philosophy of Science", Neuroscience 7: 1041-7, 1982

    Fodor, J.A., "The Mind-Body Problem", Scientific American 24: 114-123, Jan., 1981.

    Friedman, D.X. "The Search: Body, Mind, & Human Purpose", Am. J. Psych. 149: 858, 1992. Not hard metaphysics like some of the others, but thoughts on what psychiatry is all about. Good quotation from Claude Bernard.

    Greyson, B., "Distressing near-death experiences", Psychiatry 55: 95, 1992. The title is understated. Echoes of "Revelation" or Dante.

    Greyson, B., "Varieties of Near-Death Experience", Psychiatry 56: 390, 1993. Prevalence and impact. The impact on a person's behavior is generally salutary. Dutch 13-year prospective study of near-death experiences: Lancet 358: 2039, 2001. The authors discussed whether it could be paranormal, and noted if it were just physiology, there should be some identifiable correlates with duration, medication, attitudes, and so forth -- but there was not.

    Hebb, D.O., "Consider Mind as a Biological Problem", Neuroscience 6: 2419-2422, 1981. I couldn't follow this one.

    Lukoff, D., et. al., "Toward a more culturally sensitive DSM-IV", J. Nerv. Ment. Dis. 180: 673, 1992. Despite the trendoid title, this is a past-due call for psychiatrists to deal more intelligently with religious issues, whether "cultural" or the spontaneous religious experiences that happen to lots of people.

    MacKay, D.M., "The Interdependence of Mind and Brain", Neuroscience 5: 1389-91, 1980

    -, "Ourselves and Our Brains: Duality Without Dualism", Psychoneuroendocrinology 7: 285-94, 1982.

    Owens, J.E., et. al., "Features of the near-death experience in relation to whether or not patients were near death", Lancet 336: 1175, 1990. (It's much more likely to happen if you're really near death than if you just think you are. The author thinks this favors "the transcendent hypothesis".)

    Sabom, M., Recollections of Death, now out of print. Formerly the chief cardiologist at the Atlanta VA Hospital, Dr. Sabom told me in 1980 that, in his series of dozens of patients who reported having watched their resuscitations, they were uniformly accurate, without a single major error. He played a great tape for me ("The blood went in that doctor's shoe" and indeed it had, etc.; upon seeing his own heart, the guy made the two classic observations a medical student makes at an autopsy.) This strikes me as more impressive evidence for "the transcendent hypothesis" (instead of "hallucinations from lack of oxygen to the brain" or whatever) than do the stories about "light, love, and meaning", though Dr. Sabom records these, too. Dr. Sabom was subsequently fired, supposedly for his interest in parapsychology, but today's skeptics (understandably) consider him the most respectable near-death experience researcher.

    Sperry, R.W., "Mind-Brain Interaction: Mentalism, Yes; Dualism, No", Neuroscience 5: 195-206, 1980.

    Stevenson, I., Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases 165: 152-70, 1977. The guy who investigates reincarnation claims around the world, and is also a psychiatry professor at Virginia, writes about the empirical evidence for and against survival after death. Still interesting, though you won't find a definitive answer here.

    "Can science explain consciousness?" Sci. Am. 271(1): 88, July 1994. I didn't understand this one, either.

The grave is the first stage of the journey into eternity. -- Mohammed

NOTE: Studying for the licensure examination in basic sciences? Around this time, students often ask "What's the best way to review for 'National Boards' in Pathology"? The answer is, "Whatever book or set of notes you can read with comfort, comprehension, and interest." This might be anything from re-reading "Big Robbins" (generally favored by students who feel stronger), the "ERF handouts" or a review book, to various quiz books and quiz banks (generally favored by students who feel too weak to remain focused on a text; but be sure you look up why answers are right or wrong!). Only you can tell what feels right for you.


    Unless you are VERY confident that your family knows what you want, or that you will want whatever they decide for you, and that they are MORE comfortable making decisions than letting you be responsible for them... prepare your advance directive now.

    Mine has been essentially the same since 1973. Now that I've hit fifty years of age, make that percentage odds business equal to my chronolocial age.

    In case of serious disease or serious injury leaving me with less than a 50% chance of a return to meaningful life, institute no therapy except for hygiene and relief of pain and respiratory distress. If intravenous, endotracheal, or stomach lines are already in place, you must remove them. "Meaningful existence" means able to say, write, sign, or fingerspell the Lord's Prayer at the right time in a church service. This is a carefully considered definition that after over 25 years still meets every contingency of which I can think. Specifically, in case of an acute subarachnoid hemorrhage with coma, do not initiate any life-maintaining intervention. Administer analgesics and other comfort measures only. When there is less than a 50% chance of a return to meaningful life, allow me to die of dehydration if active euthanasia is not feasable. I have experienced prerenal azotemia with BUN near 100 and it is not really so unpleasant. [I added this in 1977.] If I have less than a 50% chance of returning to work, or if I am fully retired, do not administer antibiotics. In an unwitnessed cardiac arrest or if I am fully retired, do not begin CPR or continue it if begun. In all circumstances, let the above serve as a guide to my thinking.

    I have previously remarked that as an invalid not able to contribute further to those around me, it would be unconscionable for me to allow other living things to be killed to feed me. I have given myself out to be a mainstream Christian throughout my entire adult life. All spiritual values proceed from relationships among people -- in fact, even the Good Lord is a community of three Persons. Without the ability to act in relationships, my natural life has no value. My body goes for anatomic dissection and/or my organs are to go for transplantation as appropriate for my manner of death. You may consider me legally dead when I have no reflexes off medication. Although I am a gentle soul and have actually helped anti-death penalty activists, I have never opposed the death penalty itself. Let this be remembered in the unlikely event that I am murdered. My last will (2004) is in the possession of my house buddy and executor, Lewis Burton. Memorial services follow the rite of the Episcopal Church, with white vestments please, as was the custom among the ancient Christians. Keep the tone light and humorous as I would have done, and remember that "All Creatures of our God and King" was my favorite hymn. There's a video of my reading Plato's "Phaedo" somewhere that people would enjoy on this occasion. After dissection (anatomy class, autopsy, or organ donation plus autopsy), my body is to be cremated and my ashes are to be scattered by other skydivers as per our custom. Have a nice day.


{01152} brain, immature but normal
{01215} oligodendrocyte, normal
{01221} microglia, resting in normal cortex
{01222} dorsal root ganglion, normal
{01228} eye, normal
{01230} frontal lobe, normal cerebral cortex
{01231} occipital lobe, normal cerebral cortex
{01239} pineal gland, normal
{01273} neuron, normal
{01351} neuron, normal with glia
{01356} astrocytes, foot processes on capillaries
{01408} oligodendrocyte, normal nerve tracts
{01409} oligodendrocyte, normal
{01410} oligodendrocyte, normal
{01435} myelin, normal
{03695} transverse sinus ligament of marshall, normal
{04442} leptomeninges, normal over cortex
{04727} cerebellopontine angle, normal
{07194} trauma chemical injury, brain normal and carbon monoxide 7-4-112
{11369} pons, normal
{11402} vertebral basilar artery, normal
{11405} vertebral basilar artery, normal
{11408} vertebral basilar artery, normal
{12833} internal carotid artery, normal anatomy
{12836} internal carotid artery, normal anatomy
{12839} internal carotid artery, normal anatomy
{1209} neurons
{1224}{1226}{1228} cerebellum
{14597} microglia, normal
{10598} microglia, normal
{14599} microglia, normal
{14600} microglia, normal
{14601} peripheral nerve, normal
{14602} peripheral nerve, normal
{14603} peripheral nerve, normal
{14604} peripheral nerve, normal
{14605} schwann cells, normal
{14606} schwann cells, normal
{14608} nerve, normal
{15061} pineal gland, brain sand
{15062} pineal gland, brain sand
{15063} pineal gland, brain sand
{15064} pineal gland, brain sand
{15146} neuron, nissl substance (rer)
{15153} pyramidal cell, cerebral cortex
{15156} cerebellum, immature
{15157} neuron in a brain stem nucleus, #31 arrow on neuron cell body
{15158} choroid plexus, fetal brain of animal #31
{15159} dorsal root ganglion, #32
{15161} dorsal root ganglion, #32 arrow on bipolar cell
{15165} nerve, normal
{15314} pacinian corpuscle, finger tip
{17663} wernicke's encephalopathy, comparison with normal *mammillary bodies
{17859} brain, normal
{17860} brain, normal
{17861} brain, normal
{17862} brain, normal
{17863} brain, normal
{17864} brain, normal
{17865} brain, normal
{17866} brain, normal
{17872} infarct, brain frontal lobe looks normal
{19970} brain 32 weeks, normal
{19971} brain 32 weeks, normal
{19990} pineal gland with cyst, normal
{20155} brain, normal
{20713} pineal gland, brain sand
{20714} cochlea, normal
{20715} ciliary process, normal eye
{20716} optic nerve head and retina, normal
{20767} cerebral cortex of newborn, arrows in large cells layer v; note columnar arrangement
{20768} pyramidal cell in developing cortex, pial surface is toward bottom
{20769} choroid plexus, newborn
{20770} dorsal root ganglion, reduced silver
{20771} dorsal root ganglion, reduced silver
{20774} perineurium, transverse
{20775} nerve, longitudinal section
{25686} white matter, normal brain
{25687} cerebral cortex, normal
{30242} cranial nerves, normal
{30243} cranial nerves, normal
{30985} internal capsule and corona radiata, normal 1/10
{31018} cerebral cortex, normal
{31024} cerebral cortex, normal
{31027} skull, norm`l
{31030} skull, normal
{31045} posterior fossa, normal anatomy
{31048} vestibulocochlear nerve in cp angle, normal
{31051} cisterna magna and pons, normal brain
{31111} tentorial notch contents, normal
{31174} thalamus, normal
{31210} brain, normal
{31219} brain, normal
{31243} brain, normal
{31330} sella turcica, normal
{31339} brain, normal
{31354} brain, normal
{31358} skull, normal plain anatomy
{31361} skull, normal plain anatomy
{31364} frontal sinus, normal plain anatomy
{31370} lumbar spine anatomy, normal
{31373} lumbar spine anatomy, normal
{31376} lumbar spine anatomy, normal
{31385} lumbar spine anatomy, normal
{31388} lumbar spine anatomy, normal
{31418} internal carotid artery anatomy, normal
{31421} circle of willis anatomy, normal
{31433} venous drainage, brain normal anatomy
{31445} straight sinus joining torcula or *conflnormal venous anatomy - with arrows
{31451} middle cerebral artery, normal anatomy
{31454} middle cerebral artery, normal anatomy
{31460} internal carotid artery anatomy, normal
{31463} vertebral basilar circulation, normal
{31466} basilar artery, normal
{31469} posterior cerebral artery, normal
{31475} vertebral basilar circulation, normal
{31490} vertebral basilar circulation, normal
{31511} spinal cord, normal
{31517} spinal cord, normal
{31575} down's syndrome, cerebral atrophy/normal
{31583} substantia nigra midbrain, normal
{31589} substantia nigra, normal confusing because melanin isn't black
{31631} caudate, normal histology
{31640} neuron and astrocytes in putamen, normal
{31642} cerebellum, normal & disrupted
{31760} wernicke's encephalopathy, normal mammillary body for comparison
{32912} cavum septum pellucidum, normal
{34331} dorsal root ganglion, normal
{34334} dorsal root ganglion, normal
{34337} dorsal root ganglion, normal
{35819} pineal, normal
{35822} pineal, normal
{35837} area postrema, normal
{35861} cerebral cortex, normal
{35870} neuron, normal cells in caudate
{35876} locus ceruleus, normal
{35915} purkinje cell, normal
{37284} alzheimer's disease, normal neuron
{37335} caudate, normal for comparison
{37338} huntington's disease, normal brain on top for comparison
{37500} germinal matrix, normal
{37513} germinal matrix, normal
{37515} germinal matrix, normal
{37609} brain, normal
{37665} brain, normal for comparison
{37678} aqueduct, normal midbrain
{37679} aqueduct, normal
{37680} aqueduct, normal
{40144} brain, normal
{49534} *cerebellum, normal
{53716} EEG, normal
{53809} hurler's syndrome - purkinje cells, normal cells / engorged cells

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