PROFILES AND PITFALLS: Practical Topics in Lab Diagnosis
Ed Friedlander, M.D., Pathologist

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Welcome to Ed's Pathology Notes, placed here originally for the convenience of medical students at my school. You need to check the accuracy of any information, from any source, against other credible sources. I cannot diagnose or treat over the web, I cannot comment on the health care you have already received, and these notes cannot substitute for your own doctor's care. I am good at helping people find resources and answers. If you need me, send me an E-mail at Your confidentiality is completely respected. is a larger, full-time service. There is also a fee site at, and another at

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Pathology's modern founder, Rudolf Virchow M.D., left a legacy of realism and social conscience for the discipline. I am a mainstream Christian, a man of science, and a proponent of common sense and common kindness. I am an outspoken enemy of all the make-believe and bunk which interfere with peoples' health, reasonable freedom, and happiness. I talk and write straight, and without apology.

Throughout these notes, I am speaking only for myself, and not for any employer, organization, or associate.

Special thanks to my friend and colleague, Charles Wheeler M.D., pathologist and former Kansas City mayor. Thanks also to the real Patch Adams M.D., who wrote me encouragement when we were both beginning our unusual medical careers.

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Alternative (complementary) medicine has made real progress since my generally-unfavorable 1983 review linked below. If you are interested in complementary medicine, then I would urge you to visit my new Alternative Medicine page. If you are looking for something on complementary medicine, please go first to the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians. And for your enjoyment... here are some of my old pathology exams for medical school undergraduates.

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Our world is full of people who have found peace, fulfillment, and friendship by suspending their own reasoning and simply accepting a single authority which seems wise and good. I've learned that they leave the movements when, and only when, they discover they have been maliciously deceived. In the meantime, nothing that I can say or do will convince such people that I am a decent human being. I no longer answer my crank mail.

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This page was last updated February 6, 2006.

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Whatever you're looking for on the web, I hope you find it, here or elsewhere. Health and friendship!

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More of Ed's Notes: Ed's Medical Terminology Page

Perspectives on Disease
Cell Injury and Death
Accumulations and Deposits
What is Cancer?
Cancer: Causes and Effects
Immune Injury
Other Immune
HIV infections
The Anti-Immunization Activists
Infancy and Childhood
Environmental Lung Disease
Violence, Accidents, Poisoning
Red Cells
White Cells
Oral Cavity
GI Tract
Pancreas (including Diabetes)
Adrenal and Thymus
Nervous System
Lab Profiling
Blood Component Therapy
Serum Proteins
Renal Function Tests
Adrenal Testing
Arthritis Labs
Glucose Testing
Liver Testing
Spinal Fluid
Lab Problem
Alternative Medicine (current)
Alternative Medicine (1983)
Preventing "F"'s: For Teachers!
Medical Dictionary

Courtesy of CancerWEB


To paraphrase my favorite philosophy instructor, "Successful students of pathology are successful, ultimately, because they learn to participate in the activity." Ordering and interpreting lab tests will be, for most of you, your most common "pathology" activity as you practice medicine.

This is also the hardest thing to teach in the classroom. Pathologists themselves agree about this, but can't agree how or when it's best-taught (Am. J. Clin. Path. 100: 594, 1993). Without live patients, it's almost as deadly to teach it as to study it. Lots of you will hate the case-by-case, sort-of-random-order, active-learning approach I'm trying this year. That's okay with me. I hear too much about "passive learning, follow-the-notes lectures" in my own and other courses already. If you can think of a better way to teach lab use, I'm all ears.

I will not try to duplicate what you've learned about bug-testing in your "Microbiology-Immunology" course. And your clinical faculty will probably want to tell you about drug-abuse screening, allergy testing, the workup of gut problems (diarrhea, malabsorption), and what to do when you suspect a pulmonary embolus.

The book is Bakerman. Some of you may prefer "Ravel" or "The Right Test". That's fine. The notes, "Ravel", or The Right Test will all work in class, or as exam authorities. You'll be frustrated by the differing, contradictory recommendations in the sources. For example, The Right Test thinks it's good practice to screen everyone in middle-age and up every year for diabetes. I don't, and neither does the current literature. Ultimately, managed care (with the advice of the "practice guidelines" from the professional organizations) will decide where you spend other peoples' money by ordering lab tests. I'm here to teach you the "what"'s, "how"'s, and "why"'s, so that you can make some sense out of the mess.

Tulane Pathology Course
Great for this unit
Exact links are always changing

Learning Objectives

Most of this unit is a fantasia centered around the "screening tests" and "profiles" which you will order in the hospital and in the clinic. You will learn how and when to order these tests, and the reasons people may have values outside the "normal range" without being sick. You will also review some elementary concepts about lab testing which are often points of confusion.

The classroom isn't the ideal place to learn how to order and interpret lab tests. (See, for example, a discussion of this problem in Am. J. Clin. Path. 100: 594, 1993). But this stuff is worth knowing. For now, hang onto this handout for use during the active-learning time in lab. Hopefully, this isn't all entirely new material.

Ordering Your Lab Tests

The U.S. public spends around $1768 million yearly on lab tests (Am. J. Clin. Path. 117: 691, 2002). The industry is quite efficient (Arch. Path. Lab. Med. 112: 235, 1988; still good), and the DRG guidelines from the 1980's were really quite reasonable. A certain amount of chaos still reigns in the routine ordering of lab tests. But despite what you've heard about "unnecessary testing", estimates from just before managed care judged that only around 20% of tests were superfluous (J. Gen. Int. Med. 5: 335, 1990; Arch. Int. Med. 149: 549, 1989). Yes, you can develop anemia from having too many blood tests, even if you're a grown-up (Crit. Care. Med. 17: 1143, 1989). By the time you are in practice, you will be able to type a patient's ID into a computer, see their full array of completed and pending lab tests, and perhaps even get an interpretation and advice.

In the 1980's, it was politically correct to inveigh against laboratory tests for screening. The racket of charging megabucks for "interpreting the chemical profile" has been eliminated by new methods of reimbursement. But perverse incentives remain (see below). The truth is that screening is a good, cheap way to find disease that you can treat and thus help people. Mayo's got 1% or better case-finding from each of the following: lipid profile, chemical profile, urinalysis, CBC, thyroid screen (Am. J. Med. 101: 142, 1997). Also see below.

The hospital laboratory is usually run by pathologists. Most of us enjoy helping medical students and clinicians interpret the welter of data that the lab provides on their patients. Most lab procedures are automated, and visits to the lab are fascinating. (There's a dandy senior pathology elective at UMKC, just down the road. Call 556-3785.) Most physicians routinely discuss lab tests (and most everything else) using jargon names (acronyms, etc.) You will learn these on rotations.

As a clinical student, you will order lab tests under the supervision of the house staff and attending staff on your service. This is easy. You write the name of the test(s) you want on the order sheet in the patient's chart (the same sheet where orders for drugs, treatments, etc., are listed). Your intern, resident, or attending may need to countersign your order. The ward clerk transcribes your order onto a "lab slip" and, if the lab needs to draw blood, sends it to the lab. Next morning (or perhaps sooner) the phlebotomist from the lab will come and draw blood, if you want a blood test, or the nurses will get a urine specimen. (Just who collects what, and when, varies from hospital to hospital. You will have plenty of opportunities to draw blood from your own patients.) The medical technologist (highly educated and regulated) or the medical technician (not quite so elite) performs the test. Most routine tests are batched and run in the morning as soon as the phlebotomists are done collecting all the specimens. The lab reports the result, usually on one ply of the lab slip, or perhaps on a computer print-out. The report usually finds its way back to the patient's chart by evening. (If the result is sufficiently abnormal to indicate an immediate threat to life, the lab recognizes a panic value and will phone the nurse, the resident, or somebody other than the medical student. Panic values are now on computer: Arch. Int. Med. 163: 200, 2003; cost is near zero and everybody seems to benefit.) You look at the result and decide what it means, because you will be quizzed on it tomorrow!

You will order the following tests frequently. (Some may still be part of "routine tests on admission" for "screening" or "baseline". See below.)

    Complete blood count (CBC, now performed by machine -- "Coulter counter", etc.).

      This includes hemoglobin, hematocrit, red cell count, red cell indices (MCV, MCH, MCHC). (Hemoglobin, red cell count, and MCV are actually measured, the others are calculated.) It also includes a white cell count ("WBC", always) and usually includes platelets. Your lab's machine may also estimate percentages of lymphocytes, granulocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils, and/or measure the "RDW", red-cell-volume distribution width, a measure of anisocytosis.)

        * We prefer the RDW-SD (standard deviation) to the RDW-CV (coefficient of variation) since RDW-SD won't be masked by larger cells or exaggerated by smaller cells. (Why not?)

    Complete blood count with differential white cell count (CBC with diff)

      This includes everything on your hospital's CBC. It also includes a differential count of 100 (or 200 or more) white cells, normal and abnormal. (This is now usually automated, also.) It also includes short descriptions and semi-quantitation (+ to +++, etc.) of red cell, white cell, and platelet morphology, are included as required.

    Routine CBC:

      Depending on your hospital, you will automatically get a "diff" on everybody, on people with abnormal WBC's, or on nobody.

    Chemical urinalysis ("U/A")

      This always includes appearance, specific gravity, pH, protein, glucose, ketones, and blood, and may include bilirubin, nitrite, and urobilinogen.

    Chemical urinalysis plus sediment examination

      The lab will usually examine the sediment if the chemical urinalysis is abnormal, and will always examine it if you ask. Automated urinalysis: Clin. Lab. Med. 8: 449, 1988.

    By convention, here is how you can represent your lab values in a chart (thanks UCSF)

    Automated chemical profile ("Chemistry 12", "SMA-18", "SMAC", VP, Ektachem 400, Hitachi 737, Technicon Chem 1, etc., etc.).

      A battery of tests described below. Unlike the other tests in this section, it will not be available on an emergency basis. (Pediatric hospitals may not have such a battery.)

      * Fun read: Doing the i-STAT blood analyzer in space flight. Clin. Chem. 43: 1056, 1997.

    Electrolytes ("'lytes", "electric lights", etc.)

      This always includes sodium, potassium, chloride, and "total CO2" (which is within a few percent of the real serum bicarbonate ion concentration). It often includes glucose and BUN, and sometimes even creatinine. Appropriate ordering (in the emergency setting): Ann. Emerg. Med. 20: 16, 1991. A portable analyzer which requires only a drop of blood to do the works: Am. J. Clin. Path. 100: 599, 1993.

    Blood gases (often performed in a different lab)

      This always includes pH, PaCO2, and PaO2. You may also get hemoglobin (measured), oxygen saturation, "total CO2", base excess, and other values.

You can order a huge selection of other tests. "Profiles" may exist at your hospital for various organs or problems ("liver profile", "kidney function tests", "lipid screen", "hypothyroid check", etc.) The "serum porcelain" (for "crackpots") is only a legend. Some tests are run only once or twice a week. Most tests are run in a batch at the start of the day. Please don't ask to have a serum protein electrophoresis or a routine autopsy done in the middle of the night. If the hospital lab does not perform a particular test, it will be send to a reference lab, usually on a fee basis. (Or a researcher's lab at the med school might do it.) The Lab Director may not approve every exotic test you order.

If a result suggests serious disease, your lab may perform some tests automatically (a reflex profile); for example, if a monoclonal spike appears on protein electrophoresis and the patient is not known to the lab, you may get an instant immunofixation to characterize it.

If you order a "stat" test, the lab personnel run your test before continuing work on anything else. You will get your result in minutes. (The lab will probably phone you.) Of course, this is inefficient and overall holds up everybody else (Arch. Path. Lab. Med. 123: 607, 1999; Arch. Path. Lab. Med. 121: 1031, 1997). But in emergency situations, you need to be able to order a "stat" test! Ask yourself (1) Do you suspect the patient has a life-threatening abnormality that requires immediate attention? (2) Do you need the information for a management decision which you will make within the next few hours? Your stat test may be run in the regular lab, or it may be run in a satellite lab ("stat lab", "blood gas-acute care lab", etc.) In many hospitals, you can get a test run sooner than it would otherwise be without having to resort to a "stat". For example, you may be allowed to tell the lab "priority", "today", "patient is waiting," etc. (Especially for monitoring of "peak and trough levels" of therapeutic drugs, you can arrange to have blood drawn at particular times during the day).

The following tests can usually be ordered "stat" without any hassle: blood gases (usually a stat procedure), electrolytes (serum, urine), osmolality, calcium, glucose, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine, ammonia (maybe), amylase, "ketones" (acetoacetic acid, etc.), urinalysis (chemical, microscopic), CBC, differential white cell count (maybe, if you're an oncologist), platelet count (if not regularly part of CBC), Gram stain and smear for acid-fast bacilli (you may have to do these yourself), blood cultures (if the lab draws these), serum digoxin level, serum levels of various antibiotics and other drugs, PT, PTT, fibrinogen, fibrin degradation products, LDH total (maybe), blood bank (crossmatch, platelets and fresh frozen plasma), cerebrospinal fluid. These tests should always be available on a "same day" basis without your having to resort to a "stat" to get timely results when there is no emergency.

Your office lab may be equipped with at least (1) a desktop blood-cell counter; (2) a desktop chemistry machine; (3) a desktop immunoassay machine. Thankfully, CLIA (the Federal "Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act", which originally was a disaster for common-sense office labs) was modified to waive the stringent guidelines for the simple, routine tests.

Remember that most definitive diagnoses of serious diseases like cancer are made by examining tissue -- cytologies, biopsies or larger surgical specimens. But you will probably be told you should "do all the non-invasive procedures first." These includes blood and urine tests, cultures, x-ray studies, and so forth. (Remember that the single most useful diagnostic procedure is still the history and physical exam.)

What's in those vacuum-filled blood sample tubes?

Worth knowing:

    Red-top: Nothing. The blood will clot, and we'll extract the serum. Used for most routine chemistries. Nowadays most "red top" tubes are red-and-gray top tubes, with a silicone separator

      Healthy serum lacks clotting factors I, II, V, VII, and XIII.

    Purple-top: EDTA (calcium-chelating anticoagulant). Best for blood cell counting.

    Blue-top: Citrate (calcium-chelating anticoagulant, readily neutralized). Best for routine coagulation studies.

    Gray-top: Fluoride-oxalate. Inhibits glycolytic enzymes. Best for glucose and routine toxicology.

    Green-top: Heparin anticoagulant. Less popular than the others.

    *Navy-blue top: Trace-metal-free

    *Yellow top: Acid citrate dextrose. Tests that must be kept at room temperature and shipped to a reference lab. PCR's and reference-immunology especially. (NOTE: Some yellow-top tubes are silicone-barrier-gel only).

"Routine Screening"

      A healthy person is someone who has not been completely worked up.

            -- Internist's joke

The object of screening is to detect unknown, treatable disease without excessive cost of finding and working up, and risk of working up, false-positives. The Democrats, the Republicans, the insurance carrier, the premium payer, the private payer, and the taxpayer are worried about the latter; the patient is worried about the former.

Depending on your hospital, everyone admitted may get some or all of the following tests, which will be called "the routine admitting lab work". The first six usually fall into the domain of the clinical pathologist. These are

  • (1) CBC (and perhaps a "diff");

  • (2) chemical urinalysis (and perhaps a sediment examination);

  • (3) automated chemical profile (see below);

  • (4) thyroid screen (T4, maybe more; South. Med. J. 83: 1259, 1990; Br. Med. J. 314: 1175, 1997, "wait until they develop symptoms" -- USPSTF in the Ann. Int. Med. 140: 128, 2004; "routine screening of pregnant women and women over age 60": JAMA 291: 228, 2004; blood-spot test to screen the trisomy 21 kids: Arch. Dis. Child. 82: 27, 2000; please folks don't miss thyroid disease);
  • (5) syphilis test (RPR or another; not a bad idea especially in people that common sense would tell you are at risk: Ann. Emerg. Med. 22: 781, 1993; overseas syphilis testing is a major health benefit Am. J. Pub. Health 87 1019, 1997);
  • (6) Prostate bloodwork?

      maybe prostate-specific antigen for older men (JAMA 267: 2215 & 2236, 1992; J. Fam. Pract. 41: 270, 1995; CA 45(3): 148, 1995; the case against PSA as a routine screen, by the managed-care guys of course, I agree with them: J. Urol. 152: 1682, 1685 & 1689, 1994; the current chaos Cancer 74(S7): 2016, 1994; even nowadays nobody's been able to show it reduces mortality or morbidity Am. Fam. Phys. 57: 1531, April 1998);

-- (7) TB skin test (for those not known to be positive);

-- (8) electrocardiogram (EKG, ECG) ("for baseline");

-- (9) chest x-ray (CXR -- probably not indicated. See NEJM 312: 209, 1985; there's a new push to return to routine chest x-rays to find early cancers in smokers: Chest 112-S4: 216-S, 1997);

--(10) pap smear for women ("ThinPrep" is more sensitive: Arch. Path. Lab. Med. 127: 200, 2003).

--(11) mammogram for women over age 40 or 50 (many articles)

  • (12) Watch for screening for low B12 levels. This is long overdue and people are starting to talk about it. Arch. Phys. Med. 86: 150, 2005; Geriatrics 58: 30, 2003.

    Politics is certain to determine the status of routine HIV screening; you (the physician) are more likely to be required to submit to screening than is your surgical patient. There are supposedly about 300,000 people in the US who are HIV positive but don't know it (Arch. Int. Med. 162: 887, 2002). Since the first ten years of the epidemic, the rhetoric has shifted from "protecting people's right not to be tested" to "getting people in for voluntary testing" and bewailing the fact that most primary care physicians don't screen people at risk (Am. J. Pub. Health 92: 1784, 2002). Probably you still can't test without the person's consent (even in prisoners: Pub. Health Rev. 116: 520, 2001), so now hospitals serving underclass communities have teams to get inpatients to accept testing (Arch. Int. Med. 162: 887, 2002). Especially, the availability of medications to keep Baby from catching HIV from Mom has made screening important, and even most (not all) ethicists consider that society may require Mom to accept treatment. OraSure has revolutionized HIV testing among the underclass (Am. J. Pub. Health 94:29, 2004), and PCR for the virus testing is (or should be) routine so as not to miss the acute infections (JAMA 288: 216, 2002).

    Curiously, the "ethicists" are only now starting to notice that we've been testing for drugs of abuse for decades without informed consent (Am. J. Med. 115: 54, 2003); I predict this will go nowhere because people's lives in an emergency setting depend on our being able to get this information without any interference from persons of delicate conscience. (The person screened is still protected by the rules of physician-patient confidentiality and the requirement that if a test is to have a legal impact, it must be confirmed by a separate test using a different chemical principle.)

    What was supposed to be the modern era's "last word" on screening was the 1989 United States Preventive Services Task force (USPSTF; available from William & Wilkins). It's already dated. For an older overview of screening, see JAMA 254: 1480 and 1499, 1985. Future surgeons see JAMA 253: 3576 and 3589, 1985; Surgery 109: 236, 1991; Arch. Path. Lab. Med. 115: 1088, 1991 ("routine bleeding times"); Am. J. Surg. 188: 671, 2004 (routine labs for injured kids are worthless); Ob. Gyn. 78: 837, 1991 (PT before elective gynecologic surgery is a waste), Pediatrics 89: 691, 1992 (routine screening of kids for coagulation problems is plus-minus helpful); Milit. Med. 154: 140, 1989, Ann. Int. Med. 114: 432, 1991, Mayo Clin. Proc. 66: 155, 1991, Arch. Surg. 127: 801, 1992 ; Surgery 115: 56, 1994; Med. Clin. N.A. 87: 7, 2003 (the last six all agreed that routine screening of healthy people before elective surgery is a waste; these articles also cover the clinicians' butts should their failure to order labwork miss a cholesterol or calcium problem or something). Application of USPSTF guidelines to the elderly (with "cost-effectiveness" data): J. Fam. Pract. 34: 320, 1992.

    Law mandates the screening of newborns for such things-requiring-early-recognition as hemoglobinopathies, phenylketonuria, galactosemia, and congenital hypothyroidism (Arch. Dis. Child. 67: 1073, 1992). Many states also mandate screening for congenital adrenal hyperplasia, biotinidase deficiency (limb paralysis and blindness, controllable by giving biotin), G6PD deficiency, Duchenne's, and/or maple-syrup urine disease (progressive brain damage, preventable by limiting intake of branched-chain amino acids). Today's tests are so sensitive (which is good) that there are about 50 false-positives for every case found (Arch. Ped. Adol. Med. 154: 714, 2000). These probably get done automatically. Neonatal screening and the problems caused by false-positives: Clin. Chim. Acta. 315: 99, 2002; Arch. Ped. Adolesc. Med. 154: 714, 2000. You will also screen young kids for lead poisoning (Am. J. Pub. Health 93: 1253, 2003); old lead paint in houses remains a major health threat about which the politicians are doing nothing (contrast the "asbestos in the schools" hoopla of the late 1980's).

    Likewise, protocols (or at least recommendations) exist for lab testing as part of pre-natal care -- everything from blood pressure to glucose to illegal drugs (Am. J. Ob-Gyn. 166: 588, 1992) to alpha-fetoprotein to track down neural tube detects (Am. J. Clin. Path. 97: 541, 1992).

    Future clinicians take note: Here's a reasonably current list of things that are probably worth doing routinely for asymptomatic clean-living grown-ups without family histories of anything bad or possible exposures to slow-acting poisons. Ask the local USPSTF guru:

    • urging people to turn their hot water temperature down to 120 F;

    • urging people not to smoke in bed;
    • urging people to install smoke alarms;
    • trying to find out who's a problem drinker (good luck!);

    • ask the women about domestic violence (Mayo Clin. Proc. 73: 271, 1998)

    • urging people to get regular dental care;

    • urging people to exercise;
    • urging people to wear seat belts;

    • urging cyclists to wear helmets (Am. J. Pub. Health 84: 653, 1994)

    • discussing general nutrition;

    • trying to find out just how many drugs the person is taking;

    • recommending cessation of smoking;

    • urging monthly breast self-exam for women;

    • urging advance directives, durable power of attorney;

    • urging an aspirin a day (to prevent strokes and heart attacks; maybe, wait'll you're in practice for a better assessment of benefit/risk ratio);

    • consider urging post-menopausal women with hysterectomies (and perhaps without) to take supplemental estrogen;

    • offering 'flu shots yearly to everyone 65 and over;

    • offering pneumococcal vaccine once to everyone age 65 and over;

    • tetanus toxoid every ten years (or diphtheria-tetanus vaccine)

    • office health-maintenance visit maybe yearly (maybe more in the old-old); this includes a basic physical exam (remember to look around in the mouth, especially if it's an old smoker: Cancer 72(S3): 1061, 1993;

    • check every guy for hernias and testicular masses;

    • do a rectal (and check prostate, if a man; Br. Med. J. 300: 1041, 1990);

    • checking blood pressure;

    • annual clinical breast exam and mammogram to age 75 (USPSTF rec); some people say to start yearly mammograms at age 40 (Ann. Int. Med. 122: 534, 1995; Cancer 75: 2412, 1995; NCI now says no, ACS and the American College of Radiology say yes CA 44: 248, 1994; South. Med. J. 91: 510, 1998); nobody questions their value after age 50 (Cancer 71(S1): 231, 1994)

    • pap smears in women (start with first intercourse; do every 1-3 years, stop at age 65 if the last two were normal; Am. Fam. Phys. 45: 143, 1992; Postgrad. Med. 101: 207, 1997);

      • (New directions in the pap smear industry, including realistic assessment of the high false-negative rate for human slide-readers and introduction of image analysis technology: Cancer 71(S4): 1406, 1993; probe for the four worst HPV strains on routinely-collected material J. Clin. Path. 45: 385, 1992; the tort system has made pap smears unavailable for the women who need them most, while we look to computers to help get rid of false negatives: Arch. Path. Lab. Med. 121: 287, 1997; Arch. Path. Lab. Med. 121: 282, 1997.);

    • stool occult blood yearly (old recommendation: every two years ages 40-50, then yearly), maybe a flex-sig every three years (longer than that is probably too long: JAMA 290: 41, 2003);

      • (Colon cancer screening: Cancer 70(5S): 1246, 1992; Am. J. Gastroent. 87: 1085, 1992; Cancer 70: 1266, 1992; Ann. Int. Med. 126: 811, 1997; Am. J. Med. 106: 1A: 7S, 1999; South. Med. J. 92: 258, 1999; JAMA 289: 1288 & 1297, 2003; flex-sig: South. Med. J. 84: 72, 1991; maybe a flex-sig every 3-5 years over age 50 is a good idea Lancet 341: 736, 1993; Hosp. Pract. 29(8): 25, Aug. 15, 1994; the nurse can do it as well as the gastroenterologist can NEJM 330: 183, 1994; I told you that fecal occult blood screening isn't at all sensitive either for polyps or cancers JAMA 269: 1262, 1993).

    • take a good look at the skin for melanomas and other cancers and pre-cancers, especially if there's a history of sun-exposure or some other risk factor (but you should look at everybody: Cancer 75(S2): 674, 1995);

    • listen for a carotid bruit, maybe get a Doppler for those old folks;

    • do a cheap hearing test;

    • check visual acuity (even on kids, Doc: Pediatrics 89: 834, 1992);

    • quick glaucoma test if you're an eye specialist;

    • ultrasound women for ovarian cancer (probably not, but still a current topic, see Br. Med. J. 299: 1363, 1989; negative appraisal Ann. Int. Med. 121: 124, 1994; negative NIH consensus statement JAMA 273: 481, 1995; more Postgrad. Med. 102: 112, 1997)

    • ultrasound older (>50 yr.) people for abdominal aortic aneurysms (well, this was an idea a while back; see Surg. Clin. N.A. 69: 713, 1989)

    • serum (or finger-stick; Prev. Med. 20: 364, 1991; Am. J. Card. 65: 6, 1992) cholesterol, starting in teenaged years or before (kids at risk are those with a parent who had coronary disease before age 60, or a known cholesterol problem: Pediatrics 88: 269, 1991, Pediatrics 94: 296, 1994); repeated occasionally to age 75 (older recommendation: every 5 years to age 50); consider fractionating into LDL-c/HDL-c (much-ballyhooed, but not all that useful in the absence of a serious problem; some people check everybody's ratio); despite predictions, apolipoprotein B assay did not replace routine cholesterol screening in the 1990's (Can. J. Card. 8: 133, 1992). NIH consensus document on cholesterol testing (JAMA 269: 505, 1993); review of "diagnosis and treatment of lipid disorders": Med. Clin. N.A. 78: 247, 1994.

    • chemical urinalysis (yearly, maybe; there's a case to be made for screening folks over 60 for bacteria, pregnant women for proteinuria, and teens: Postgrad. Med. 100: 173, July 1996)

    • syphilis test (old recommendation: every five years to age 50; routine screening seems unpopular today);

    • serum iron and iron binding capacity in a man once in a while as a young adult (one of the most cost-effective things you can do: Arch. Int. Med. 154: 769, 1994; Gastroent. 107: 453, 1994; Postgrad. Med. 102: 83, Dec. 1997; Ann. Int. Med. 129: 925 & 962 & 971 & 980, 1998; Postgrad. Med. 102: 83, 1997. not a USPSTF recommendation, which was dim).

    • lipoprotein Lp(a) screen, once, for anybody with a family history of unexplained coronary disease (Arch. Int. Med. 157: 1170, 1997).
    • serum homocysteine? stay tuned
    • hepatitis C screen for swingers and needle users (about 1/3 of hepatitis C positive people have normal SGOT)
    • screen for celiac sprue (?!; anti-endomysial or anti-gliadin antibodies: Am. Fam. Phys. 57: 1023, 1998). Since one white person in 300 has it, and it'll make you horribly sick, perhaps this is worth doing occasionally on healthy people, or anybody who's got vague symptoms.
    • serum CA-125 screen for women to detect cancer of the ovary (maybe; current subject, Ob. Gyn. 80(3 pt. 1): 396, 1992; Am. J. Ob. Gyn. 165: 7, 1991; Cancer 68: 458, 1991)

    • Helicobacter screen for anybody with a family history of this or of stomach cancer Am. J. Med. 106: 222, 1999)

    • serum prostate-specific antigen for older men

        (maybe, see above, also J. Urol. 148: 326, 1992; Cancer 69: 1201, 1992; Urology 38: 216, 1991; Cancer 74: 1615 & 1640, 1994; consider using 3 or 4 ng/mL as cutoff; managed care will have to decide what's the most efficient policy: Cancer 71(S3): 981, 1993);

    • screen one-year-olds and two-year-olds, and maybe older kids, for lead poisoning

      • Screening is now in place; you should screen kids if they've ever lived in a house built before 1960, or if you required to do so for reasons of political correctness; remember there's plenty of lead even outside the urban slums: Pediatrics 94: 59, 1994, but the yield in non-slum kids will be very low; remember parents lie about the age of their house (Arch. Ped. Lab. Med. 157: 584, 2003). There is no consensus about when to treat, but it's still good that screening is taking place.

    • serum super-sensitive hTSH (or some other thyroid test) to check for pre-clinical thyroid disease (maybe; remember thyroid disease is common, insidious, and devastating; see Clin. Endocrin. 32: 185, 1990; maybe do it every 5 years JAMA 276: 285, 1996);

    • blood glucose only if there's some symptom to suggest diabetes (what symptom doesn't?, see for example J. Fam. Pract. 33: 155, 1991);

    • EKG (once, baseline, maybe);

    • TB skin test unless known positive (occasionally, maybe, if there's lots of TB in the community; older recommendation was every ten years);

    • chlamydia screen for young folks (huh?! which ones?) New DNA technology makes it possible to spot chlamydia and treat with one-dose azithromycin, benefitting the community, and mass-screening is now coming into fashion (J. Inf. Dis. 179-S2: S-380, 1999)

    Note that this list does NOT include a whole lot of blood work! There are additional interventions (including lab tests) that should be routine during pregnancy, and things to do for children.

      My choice for "biggest waste of everybody's time and money"... a sputum cytology "to screen for lung cancer" (J. Clin. Path. 50: 566, 1997). Runner-up: Sed rates "to screen for disease" in healthy people (Postgrad. Med. 103: 257, 1998).

      When we figure out how to treat the thrombophilias, we may screen everybody; right now, there's probably no reason to (Ann. Int. Med. 127: 895, 1997).

    The Automated Chemical Profiling Machine

    Today, almost all adult patients who present diagnostic problems (or who somebody wants "screened") receive an automated chemical profile (a panel of colorimetric assays on the serum done by a machine). These are run every morning (maybe not on weekends). The best-known of the machines include the Technicon SMAC, Eastman-Kodak's Ektachem 400, and the Hitachi 7377.

    Tests on the profile will usually include:

      Total protein
      Inorganic Phosphate
      Uric Acid
      Alkaline Phosphatase (Alk Phos)
      Lactate Dehydrogenase (LD, LDH)
      Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST, SGOT, GOT)

    And the profile at your hospital could also include one or more of these:

      Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC)
      Unsaturated Iron Binding Capacity (UIBC)
      Direct Bilirubin
      Albumin-Globulin Ratio (A/G ratio)
      Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT, SGPT, GPT)
      Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT, GGTP, "drunk screen")
      Creatine Kinase
      Urea ("Blood Urea Nitrogen", BUN)

      "Electrolytes": sodium, potassium, chloride, and "total carbon dioxide content." (These are usually run on a different machine that stays up all night.)

    The automated chemical profile provides much information at less cost than any individual test. The machine itself costs around $200,000 to purchase and install. Doing each profile, however, costs pennies in reagents, and a dollar or less overall. (For big batches, one 1983 estimate placed the actual cost to the lab at 17 per profile.)

    In the recent past, through creative accounting, the lab would send a bill of $20 or so for the profile. (The clinician in private practice could charge the patient $150 or more for interpreting the profile.) The automated chemistry profile machine has been one of the big money-makers for most hospitals, and it has paid for other services that lose money. And, of course, reducing the ordering of available tests does not result in a linear decrease in the true cost of health care. See Hum. Pathol. 15: 499, 1984; largely of historical interest now.

    The lab has other machines to do individual tests on an emergency basis. These typically involve ready-made packages of reagents which cost a few dollars each.

    Indications for an automated chemistry profile are still "controversial" because of the "expense" and for other reasons. Whenever there is reason to suspect serious disease (even in such a common situation as mild high blood pressure), and before general anesthesia, a chemistry profile is usually ordered. ("Before general anesthesia" a history and physical is probably sufficient: Mayo Clin. Proc. 72: 505, 1997). Serial profiles may be used to follow the course of a disease and its response to treatment. (A profile every few days is plenty.) Chemistry profiles may be ordered on asymptomatic people, nowadays particularly to screen for cholesterol problems. (All about cholesterol testing: Arch. Path. Lab. Med. 112: 387, 1988). The three most common serious diseases detected by "screening everybody" are (1) hyperparathyroidism, (2) hypercholesterolemia, and (3) alcoholic liver disease. If you screen a lot of older people, you'll also pick up some cases of (4) adult onset diabetes, though these people generally have at least some complaint that warrants screening (obesity, neuropathy, vascular disease, etc., etc.) You'll also pick up a certain number of patients with (5) unexplained elevated liver enzymes ("transaminasitis") which is probably worth working up (most are just drinkers or folks taking ibuprofen or folks with mild NASH/Syndrome X; but you might find something treatable like hepatitis B, hepatitis C, hemochromatosis, autoimmune hepatitis, or Wilson's). It is notoriously impossible to fully rule out Wilson's using any of the common labs (urinary copper, serum ceruloplasmin): Gastroenterology 113: 350, 1997. I feel that these alone justify widespread screening of "asymptomatic adults" by chemical profiles. Not everybody agrees. Pro: J. Gen. Int. Med. 7: 393, 1992; Am. J. Med. 94: 141, 1993 ("$12,000 to find a serious, treatable disease"). Con: Br. J. Gen. Pract. 41: 496, 1991.

    The two most common trivial findings are (6) minor permanent elevations of total bilirubin (i.e., "Gilbert's", less often "thal-minor"), and (7) low serum albumin in the chronically sick (why?), which is usually accompanied by low total serum calcium (why?). If you are screening healthy folk, you'll also find (8) plenty of athletes and people doing hard physical labor, who will have elevated creatine kinase. The great drawbacks of mass screening are that data from tests on people without signs or symptoms of systemic disease generates confusion and additional expense to the hospital, and a certain perverse incentive.

      * Think. Today's health care plans have a good reason to delay the detection of disease, even if this means the patient will go through a period of sickness, suffering, and disability. If you spend a dollar for a serum calcium screen and you detect a parathyroid adenoma, taking it out will cost the plan big money today. If you let the patient become depressed, have a few years of feeling terrible, and pass a few kidney stones "before screening is justified", he or she is likely to be under the care of a different "provider", and somebody else pays. Get it?

    Lab Tests for "the Mentally Ill"

    My list, a little longer than the NIH's dementia workup. A psychiatrist (or any other physician) should diagnose psychiatric disease without a physical exam and some labs only if the life-history is absolutely classic for some familiar entity. Remember that fibromyalgia is diagnosed on the history and physical exam.

    • chest X-ray (paraneoplastic neurologic effects of oat cell carcinoma are infamous)

    • CBC and UA

    • chemical profile (notably, how's that calcium? that GGT? those transaminases?)

    • syphilis screen

    • thyroid screen

    • porphyria screen

    • serum B12

    • serum folate

    • f-ANA

    • anti-Ro / anti-La (on the "neuro" service see Am. J. Med 90: 479, 1991)

    • drug screen

    • consider Addison, Cushing, Wilson, pheochromocytoma, Lyme screens

    • consider monitored fast to check for fasting hypoglycemia

    • consider assays for lead, mercury, other bad metals

    • consider cytokine assays or other tests of immune function to detect bone-fide "chronic fatigue syndrome"

    • check needle users and swingers for HBV, HCV, HIV

    Pitfalls: Getting the Blood

    If you have ordered blood tests, the quality of the results depends on your patient and your specimen.

    It's your call as to whether your patient needs to fast long enough for the chylomicrons to be cleared from the blood and for lipid levels to return to baseline (i.e., overnight). Otherwise, the "lipemic" blood will cause inaccuracies in most photometric tests. (This limits the usefulness of routine screenings on elective afternoon admissions.) Some labs notice (and tell you about) a "lipemic" serum, others will miss it. High serum triglyceride levels (over 1000 mg/dL) will increase the following values enough to make a difference clinically: hemoglobin, MCH, MCHC; albumin, total protein, fibrinogen, hemoglobin A1c; transaminase enzymes (ALT, AST); bilirubin, calcium, creatinine, glucose, iron, urea. These values will be decreased: amylase, lipase. (The latter's a big deal if you think you patient has hyperlipidemia type I, or "melted strawberry ice cream blood disease".)

    If the patient comes to the lab with a full stomach, of course, you may see true elevated glucose (slightly) and triglycerides (up to several hundred mg/dL) and decreased bilirubin (if anybody cares). If the value for the serum iron is critical to your investigations, your specimen should be fasting, and the patient should have taken no iron supplements for a few days. Serum alkaline phosphatase is increased while food is in the small bowel in patients with blood groups O and B who are secretors. If the patient has been on "clear liquids" for a few days, bilirubin may go up. You can figure out for yourself the changes seen in dehydration, ketosis, and protein depletion -- you'll become very familiar with these on rotations.

    For routine screening (i.e., you're looking for anemia, early kidney troubles, calcium, transaminases, way-out-of-line cholesterol or glucose) fasting isn't critical. Patients may be unwilling to return in the morning just for bloodwork, so you're usually more likely to get what you really need if you order the labs on the spot.

    If your patient is anxious about the needle stick, it will raise serum glucose and catecholamines and sometimes (if hyperventilation occurs) produces alkalosis.

    Using a tourniquet to draw blood is often necessary, but causes errors if it is in place for a long time. If there is much fist-clenching, serum lactic acid goes way up, pH goes down, and serum potassium can increase by 1.0 mEq/L (a big increase). By causing transudation of water from the vessels to the interstitial fluid, the tourniquet can also cause small elevations of calcium, iron, magnesium, and proteins.

    A common blunder is drawing a blood sample from a site downstream from an intravenous line. If (for example) it's infusing "D5", which is 5% dextrose (glucose) in water, your patient will appear to have a very-high blood glucose and low everything else (Karen Carpenter).

    If the blood specimen undergoes hemolysis as a result of clumsy phlebotomy or on the way to the lab (being placed on top of the radiator, in the freezer, dropped, shaken, sipped, etc., etc.), resulting errors can be very serious. Serum magnesium, phosphate, potassium, and some enzymes (LD, AST, acid phosphatase) are greatly increased. LD-1 may be higher than LD-2 ("flip"). (Serum iron will not be significantly increased.) There will also be minor changes in other results, but the false high potassium can result in lethal errors. Serum will be visibly pink when enough hemolysis has occurred to elevate serum potassium 0.1 mEq/L. However, the lab may not notice this.

    When blood clots (remember the automated chemistry profile is run on serum), potassium is released from platelets, elevating the value by around 0.5 mEq/L. This is taken into account in calculating the reference range. If, however, the serum stays in contact with the clot for a long while, it will result in inaccurately high iron, LD, and potassium (leaking, mild hemolysis), and falsely lowered glucose (used as energy source by red cells). This is only a problem if the specimen sits around for several hours. The silicone separators help with this. A specimen left on top of a radiator has extremely high LD, phosphate, and potassium, and zero glucose, and this pattern is familiar to every lab worker.

    Tiny clots (inadequate mixing) or cold agglutinins in specimens submitted to hematology will result in an increased measured MCV (and decreased calculated RBC -- "uh oh, instant pernicious anemia").

    If your patient has recently had a radioactive isotope scan, the results of radioimmunoassays will probably be inaccurate. Check with the lab.

    Even if you manage to avoid any cause of analytic inaccuracy, you must consider your patient's level of activity while interpreting your results. Values obtained in patients who have been supine for a while tend to be lower than in patients who were standing up. (Do you know why?) How much are things diluted? 10%: most proteins and non-protein hormones (the ones that are protein-bound); 5%: cholesterol, triglycerides; 2%: hemoglobin-hematocrit; no change: electrolytes. Also remember: standing up is the cause of orthostatic proteinuria, the commonest reason for excess protein in the urine in outpatient practice.

    Pitfalls: Growing Up

    Childhood: At birth, hemoglobin is around 19 mg/dL and MCV around 105 fL. (Both are probably higher than yours -- why might this be?) A few nucleated reds are normal in a newborn's blood. These parameters drop off to lows of about 11 mg/dL and 78 fL at one year, then gradually increase to adult values by puberty. The absolute counts of white cells vary depending on age. At birth, all normal white cells are increased 2-4x the normal adult value. Bands and segs peak during the first day, then drop off. Segs are lower than adult values during the first year of life, and the count gradually increases over the following years. The other cell types diminish to near-adult values around age 6. Alkaline phosphatase is 2-5x normal (growing bones), dropping to adult levels when bone growth stops after puberty. Cholesterol levels in healthy children are of course low. Alpha-1 protease inhibitor levels are usually low ("uh-oh, instant emphysema"), and angiotensin converting enzyme levels are generally high ("uh-oh, instant sarcoidosis").

    Menstruation: Remember that the platelet count may drop by 50% during a normal period.

    Pregnancy: "Anemia of pregnancy" is usual, but hemoglobin should not go below 10 gm/dL. There is always hemodilution, but more severe anemia suggests iron deficiency and/or folate deficiency. Glucose tolerance decreases. Most serum proteins change as in the acute phase reaction ("stress of being pregnant"). However, serum transferrin increases (and serum iron decreases, of course). Serum alkaline phosphatase increases as the placenta grows (2-3x normal). Granulocytosis develops before and during labor.

    Old age: Alkaline phosphatase increases, often to several times the "upper limit of normal", without any disease. Cholesterol levels average higher than in young adults. The other "routine" chemistry and hematology values do not change significantly in "healthy old age". Various antibodies, including rheumatoid factor, anti-nuclear antibodies, and some syphilis antibodies, may appear without there being disease.

    Pitfalls: Modern Lifestyles

    Runners and other trained athletes show a characteristic pattern of changes. (See Mayo Clin. Proc. 55: 113, 1980) (1) increased plasma volume with decreased Hgb, Hct ("jogger's anemia", still a little bit mysterious); (2) increased reticulocytes (hemolysis due to pavement pounding); (3) increased high-density lipoprotein ("HDL-c", the "good" cholesterol), and decreased low-density lipoprotein ("LDL-c", the "bad" cholesterol); (4) increased creatine kinase (CK, CPK) with up to 15% MB fraction (the "myocardial damage" fraction); (5) Increased AST (hepatic ischemia, after marathons. See JAMA 252: 626, 1984). No labs are useful in screening for sports participation (J. Fam. Pract. 52: 127, 2003; interesting paper which matches the way I've always done and taught it).

    Estrogen users (oral contraceptive pill, etc.) exhibit a characteristic group of changes: (1) increased thyroxine, decreased T3RU (increased thyroid-binding globulin); (2) increased cortisol (because of increased cortisol-binding globulin); (3) decreased antithrombin III (remember these people may get thrombosis); (4) increased ceruloplasmin, sometimes increased GGTP; (5) increased triglycerides (maybe)

        Better to sleep with a sober cannibal than with a drunken Christian.

    Alcoholics and other heavy drinkers present many problems. Every clinician would like to have a simple test to identify problem drinkers accurately. You know the CAGE questions:

      C: Have you tried to Cut down drinking?

      A: Are you Annoyed by others' concern about your drinking?

      G: Have you felt Guilty about drinking?

      E: Have you use alcohol as an Eye-opener?

    There are others (Arch. Int. Med. 155: 1726, 1995). To start off, look for tolerance. Anyone who isn't obviously drunk with a blood ethanol of 0.15% drinks often and heavily enough to have a tolerance. The same is true for anyone who is walking (driving, etc.) with a blood ethanol of 0.3% (these people are supposed to be more-or-less dead). In the North, I was taught that people who identify themselves as "moderate drinkers" are all chronic heavy drinkers. A serum AST greater than serum ALT, in an otherwise healthy person, suggests heavy drinking. High MCV, high serum uric acid, low serum phosphate, high triglyceride (after parties, in "type IV" patients), and high alkaline phosphatase all have been examined by hopeful laboratorians as signs of habitual drunkenness. (History of trauma helps too, see Ann. Int. Med. 101: 847, 1984.) The most enthusiasm in recent years has been over gamma-glutamyl transferase (transpeptidase, etc.), elevation of which is common in heavy drinkers (30-80%, often the only abnormality on a profile.) Of course, the same picture can be seen in mild pancreatitis, liver problems (including CHF), phenytoin therapy, estrogen therapy, rheumatoid arthritis, a wide variety of cancer-related problems, and probably others. (See Br. Med. J. 286: 531, 1983.) However, most of the above are easy to rule out, and GGT is fairly well established as a means of following compliance with therapy in many alcoholic treatment programs. (GGT update: Br. Med. J. 302: 388, 1991). Some labs can measure the acetaldehyde-induced hemoglobin fraction (HgbA1ach), a marker for how much alcohol one has drunk in the last few weeks (Arch. Path. Lab. Med. 116: 924, 1992). Lab testing to spot alcoholism: West. J. Med. 156: 287, 1992. "Carbohydrate-deficient transferrin" (CDT test) is now a (fad?) assay to screen for alcohol abuse and test one's abstinence (Clin. Chem. 39: 866, 2001). It is also likely to be up if is there is already advanced liver disease (Alcoholism 25: 1729, 2001), in women losing weight (Alcohol and Alcoholism 36: 603, 2001), and in many others. * Future tests may include "mitochondrial AST", and other exotica (Alcoholism 16: 82, 1992; Am. J. Med. Sci. 303: 415, 1992, QJM 89: 137, 1996; seems to have fallen by the wayside.).

    Diuretic abusers and laxative abusers exhibit decreased serum sodium, potassium, total CO2, magnesium, and increased chloride (why?). The low potassium can be very unhealthy.

    Anorexia nervosa types (including "flippers") show surprisingly normal lab tests. Endocrine testing may reveal diminished (but not absent) pituitary response to stimulation testing, which compounds confusion with Simmonds's disease.

    Anabolic steroid users ("breakfast of champions") also exhibit a characteristic group of changes: (1) Increased serum creatinine (increased muscle mass); (2) increased LDL-c cholesterol, and decreased HDL-c cholesterol (see JAMA 252: 507, 1984); (3) increased hemoglobin and hematocrit; (4) increased direct bilirubin (cholestasis), and sometimes increased alkaline phosphatase; (5) decreased thyroxine, increased T3RU (decreased thyroid-binding globulin); (6) decreased serum phosphate.

    Pitfalls: Iatrogenic Changes

    Physical examination: Some authorities claim that vigorous prostate massage causes mild (2x normal) increase in serum acid phosphatase and/or prostate-specific antigen for a day or so. (Why?) The changes seem real, but aren't going to mislead any clinical decision-maker (JAMA 267: 2227, 1992).

    Intramuscular injections: Remember these will raise serum skeletal muscle enzymes. (Why?)

    Drugs: Remember that drugs can affect lab tests in two different ways.

    1. The drug may act as an interfering substance in the assay ("methodologic interferences"). For example: (a) vitamin C in high doses causes false negative urine tests for glucose and blood; (b) tetracyclines, being fluorescent, cause false positive fluorescence tests for porphyrins and catecholamines; (c) tolbutamide, erythromycin, and several others cause false increases in transaminases when colorimetric methods are used; (d) bromide ion is measured as chloride by most electrodes. And so forth.

    2. The drug may truly change the physiologic parameter being measured. For example, (a) spironolactone decreases serum sodium; (b) glucocorticoids should suppress ACTH production and raise blood glucose; (c) methyldopa often causes antibodies to bind to RBC's, making them "Coombs positive"; (d) procainamide often causes a "lupus-like" syndrome, with positive anti-nuclear antibodies; (e) gold injected for rheumatoid arthritis can cause proteinuria; (f) a wide range of drugs can cause decreased platelets and/or neutrophils. These are not "artifacts", they are real.

    Serum Enzymes

    Several of the tests on the chemical profile are enzyme assays. When cells are damaged (not necessarily irreversibly), they may lose some of their contents into the bloodstream. Often these contents include the intracellular enzymes that make up the machinery of the cytoplasm. (Or very active cells release extra enzyme). If serum levels of a particular enzyme activity are elevated above normal, it commonly indicates injury to the cells, and the species of enzyme increased in the serum indicate what organ is damaged.

    The enzyme activities are assayed rather than the enzyme proteins themselves. (Some newer techniques, such as "prostatic acid phosphatase", measure a specific protein by immunologic techniques. This does not necessarily make the test more useful clinically.) Enzyme activities are measured in units of activity, defined differently for different enzymes. (The enzymes themselves would probably be measured in ng/dL.) An "International Unit" (U, IU) of an enzyme is the amount that catalyzes the conversion of 1 micromole of substrate per minute under the defined conditions of the test (temperature, pH, substrate concentration, etc.) Speaking of units, an attempt was made to get all clinical labs and journals to switch to the SI (International System) standard and report everything in terms of kilograms, meters, and seconds, beginning July 1, 1988. It was a total failure (NEJM 327: 49, 1992).

    If your tube of blood must wait for two or more hours before being assayed, put it on ice.

    You will need to learn these enzymes, which are found in several different tissues, because they are commonly measured by the clinical lab.

      Alanine transaminase (ALT, SGPT, GPT): liver, skeletal muscle

      Alkaline phosphatase (alk phos): bone (osteoblastic activity), intestine (secretors with blood types O or B, or after a fatty meal), liver (especially obstructive-metastatic disease), placenta, some cancers ("Regan" isoenzyme).

      The serum levels of three enzymes correlate with hepatic alkaline phosphatase: "5'-nucleotidase" (5'-NT, 5'-N), "gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase" (GGTP, GGT), and "leucine aminopeptidase" (LAP). Checking one or more of these can clarify the origin of an elevated alkaline phosphate.

      Amylase (alpha amylase): pancreas, salivary gland, and (to a much lesser extent) many other organs

      Aspartate transaminase (AST, SGOT, GOT): heart, liver (especially hepatocellular disease), red cells, skeletal muscle

      Lactate dehydrogenase: most organs, especially heart, liver, lung, kidney, red cells, skeletal muscle, many cancers

    Isoenzymes are variant forms of enzymes found in different tissues. They do the same things, but they may be composed of different subunits or be entirely different proteins. Knowing which isoenzyme is elevated will often tell which of several tissues has been damaged.

      The most famous isoenzyme change is the "LDH 1-2 flip" (LDH-1 higher then LD-2). It indicates necrosis (infarction) of the heart or kidney, or hemolysis. (High LDH-5: Liver, skeletal muscle. LDH-3 high? Think of a pulmonary infarct. All high? Shock or infectious mononucleosis! Why?)

      LDH 1: KNOW: Heart, kidney, red cells and their precursors (very sensitive to mild hemolysis during or after sample collection), seminoma
      LDH 2:
      LDH 3: KNOW: Lung, lymphocytes, platelets
      LDH 4: (some acute lymphoblastic leukemias produce a lot of this)
      LDH 5: KNOW: Liver, skeletal muscle, neutrophils, prostate

    Pitfalls: Serum Calcium and Magnesium

    Indications for serum calcium include suspicion of cancer, symptoms or signs of hyperparathyroidism (kidney stones, psychiatric problems, many others), bone diseases, unexplained seizures (especially in babies) or coma, after thyroid or parathyroid surgery, or in other patients at special risk (see below).

    The lab measures total calcium, i.e., ionized plus un-ionized. Only about half the calcium in the serum is the physiologically active ionized calcium. The rest is bound to albumin and other proteins, and protons compete for binding sites. The fraction of serum calcium that is ionized varies with pH, because protons compete with calcium to bind to albumin. A decrease of 0.1 pH unit increases the ionized fraction of calcium by about 2%, so the effect is not very marked. However, the fraction of serum calcium that is ionized also varies with the serum albumin level. A decrease of 1 gm/dL in albumin decreases both un-ionized and total calcium by about 0.8 mg/dL. This is important.

    The lab does not report ionized calcium (even though that is what you are really worried about) because measuring this requires special techniques for blood collection, a calcium-specific electrode, and other resources. Around normal pH, several formulas have been devised to estimate ionized calcium. For example:

      * ionized Ca++ = (97 - (8 x albumin) - (2 x globulin))/100

    Or, at a glance:

    Ionized Ca++ (mg/dL) ~ Total Ca (mg/dL) - albumin (g/dL)

    Many interesting laboratory procedures have been devised to distinguish hyperparathyroidism from other causes of hypercalcemia. You will learn about electrolyte equations, serum parathyroid levels, urinary cyclic AMP, tubular resorption of phosphate ("TRP"), etc., etc., on rotations.

    Increased serum magnesium is usually due to renal failure (or to hemolysis of the specimen). Decreased serum magnesium is a subject of considerable current interest, and is thought to be widespread among the sick.

    Iron Studies

    This will get you started....

      Iron deficiency: Low serum iron (Fe), high serum iron-binding capacity (TIBC), near-zero ferritin

      "Anemia of chronic disease": Low serum iron, low serum iron-binding capacity, normal or high serum ferritin

      Iron overload: High serum iron, Fe/TIBC>60% or so, high serum ferritin

    Making sense out of this:

      1. In iron deficiency, the capacity of the serum to bind iron increases "in the hopes of snarfing up more iron".

      2. In anemia of chronic disease (i.e., prolonged interleukin 1 release making it difficult to transfer iron from the bone marrow macrophages to the normoblasts), interleukin effect also causes lowered TIBC (like albumin, a protein which goes down in the acute phase reaction).

      3. Transferrin saturation (i.e., Fe/TIBC) of >60% is suspicious for iron overload, and >80% is extremely suspicious. Remember that transferrin levels drop during the acute phase reaction.

      4. Of course, if your patient just took a handful of "multiple vitamins with iron" prior to visiting you, interpretation is clouded....

      5. Serum ferritin shouldn't be more than 300 ng/mL in a man, or 200 ng/dL in a woman. Levels closely parallel total body iron stores; the fact that serum ferritin rises somewhat in the acute phase reaction shouldn't cause trouble.

      Caveat: Many allied health professionals use "iron" as a synonym for blood hemoglobin content. I've given up arguing.... As noted, if you're really concerned about iron, draw a fasting specimen.

      *There's a circadian rhythm to serum iron but it's slight and shouldn't matter: Am. J. Clin. Path. 117: 802, 2002.

    Is this patient having a myocardial infarct?

    You'll learn the protocol for the workup of suspected myocardial infarct on rotations. Criteria underwent major changes in 2001 (Am. Heart J. 144: 957, 2001). Worth remembering:

    Troponin I or troponin T is your best enzyme because of tissue specificity. Draw your levels every six hours (NEJM 330: 670, 1994). CK, SGOT, and LDH are less specific and offer no advantages, so are not recommended.

    Creatinine kinase levels rise following heavy exercise and can stay way up for days. A few % MB band is commonplace, especially after a heavy workout or heavy-duty muscle injury (i.e., surgery). Intramuscular injections can bring a couch potato's creatine kinase to the upper limit of normal. An MB band of maybe 15% of the total CK is pretty suggestive of myocardial injury. The band should disappear 18 hours after heart surgery.

    Elevation of the LD1 isoenzyme ("1-2 flip") supports your diagnosis of myocardial infarct (or indicates hemolysis in patient and/or blood tube, and/or renal injury). CK rises and falls, typically in a day or so; the MB is even more ephemeral. SGOT rises and falls more slowly (1-3 days), while LDH stays around even longer

    Don't expect to see elevated CK-BB in brain injury (it may not cross the blood-brain barrier, or be present in large enough amounts, or whatever).

    Of course, you will continue to look for the requisite Q-waves and/or ST-segment elevation on EGK, decreased wall motion on echocardiography, and hypoperfusion on scan. Remember the latter two are only about 50% specific.

    The Serology Lab and "Titers"

    In the old days "Serology" meant a syphilis test. Today, the serology lab does most of the procedures involving immunology. There is no need for you to know about the technical aspects of these tests.

    The titer of a substance measured in the serology lab is the maximum dilution (of a series of dilutions) at which the substance can be detected. Thus a titer of 1:2 or 1:10 is a "low titer" and indicates that not very much of the substance is present. And a titer of 1:128000 is probably a "high titer". Depending on what you are measuring, a titer of 1:100 might be "high" or "low".

    "A significant rise in titer" suggests a recent infectious disease. (Why?) "Significant" is usually considered to be a "fourfold rise". If a titer rises from 1:16 to 1:64 during an episode of acute illness, or when a titer rises from 1:10000 to 1:80000, the patient probably had the acute disease to match.


    Effusions are ultra-filtrates of plasma in the pleural, pericardial, or peritoneal cavities. These are commonly encountered in sick people. You may remove fluid which has accumulated in a cavity for diagnostic purposes, or to treat the patient (pleural effusions may restrict lung expansion, pericardial effusions may cause tamponade, etc.) Here is one recommended way to submit a sample of the effusion to the lab for study:

    • one EDTA tube to hematology for a "CBC and diff"
    • one heparin tube to microbiology for stains and cultures (aerobes, anaerobes, acid-fast bacilli, fungi)
    • one heparin tube to cytology (check for cancer cells, etc.; remember that "negative cytology" doesn't mean there's no cancer in the body cavity, only that the cells aren't being shed into the effusion!)
    • one plain tube to chemistry. Select such tests as....
      • LD (LDH; compare with serum values to determine whether the effusion is a transudate or exudate);

        glucose (low in rheumatoid and septic effusions);

        triglycerides and cholesterol (milky effusions);

        amylase (acute pancreatitis; remember this can also cause pleural effusions);

        bile (bile peritonitis, as from a ruptured gallbladder);

        hyaluronic acid (reference lab procedure which may help make the diagnosis of mesothelioma).

    Transudates generally are due to congestive heart failure, hepatic cirrhosis, or the nephrotic syndrome. These effusions typically contain less than 2.5 gm/dL protein, show specific gravity less than 1.015, effusion LD:serum LD less than 0.6. These characteristics must all be present, or the fluid is not a transudate. Transudates fail to clot, and contain fewer than 10 cells/cu mcL (lymphs, mesothelial cells). (These can be true of exudates, too.) If the protein and LD values indicate a transudate, no further tests on the fluid are indicated. (You may discard the other tubes.)

    Exudates should make you think of cancer or infection (TB, pneumonia, etc.) Less often, exudates are due to trauma, pancreatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus, infarcts (pulmonary, myocardial, etc.), trauma. Exudates contain more protein and LD than transudates, and may even clot. The type of cells in an exudate can help tell its origin. Many polys (i.e., a "purulent exudate") of course suggests bacterial infection. Bloody effusions suggest cancer, infarction, or iatrogenic or other trauma. Perhaps 50% of malignant effusions contain cancer cells. Lymphocytes and mesothelial cells are quite nonspecific.

    Milky effusions always raise the concern that the thoracic duct has been damaged (cancer, trauma), producing a true "chylous" effusion. A "chylous" effusion will of course be rich in chylomicrons, which give the effusion a high triglyceride content, may layer at the top of the collection tube, etc. Much more common is a "pseudochylous" milky effusion, the result of cell degeneration in any chronic effusion. Color, turbidity, and odor are variable; cholesterol content is high and cholesterol crystals often impart a "gold paint" appearance to these chronic effusions.


    To see whether the person has malabsorption, we recommend a fecal fat stain. The lab will put some oil-red O on a smear of stool, and look for fat blobbies. If there are none of these, and the patient eats a reasonably normal American diet of greaseburgers and fries, you don't have malabsorption. If these are present, your patient has malabsorption or maybe a plugged bile duct (but you'd have known the latter).

    To distinguish pancreatic insufficiency ("maldigesetion", for purists) from intestinal insufficiency ("true malabsorption"), do a d-xylose test. Administer this simple sugar by mouth, and see if it ends up in the urine. If it does, the intestine works, the malabsorption is pancreatic, and you must figure why (cancer, alcoholism, cystic fibrosis, rarely anything else subtle). If it doesn't, the intestine is out of order, and you ought to do a biopsy.

    Biopsies and Surgical Specimens

    Some reminders: Most definitive diagnoses of serious diseases like cancer are made by examining tissue -- cytologies, biopsies or larger surgical specimens. You may still be taught to "do all the non-invasive procedures first." These includes blood and urine tests, cultures, x-ray studies, and so forth. (Remember that the single most useful diagnostic procedure is still the history and physical exam.)

      When it comes time to get tissue, you may...

      (1) obtain (or help obtain) cells for cytologic study by the pathologist and assistants (by "noninvasive" Pap smear of the cervix or other accessible sites, or by "invasive" needle aspiration). Many pathologists like to do their own fine-needle aspirations; you can learn the technique, also.

      (2) obtain (or help obtain) a tiny piece of tissue for the pathologist to study (a biopsy, the opposite of necropsy/autopsy). Clinicians usually do the biopsies.

      (3) assist at surgical removal of tissue.

      (4) obtain an autopsy permit. (* How to do an autopsy properly: Arch. Path. Lab. Med. 118: 19, 1994).

    Everything that comes out of a patient at surgery goes to the pathologist. (Future surgeons -- remember that the tissue-formalin ratio should be 1:10 or less.) If a diagnosis is needed at time of surgery, the pathologist will perform a frozen section on some tissue. These are very accurate, though the pathologist may defer final diagnosis, especially if the lesion is a papillary tumor or a possible malignant lymphoma. The pathologist will probably be able to tell you something when the slides come out, usually on the weekday afternoon after you obtain the tissue.

      We pathologists are pretty good; the latest study in which all diagnoses were reviewed by a second pathologist found an error rate of 0.26% (Am. J. Surg. Path. 17: 1190, 1993; these are errors that might make a difference clinically; the cost of a second pathologist would be $2700 per error avoided.) Pathologists show about 20% of their cases to friends in-house, and this helps: Am. J. Clin. Path. 117: 751, 2002.

      * Future clinicians: Keep your biopsy instruments sharp so as not to introduce "crush artifact"!

      * Telepathology, the process of turning glass slides into digital images and sending them for diagnosis to one or more pathologists at remote sites, is still much slower and significantly less accurate than conventional microscopy (Arch. Derm. 139: 637, 2003).

    Here are some unusual labs and why you might want to get them!

      Pyroglutamic acid (5-oxoproline)(urine)... Glutathione synthetase deficiency (metabolic acidosis, mental retardation)

      Trimethylamine (urine)... Trimethylamine oxide synthetase (stale fish disease)

    "Describing Test Performance"

    Don't laugh; this'll be on boards for sure...

    ... and it's worth understanding!

    Analytical sensitivity is the ability to detect the presence of a given substance, expressed as the least concentration detectable or measurable by the test. Modern laboratory tests include very sensitive procedures. Serum vitamin B12 levels are routinely measured in picograms. The most sensitive pregnancy tests detect the hCG produced by trophoblastic cells within a few days following implantation. The polymerase chain reaction, which detects the presence or absence of a single copy of a gene, is now coming to the hospital bench. Some procedures to detect "abnormal substances" (for example, some super-duper CK-MB isoenzyme tests) are not used by the lab because they are too sensitive, and detect traces of the "abnormal substance" in most normals.

    Analytical specificity is the ability to detect a single specific substance and no others. Most tests in the hospital lab are not absolutely specific, though this is not usually a problem for clinicians. For example, bromide ion (if present) will be measured as chloride ion by routine "electrolyte studies." Acid phosphatase measurements always include a contribution from alkaline phosphatase. Some procedures to measure AST and creatinine levels also measure acetoacetic acid, so AST and creatinine values will appear falsely elevated in starvation and diabetic ketoacids. Lipemia (cloudy fat in the serum) may falsely increase (or decrease) the results of many common chemical tests. And so forth. You will learn about most of the important problems during this course.

    Accuracy is closeness with which an obtained result agrees with a known accepted true value. In addition to routine quality control, most clinical labs report their results on samples provided by outside agencies (such as the College of American Pathologists) to check on their own accuracy. See Arch. Pathol. Lab. Med. 109: 709 & 1066, 1985.

    Precision is the reproducibility of test results. Serum electrolyte studies typically vary by only 1% or even less. (This is good, as "'lytes" need to be tightly regulated.) Most other chemical tests may vary by around 5%. Measurements of enzyme activities may vary 10% or even more. Again, this is not usually a problem for clinicians.

    Interpreting Your Results

    The following concepts come up continually in discussions of lab data, and are favorite licensure exam items. Lab data interpretation usually starts with comparing your patient to whatever it "normal." The reference range ("normal range"): range of values in which a healthy person's test result is "expected" to fall. This is usually the mean + 2 S.D. for "healthy" members of the population to which the patient belongs. Notice that 5% of "healthy" people arbitrarily fall just outside the normal range. The "population" is generally healthy adults, though for some tests, there are separate "normal ranges" for different ages, races, sexes, and so forth.

    Many other models for defining the reference range exist, including some extremely cumbersome techniques where the distribution is non-Gaussian. Medical students who do not have the good fortune to attend KCUMB work hard to memorize "normal ranges" for the common tests, sometimes discovering that they vary greatly from hospital to hospital because of different techniques or even different units of measurement. You may encounter the Centinormal system, in which the "upper limit of normal" for each clinical chemical test is set at 100.

    A more satisfactory approach to the problem of "normal ranges" could be to establish certain abnormal values as decision levels ("action levels", etc.), depending on whether the clinician should actually do anything about the "abnormal" result. The most familiar example is the recommendation that anyone with a cholesterol over 200 mg/dL or LDL-c over 160 mg/dL or HDL-c under 35 mg/dL should take action to improve things.

    However you do it, you will decide that each diagnostic procedure's results are either positive (suggesting a disease is present) or negative (suggesting a disease is absent). Unless the diagnostic procedure you have used is the absolute reference criterion for a particular disease (that's usually an autopsy), your results are also either true or false as indicators of disease. (Please use common sense. Don't just tell your patient, "Your lab results are all negative." The patient might not understand.)

    Diagnostic sensitivity ("Bayesian sensitivity") is the percentage of positive results in patients with a particular disease.

      Diagnostic Sensitivity=100 X (TP)/(TP+FN)

    Diagnostic specificity ("Bayesian specificity") is the percentage of negative results in patients without a particular disease.

      Diagnostic Specificity=100 x (TN)/(TN+FP)

    Sensitive tests are best for the diagnosis of treatable diseases: bacterial infections, early cancer, phenylketonuria. You want a very sensitive test when the benefits of detecting the disease are great (curing it, preventing new cases, etc).

    Specific tests are best for the diagnosis of non-treatable diseases: chronic neurologic disease, disseminated cancer, etc. You want a very specific test when the risks of a wrong diagnosis are great (getting very upset, losing your insurance, getting cancer chemotherapy, etc.)

    These are appalling over-generalizations, but there is always a tradeoff between sensitivity and specificity. If a new test is both more sensitive and more specific than an old test (and not much more expensive), it replaces it. Otherwise, whether we are a pathologist setting a "reference range" or "decision level", or a clinician ordering a lab test, we must remember that sensitive tests lack specificity and specific tests lack sensitivity. Clinicians commonly order the sensitive tests first, followed by the specific ones.

    Predictive value: the percent chance that a result correctly identifies the patient as diseased or non-diseased.

      Predictive Value of a Positive Result = 100 x (TP)/(TP+FP)

      Predictive Value of a Negative Result = 100 x (TN)/(TN+FN)

      Diagnositc Accuracy ("Diagnostic Efficiency"): 100 x (TP+TN)/(TP+FP+TN+FN)

    Prevalence -- How would you calculate how many people are sick?

      Prevalence: (TP+FN)/(TP+FP+TN+FN)

    Prevalence may be expressed in different units. Contrast incidence: the fraction of new cases of the disease in a population over a given time.

      Prevalence = Incidence x Average Duration

    * Bayes' Theorem.

        PV of a + result = ((sens)x(prev))/((sens x prev.)+((1-spec)x(1-prev)))

    Working problems:

      If someone gives you a prevalence, sensitivity, and specificity, here is an approach to finding predictive values.

      Consider one million people.

        1000000 x prevalence= number sick

        Number sick x sensitivity = TP

        Number sick - TP = FN

        1000000 - number sick = number healthy

        Number healthy x specificity = TN

        Number healthy - TN = FP

      Take it from there. If you need, you can work backwards, too.


    1. "Jargon is not insight." What are some reasons people use jargon?

    2. What might be some reasons that US physicians order more lab tests than our British counterparts? (See JAMA 252: 1723, 1984 and Lancet 1: 1278, 1984.)

    3. Why might it be easier to talk about lab test results ("the numbers") than about changes in the physical exam ("the protoplasm")?

    4. If twelve tests are run on a panel, and a healthy person has only .95 chance of being in "normal range", what are this person's chances of having at least one abnormal test result?

    5. What are some reasons for doing all the non-invasive tests first?

    6. Why are enzyme activities, rather than the concentrations of the enzymes themselves, usually measured?

    7. What are some reasons that clinicians like to look at the glass slides on their own biopsy and surgical specimens?

    8. Will a biopsy of a colon cancer tell you the grade? The stage?

    9. What are some problems with setting a "normal range" for serum cholesterol in the U.S.? (See Arch. Path. Lab. Med. 112: 387, 1988).

    10. What were some of the problems when mass screenings of Afro-Americans for sickle cell disease were introduced in the late 1960's?

    11. Suppose ankylosing spondylitis is an unpreventable, easily-diagnosed, untreatable, mildly disabling disease, that only the 4% of people who are HLA-B27 positive are at risk, and that the risk even for them is 1 in 100. No one suggests that being HLA-B27 positive is a reason to forego parenthood. It is proposed to screen visitors to the shopping mall using a new, fifty cent, highly accurate test for HLA-B27. What do you think of this suggestion?

    12. You want to order a routine CBC and chemical profile to screen an asymptomatic adult in your office. Can you draw the blood now, or will you make the patient go to the lab tomorrow morning before breakfast?

    13. What are some reasons that the lab does not publish "sensitivity" and "specificity" data for each test?

    14. A disease has a prevalence of 1 in 100,000 people. A screening test for this disease involves flipping a coin, with "heads" a positive test. What is the predictive value of a negative result?

    15. It is proposed to use a particular test to screen for a certain disease. The prevalence of the disease in the population being screened is 1%. The sensitivity and specificity of the test are both 95%. What is the predictive value of a positive result for this screening test? Does it change if the prevalence is 10%? If the prevalence is 50%?

    Lash's Bitters
    Pittsburgh Pathology Cases

    If I can stop one heart from breaking
    I shall not live in vain,
    If I can ease one life the aching
    Or cool one pain
    Or help one fainting robin
    Into his nest again,
    I shall not live in vain.

          -- Emily Dickinson

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