Ed Friedlander, M.D., Pathologist

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Welcome to Ed's Pathology Notes, placed here originally for the convenience of medical students at my school. You need to check the accuracy of any information, from any source, against other credible sources. I cannot diagnose or treat over the web, I cannot comment on the health care you have already received, and these notes cannot substitute for your own doctor's care. I am good at helping people find resources and answers. If you need me, send me an E-mail at Your confidentiality is completely respected. is a larger, full-time service. There is also a fee site at, and another at

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I'm still doing my best to answer everybody. Sometimes I get backlogged, sometimes my E-mail crashes, and sometimes my literature search software crashes. If you've not heard from me in a week, post me again. I send my most challenging questions to the medical student pathology interest group, minus the name, but with your E-mail where you can receive a reply.

Numbers in {curly braces} are from the magnificent Slice of Life videodisk. No medical student should be without access to this wonderful resource. Someday you may be able to access these pictures directly from this page.

I am presently adding clickable links to images in these notes. Let me know about good online sources in addition to these:

Freely have you received, freely give. -- Matthew 10:8. My site receives an enormous amount of traffic, and I'm handling about 200 requests for information weekly, all as a public service.

Pathology's modern founder, Rudolf Virchow M.D., left a legacy of realism and social conscience for the discipline. I am a mainstream Christian, a man of science, and a proponent of common sense and common kindness. I am an outspoken enemy of all the make-believe and bunk which interfere with peoples' health, reasonable freedom, and happiness. I talk and write straight, and without apology.

Throughout these notes, I am speaking only for myself, and not for any employer, organization, or associate.

Special thanks to my friend and colleague, Charles Wheeler M.D., pathologist and former Kansas City mayor. Thanks also to the real Patch Adams M.D., who wrote me encouragement when we were both beginning our unusual medical careers.

If you're a private individual who's enjoyed this site, and want to say, "Thank you, Ed!", then what I'd like best is a contribution to the Episcopalian home for abandoned, neglected, and abused kids in Nevada:

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Especially if you're looking for information on a disease with a name that you know, here are a couple of great places for you to go right now and use Medline, which will allow you to find every relevant current scientific publication. You owe it to yourself to learn to use this invaluable internet resource. Not only will you find some information immediately, but you'll have references to journal articles which you can obtain by interlibrary loan, plus the names of the world's foremost experts and their institutions.

Alternative (complementary) medicine has made real progress since my generally-unfavorable 1983 review linked below. If you are interested in complementary medicine, then I would urge you to visit my new Alternative Medicine page. If you are looking for something on complementary medicine, please go first to the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians. And for your enjoyment... here are some of my old pathology exams for medical school undergraduates.

I cannot examine every claim which my correspondents share with me. Sometimes the independent thinkers prove to be correct, and paradigms shift as a result. You also know that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. When a discovery proves to square with the observable world, scientists make reputations by confirming it, and corporations are soon making profits from it. When a decades-old claim by a "persecuted genius" finds no acceptance from mainstream science, it probably failed some basic experimental tests designed to eliminate self-deception. If you ask me about something like this, I will simply invite you to do some tests yourself, perhaps as a high-school science project. Who knows? Perhaps it'll be you who makes the next great discovery!

Our world is full of people who have found peace, fulfillment, and friendship by suspending their own reasoning and simply accepting a single authority which seems wise and good. I've learned that they leave the movements when, and only when, they discover they have been maliciously deceived. In the meantime, nothing that I can say or do will convince such people that I am a decent human being. I no longer answer my crank mail.

This site is my hobby, and I presently have no sponsor.

This page was last updated February 6, 2006.

During the ten years my site has been online, it's proved to be one of the most popular of all internet sites for undergraduate physician and allied-health education. It is so well-known that I'm not worried about borrowers. I never refuse requests from colleagues for permission to adapt or duplicate it for their own courses... and many do. So, fellow-teachers, help yourselves. Don't sell it for a profit, don't use it for a bad purpose, and at some time in your course, mention me as author and KCUMB as my institution. Drop me a note about your successes. And special thanks to everyone who's helped and encouraged me, and especially the people at KCUMB for making it possible, and my teaching assistants over the years.

Whatever you're looking for on the web, I hope you find it, here or elsewhere. Health and friendship!

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More of Ed's Notes: Ed's Medical Terminology Page

Perspectives on Disease
Cell Injury and Death
Accumulations and Deposits
What is Cancer?
Cancer: Causes and Effects
Immune Injury
Other Immune
HIV infections
The Anti-Immunization Activists
Infancy and Childhood
Environmental Lung Disease
Violence, Accidents, Poisoning
Red Cells
White Cells
Oral Cavity
GI Tract
Pancreas (including Diabetes)
Adrenal and Thymus
Nervous System
Lab Profiling
Blood Component Therapy
Serum Proteins
Renal Function Tests
Adrenal Testing
Arthritis Labs
Glucose Testing
Liver Testing
Spinal Fluid
Lab Problem
Alternative Medicine (current)
Alternative Medicine (1983)
Preventing "F"'s: For Teachers!
Medical Dictionary

Courtesy of CancerWEB

Crookston Collection
Review of hematology
Great photos

Nice photos

South Africa
Red cell abnormalities
Photo set

Category index
Great hematology image collection

Hematology Atlas
Nivaldo Medeiros MD
Brazilian Pathologist

Tulane Pathology Course
Great for this unit
Exact links are always changing

"Heme-Onc Pathology"
Virginia Commonwealth U.
Great pictures

Blood cells that look
like something else
Funny site

Anemias For Understanders

Too many red cells being destroyed in the body (hemolysis)
Too many red cells being lost from the body (acute hemorrhage)
Enough hemoglobin not being made

Enough normoblasts not being made

All hemolytic disorders:

Spherocytosis: Spherocytes on peripheral smear; Increased MCHC (hyperchromasia)

Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria: Positive Ham test (acid hemolysis)

Enzyme deficiencies: Heinz bodies

Abnormal hemoglobins: Target cells

Sickle cell disease: Sickled cells (drepanocytes)

Hemoglobin C disease: Hemoglobin C crystals

Hemoglobin SC disease: Hemoglobin SC ("birds in flight") crystals

Immune hemolysis: Spherocytes; Positive direct Coombs' test. (Savvy labs now give you a free Coombs test if you're found to have unexplained elevated reticulocytes: Am. J. Clin. Path. 124: 129, 2005).

Some mechanical hemolysis (clostridia, burns, prosthetic heart valves, microangiopathy): Schistocytes and other fragments on peripheral smear

Acute hemorrhage: Increased reticulocytes

Enough hemoglobin not being made: Decreased MCV (microcytosis); Decreased MCHC (hypochromia)

Not enough usable iron: Decreased serum iron

Actual iron deficiency (none stored): Very low serum ferritin; Zero stainable marrow iron stores; Increased total iron binding capacity; *increased transferrin receptors (new serum marker for absolute iron deficiency which avoids some pitfalls of previous assays)

Free erythrocyte protoporphyrin: Screening tool for iron deficiency, best in kids. Why?

Anemia of inflammation / sideroblastic anemias: Increased serum ferritin; Normal total iron binding capacity

Sideroblastic anemia: Dimorphic population (some forms); Ringed sideroblasts in marrow

Lead poisoning: Coarse basophilic stippling

Basophilic stippling

WebPath Photo

Thalassemias: Coarse basophilic stippling; Pancake cells

Enough normoblasts not being made: Decreased reticulocytes

Not enough nucleic acid being made: Increased MCV (macrocytosis); Hypersegmented PMN's

B12 deficiency: Low serum B12; Perform a Schilling test

Classic pernicious anemia: Schilling test becomes normal on addition of extrinsic factor

Folic acid deficiency: Low red cell folate

Infiltrative disease of bone marrow: Teardrop red cells

Class notes with clickable photos

Red Blood Cell Disorders
Mark W. Braun, M.D.

Blood I
Introductory Pathology Course
University of Texas, Houston

Blood II
Introductory Pathology Course
University of Texas, Houston


Blood Banking!
WebPath Tutorial

Red cells

WebPath Photo

Coulter counter

WebPath Photo

Normal automated hemogram printout

WebPath Photo


ANEMIAS OVERSIMPLIFIED (see also Lancet 355: 1169 & 1260, 2000)



Howell-Jolly bodies and nucleated red

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    Inherited disorders of enzymes in the hexose monophosphate shunt or glutathione enzyme systems in erythrocytes result in oxidative damage to RBC's.

      Deficiencies of each enzyme may be mild or severe, the thus the clinical pictures are widely variable.

      RBC's cannot generate the reducing power (i.e., reduced glutathione) required to repair oxidative damage to their hemoglobin and membranes.

      Masses of oxidized, denatured hemoglobin form in the cells and are visible by special staining procedures as "Heinz bodies".

        * Heinz bodies, when numerous, produce "golf ball" red cells.

        The spleen futilely pits these out, making "bite cells." These are excessively fragile and get destroyed even more readily, making the anemia worse.

    Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency is the best known of these disorders.

      This is X-linked and very common in certain populations. (Ten percent of US black men have it.)

        In the commonest African variant, only the older RBC's are seriously deficient. In the commonest Mediterranean variant, there is little good G6PD in any RBC.

      Victims must avoid certain drugs (the basic "treatment", much better than trying to re-reduce the patients' hemoglobin).

        This was a serious problem for black servicemen taking antimalarials in Vietnam. Sulfas, nitrofurantoin, and even aspirin can be hazardous for these people, depending on how badly deficient they are.

        (Susceptibility to fava beans requires a second inborn error of metabolism.)

        If the patient also has Gilbert's, severe neonatal jaundice results (Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 94: 12128, 1997).

    Deficiency of pyruvate kinase (for anaerobic glycolysis) is a very common Amish autosomal recessive birth defect. (Victims are of northern European ancestry.) There are other mutations as well. Some molecular biology: Blood 82: 1652, 1993; Blood 89: 1793, 1997.

      There is not enough energy to run the RBC membrane sodium pump, so the cells eventually undergo osmotic lysis.

      Because these people have so much 2,3-DPG in their erythrocytes, they tolerate their anemia very well.

SICKLE CELL DISEASE (Am. J. Med. Sci. 3122: 166, 1996; Ped. Clin. N.A. 49: 1193, 2002)

Sickle cell disease

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Sickle cell disease

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    Sickle cell substitution of valine for glutamine at the sixth position of the β chain (βS). Two α chains plus two βS chains makes HgbS.

      Eight percent of blacks in the US are carriers, and 1 child in 600 is affected.

        There's also sickle-cell disease among Sicilian whites; for some reason it is much milder (Arch. Ped. Adol. Med. 150: 170, 1996). And there are some affected areas in East Asia.

    Deoxygenation results in tactoid formation ("crystallization", "gelation") of HgbS. This forms sickle-shaped cells, and results in stasis (sludging), vaso-occlusive phenomena, and hemolysis.

      Sickling of a cell is reversible until the tactoids wreck the cell membrane ("how" involves spectrin tetramers dissociating and re-associating: Blood 81: 522, 1993). Then it's irreversible and the cell eventually gets lysed. Life span is twenty days.

      Dehydration increases MCHC and promotes sickling.

      Hgb F effectively prevents sickling, so patients don't sickle until they are around two years old and no longer have any Hgb F.

      Hgb A inhibits sickling, so heterozygotes (Hgb AS) do not have much trouble with sickling at usual oxygen tensions.

      Hgb C does not inhibit sickling so well as Hgb A. Hgb SC mixed heterozygotes do sickle, though it is not so severe as Hgb SS homozygotes, and the spleen is typically lost later in childhood (Blood 85: 2238, 1995).

      When oxygen tensions are low, sickled cells tend to stick tight to one another. This doesn't help things. Nobody really understands why this happens; some people think the sickled cells grow tiny spikes and stick together like burrs (see Blood 81: 3138, 1993). Somehow the cells also get a lot stickier to endothelium, probably accounting for a lot of the strokes and other occlusive phenomena.

      Decreased hemoglobin concentration helps prevent sickling. Concurrent iron deficiency anemia or thalassemia relieves sickling.

    Patients with sickle-cell anemia have many problems.

      They have a severe, chronic hemolytic anemia with all the associated changes.

      Vaso-occlusive complications include leg ulcers, strokes (mechanisms: Blood 89: 4591, 1997; prevention and treatment Arch. Neuro. 58: 565, 2001), retinal infarctions, priapism (Am. J. Med. 94: 289, 1993), painful bone infarcts (necrosis of the femoral head, etc.), thrombi. One likely contributing factor is double-stranded RNA, which glues sickled cells to endothelium, which probably explains why viral infection precipitates these events (Blood 85: 2945, 1995). Handling vaso-occlusive crisis in the emergency room: South. Med. J. 85: 808, 1992.

      Sludging of cells in the spleen ruins it by age 6 ("autosplenectomy"). The major problem then is vulnerability to pneumococcal infections.

      Sickle cell spleen
      Photo and mini-review
      Brown U.

      Sickle cell disease
      WebPath Photo

      Infections, notably Salmonella osteomyelitis (and even sepsis: J. Ped. 130: 349, 1997), are common.

      "Chest syndrome", with fever, chest pain, a lung infiltrate, and leukocytosis, is a poorly-understood phenomenon (J. Ped. 123: 272, 1993; Br. Heart J. 69: 536, 1993; Am. J. Med. Sci. 305: 326, 1993; NEJM 342: 1855, 2000; morphine as a cause Clin. Pharm. Ther. 75: 140, 2004). Perhaps infection and fat embolization both contribute. It's pretty much impossible to tell it from pneumococcal pneumonia or pulmonary infarct, and it's treated as if it were pneumonia; it remain the leading cause of death in sicklers.

        * Pathology of pulmonary hypertension in sickle cell disease: Hum. Path. 33: 1037, 2002.

      Sickle cell lung
      Big case; follow the arrows
      Dr. Warnock's Collection

      Hemolytic crises are triggered by exertion, infection, etc., while aplastic crises can result from severe infection (typically due to parvovirus B19 -- review Blood 103: 422, 2004) or (maybe) folic acid deficiency.

      * Future pathologists and radiologists: For some reason, the walls of the marrow arteries collagenize in sickle cell disease, getting progressively more striking as the person grows older (Arch. Path. Lab. Med. 128: 634, 2004). * Survival is improving; the chance of a child with sickle cell disease dying is a bit less than 1% per year (Blood 103: 402, 2004); the rate of stroke is about the same.

      These people often become addicted to opiates, and come to be despised by health-care providers as "drug seekers" or worse. Stigmatization of sicklers is unfair and scandalous (BMJ 318: 1585, 1999). They present the same kind of pain management problems as do cancer patients, only it is worse, since they live longer. Physicians are just now starting to get wise to this (Ped. Clin. N.A. 47: 699, 2000); managing it appropriately seems to reduce hospitalization by about half (Ann. Int. Med. 116: 364, 1992; epidural fentanyl is eminently sensible Pediatrics 93: 310, 1994).

      About half of sicklers survive to age forty. Other genes modify the severity of the disease, and are the major influence on survival (NEJM 330: 1639, 1994.

      Lately we've discovered zinc deficiency (urinary loss? impaired GI absorption?) as a common, serious problem in these people, resulting in reversible drops in some lymphocyte populations (J. Clin. Lab. Invest. 130: 116, 1997).

    Sickle cell carriers (heterozygotes, "sickle cell trait", Hgb AS) trait have about 40% Hgb S. It is asymptomatic unless the patient goes to a high altitude (i.e., un-pressurized aircraft, too little oxygen in the anesthetic mixture, etc.), undergoes intensive physical training when out of shape or in the heat or whatever (Am. Fam. Phys. 54: 237, 1997; both the above are potential causes of sudden death), or develops hematuria.

      As you recall, heterozygotes are relatively protected against falciparum malaria, which is probably why hemoglobin S is so common in Africa. However, the protection is by no means absolute, and malaria remains a major killer of children with sickle-cell disease in Africa: Arch. Dis. Child. 89: 572, 2004.

    You will learn cost-effective screening procedures for sickle cell disease and trait later in your career.

      Screening newborns for sickle cell disease allows early administration of pneumococcal vaccine, a potentially life-saving intervention. For black newborns, the extra cost is only $3100 more per life saved than not screening (J. Ped. 118: 546, 1991).

        * Because anyone can check the wrong box, we screen all newborns. There's a fallacy in the above article ("$450 billion per life saved screening low-prevalence non-black populations").

      * Diagnosing sickle cell disease in the unborn at 10 weeks using PCR on Mom's blood rather than amniocentesis: Nature Genetics 14: 264, 1996.

    Therapy for the hemoglobinopathies is so-so nowadays.

      Cord-blood allografts from HLA-identical newborn sibs followed by administration of growth factors have cured sickle cell disease (J. Ped. 128: 241, 1997). It is now routine when there is a matched sibling (Lancet 360: 629, 2002).

      Gene therapy is rapidly approaching (West. J. Med. 157: 631, 1992; Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 92: 3014, 1995). Treating sickle cell: Med. Clin. N.A. 76: 669, 1992.

      Hydroxyurea (Blood 79: 2555, 1992; Medicine 75: 300, 1996) enhances the fetal hemoglobin response and diminishes the ability of red cells to sickle. The effect can be augmented nicely by erythropoietin (NEJM 328: 73, 1993).

      * Watch for inhibitors of the gardos channel, which modules entry of water into the cell; these might well prevent sickling itself.

      Chelators seem to be a safe way to prevent iron-overloading in heavily-transfused patients (J. Lab. Clin. Med. 122: 48, 1993).

      * In the early 1990's, Illinois's 1183 sickle cell patients had a median of 3 hospital admissions yearly and consumed $59,000,000 in two years, or about $30,000 per patient per year; national numbers are similar (Pub. Health. Rep. 112: 38 & 44, 1997; they talk about strategies to improve out-of-hospital compliance, doctors' efficiency).


Hemoglobin C

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    Hemoglobin C is another black hemoglobin, almost as common as Hgb S.

    People with Hgb CC disease have a mild hemolytic anemia, while people with Hgb SC disease have a sickle cell disease.

    The diagnosis is often obvious from the peripheral smear.

      Any patient with Hgb C, even a carrier, will have many target cells on peripheral smear.

      Patients with Hgb CC disease have rod-shaped hemoglobin crystals in their red cells (see at low pH), while patients with Hgb SC disease have irregularly-shaped crystals ("birds in flight," etc.)


    A Southeast Asian hemoglobin that produces a mild hemolytic disease in homozygotes.

THE THALASSEMIAS ("Cooley's anemia", "Mediterranean blood", etc.)

    Disorders with decreased synthesis of a structurally normal globin chain.

      The other chain is made in normal quantities. Aggregates of this chain accumulate in the normoblasts and cause intramedullary hemolysis. (Beta chains are worse than α chains in this respect.)

      I will resist the temptation to talk about the molecular genetics of the thalassemias except in the most basic terms. Those seeking an appreciation of the range of defects may begin with Mayo Clin. Proc. 76: 285, 2001; Clin. Chem. 46: 1284, 2000.

      The thalassemias, like sickle cell disease, hemoglobin C, hemoglobin E, and G6PD deficiency, bestow resistance to falciparum malaria on their carriers (update Am. J. Hum. Genet. 77: 171, 2005).

    α-thalassemia: Asian and African genes. Usually the genes are deleted.

      There are two genes for the α chain per chromosome, or four genes total. In the various α thalassemias, one or more are hurt.

      One gene hurt ("silent carrier"): No health problem; 3% Hgb Bart's (four γ chains) at birth, no Hgb H (four beta chains) as adult.

      Two genes hurt ("α thalassemia minor" or "trait"): Red blood cells tend to be small (MCV 82 or so) but anemia is unusual; 5-10% Hgb Bart's at birth, trace of Hgb H as adult. Seldom noticed.

      Three genes hurt ("Hgb H disease"): Hemolytic anemia throughout life; 25% Hgb Bart's at birth; 25% Hgb H as adult. (Hgb H is unstable and these patients have mostly a "bite cell" anemia, Heinz bodies and all that.)

      Four genes hurt ("hydrops fetalis"): Fetus dies as it has only Hgb Bart's, which has an excessive oxygen affinity. Death is due to congestive heart failure due to anemia, so the fetus dies extremely edematous. (The other common causes of such a severe anemia are parvo 19 and Rh incompatibility.)

      Hydrops fetalis
      Intrauterine death from Rh disease
      KU Collection

        * The crew at Brown, your lecturer's alma mater, brings a fetus with Bart's hydrops to term and are going to bone-marrow-transplant.... (Ob. Gyn. 85: 876, 1995). Your lecturer sees this as a prime example of the "law of inverse care"; you may disagree.

      NOTE: It's desirable for a person with sickle cell disease or trait to have deletions of an α gene or two (why?) See J. Clin. Invest. 88: 1963, 1991.

    Beta-thalassemia: Mediterranean genes, mostly

      There is one gene for the β chain per chromosome, or two genes total. In the various beta thalassemias, there is a problem with the mRNA and enough β chains do not get produced.

        (Alleles: β0 -- no chains produced; beta+ -- some chains produced, but not enough)

      Heterozygotes ("beta thalassemia minor" or "trait"): minimal or no anemia; hypochromia and microcytosis, target cells, teardrops and basophilic stippling, sometimes with mild anemia. You may not be able to appreciate either the hypochromia or the microcytosis on smear, because the cells tend to assume a pancake shape, without central pallor. Increased Hgb F and usually increased Hgb A2 ("because these have no beta chains").

      Homozygotes ("beta thalassemia major"): severe anemia beginning in infancy as the baby switches from Hgb F production. Patients have the stigmata of chronic hemolysis ("crewcut" skull x-ray, etc.), and little or no Hgb A, with extra Hgb A2 and Hgb F. As they must be transfused repeatedly and over-absorb iron, they have classically died of iron overload in their teens. The new iron chelators (deferiprone, desferrioxamine, others) have been a great help, and now these people will probably live out a normal lifespan of good quality. The current major problems with the chelators (especially deferiprone) have been joint damage, agranulocytosis and zinc deficiency; (no surprise): Blood 80: 593, 1992; NEJM 332: 918 & 953, 1995; Br. Heart. J. 73: 486, 1995; Blood 90: 994, 1997. Marrow transplant: Arch. Dis. Child. 66: 517, 1991. Improved long-term results without bone marrow transplant: Blood 104: 34, 2004.

        * "Beta thalassemia intermedia" can result from homozygosity for two not-so-bad beta+ genes. It is a bad disease (genetic screening Arch. Dis. Child. 72: 408, 1995).

        Don't worry about such arcana as "hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin", "δ-thal", etc., etc. Blood 80: 1582, 1992.

    Every once in a while, one or more globin genes can be lost in the myelodysplastic syndrome, producing an acquired thalassemia (Blood 103: 1518, 2004).

    * Mainland China's pathologists develop and begin implementing "preventing genetics" to eliminate the devastating thalassemias: J. Clin. Path. 57: 517, 2004. This isn't the place to talk about the "ethical" and "human rights" implications; the mere fact that we in the United States can do so is a real privilege.

    You'll frequently need to distinguish the two great microcytic anemias: thalassemia and iron deficiency. A variety of formulas exist to give you the first guess. All are based on the fact that thalassemia cells tend to be smaller with a higher hemoglobin concentration, and iron-deficiency cells tend to be larger with a lower hemoglobin concentration (Arch. Path. Lab. Med. 116: 84, 1992).

      The formulas don't factor hemoglobin E into the picture, since they were developed before our country was enriched by the Southeast Asian immigration. Easy to remember: Mild microcytic anemia with near-normal RBC count: Thal minor or hemoglobin E.

α thal major
WebPath Case of the Week


    Abnormal sensitivity of RBC's to complement-mediated lysis, especially at low pH (i.e., while you're asleep).

    The mechanism has recently become clear. The cells have lost the gene (PIG-A) to make an inositol-based anchor for a group of surface proteins, including those that confer resistance to lysis by the body's own complement (NEJM 330: 249, 1994; J. Clin. Invest. 96: 201, 1995; Blood 85: 1640, 1995).

    This disease also affects myeloid cells and megakaryocytes, proving it's a stem cell problem. (In addition, it sometimes turns into aplastic anemia, i.e., it's a Nowell's law hit. How this happens: Ann. Int. Med. 136: 534, 2002.

      * Despite older reports of transformation into leukemia, nowadays PNH doesn't seem to do this much, nobody knows why (NEJM 333: 1253, 1995).

      * PNH also pops up quite often in the setting of prior aplastic anemia, i.e., the mutant clone has the growth advantage and fails to undergo apoptosis like the other red cell precursors; Semin. Hem. 35: 149, 1998.

    Additional problems include loss of iron into the urine (eventually producing iron deficiency) and thromboses in liver and brain veins.

    Diagnose it using the "Ham Test" if you can find a lab to do it (newer diagnostic procedures Am. J. Clin. Path. 114: 798, 2000). Live with it, treat the symptoms, and hope it remits (i.e., your internal milieu changes somehow and there's selection against the bad clone, which is fairly common: NEJM 333: 1253, 1995).


    Warm antibody AHA:

      Extravascular hemolysis resulting from sensitization of RBC's to the patient's own IgG (sometimes IgA).

        Since red cells have no class I HLA antigens, T-cells do not attack them.

      A specific cause is found in about one third of cases.

        Check for cancers (especially lymphoma-leukemia), systemic lupus (lupus autoimmune hemolysis Am. J. Med. 108: 198, 2000), drugs.

      Mononuclear phagocytes and splenic macrophages first nibble at the sensitized membrane, turning the RBC's into spherocytes. Eventually the cells are destroyed.

      Drug hemolysis mechanisms in warm autoantibody disease:

      hapten mechanism (high-dose penicillin type): the patient makes an antibody against drug-red cell membrane complex

      immune complex mechanism (quinine-quinidine type): drug-antibody complexes get absorbed to innocent bystander RBC's, which are then lysed by complement. Phenacetin and cephalosporin are also frequently implicated in this type of hemolysis.

      autoantibody mechanism ("Aldomet" type): the drug somehow causes one to make antibodies against one's own Rh antigens (everybody has some Rh antigens, even though Rh negative).

    Cold agglutinin AHA

      Due to IgM antibodies, which work best below 30.

      These monoclonal auto-antibodies appear mysteriously in mycoplasma pneumonia (* anti-I), infectious mono (* anti-i), others. The anemia, if any, is self-limited and seldom detected.

      Chronic cold agglutinin disease is fairly common in lymphoma, or may be idiopathic. (These people should dress warmly.) Curiously, hemolysis occurs in the liver, not the spleen, in these patients.

    Cold hemolysin AHA

      The usual disease is paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria and the auto-antibody is * Donath-Landsteiner auto-antibody.

      The patient goes skiing and falls in the snow; the next time the patient voids, the urine is dark brown.

      Once a famous sign of syphilis, paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria now it most often follows the flu or arises mysteriously.

      Surprisingly, in today's era of body cooling during cardiopulmonary bypass, the disease seldom turns up. One case: Ann. Thoracic Surg. 75: 579, 2003.



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    This can result from:

    • cardiac valve prostheses
    • "microangiopathic hemolytic anemia" (DIC, TTP, * "hemolytic-uremic syndrome", burns, * renal cortical necrosis, * metastatic prostate cancer)
    • malignant hypertension, scleroderma, kidney transplant rejection (RBC's wrecked in renal interlobular arteries)
    • SLE (wreckage in the necrotizing arteritis and arteriolitis)

    Fragmented RBC's on the peripheral smear (helmet cells, burr cells, triangle cells, target cells, schistocytes)

    These hemolytic anemias seldom last long, but indicate serious disease.

    * "March hemoglobinuria" is another cause of intravascular hemolysis from trauma; it is well tolerated.


Megaloblastic anemia
Automated printout
WebPath Photo

Hypersegmented poly
Pernicious anemia
KU Collection

Hypersegmented poly
Megaloblastic anemia
WebPath Photo

Megaloblastic anemia

WebPath Photo

    This is a broad term for all problems in which the normoblasts (and, often, the other cells in the body) cannot synthesize DNA fast enough to keep up with the growth of their cytoplasm. ("Nuclear-cytoplasmic asynchrony". This is easily the most plausible explanation; remember you also need B12 to do methionine and methyl-malonic acid). Although patients will be anemic, the baby cells (-"blast") end up big ("megalo-"), and a good pathologist can immediately recognize a "megaloblastic marrow smear" by the big, blue cells with lots of cytoplasm and immature-looking nuclei. (Polys and their precursors are big, too. You'll see pictures; I won't ask you to make the distinction on an exam.)

    Regardless of the cause, expect to see:

    • anemia (and maybe neutropenia and maybe thrombocytopenia)
    • increased mean corpuscular volume (why?) with normochromia and considerable anisocytosis (ask a pathologist to show you a "macro-ovalocyte")
    • hyper-segmentation of the neutrophil and eosinophil nuclei (why?)
    • shortened red cell survival time (often, much of the hemolysis takes place in the marrow; the marrow may appear hypercellular and serum LDH-1 levels, suggestive of hemolysis, can be extremely high)
      • Rule: Count one hundred neutrophils. Separate segments are defined to be masses separated by a thread composed entirely of heterochromatin. If you see one neutrophil with six segments, or five with five segments, you have established the diagnosis of megaloblastic anemia. I think a three-lobed eosinophil does it, too.

    Pernicious anemia ("true pernicious anemia", "addisonian pernicious anemia", etc.)

      This is extremely common, especially in older folks; one group argues that there must be 800,000 undiagnosed cases (Arch. Int. Med. 156: 1097, 1996). Once dreaded and very lethal ("pernicious"), the available of injectable B12 (in the old days, a pound of raw liver per day by mouth, or liver injections) has now rendered this common problem almost innocuous.

      The basic problems is chronic atrophic (usually autoimmune; most (>90%) of these patients have antibodies against the parietal cell canaliculi) gastritis with destruction of the parietal cells and failure of intrinsic factor production.

        Often (maybe 40% of the time) there is some antibody that sticks to intrinsic factor as well, preventing its binding to B12 ("blocking antibody", * type I's). There's also likely to be antibodies against receptors in the ileum where the complex must be absorbed ("binding antibody", * type II's). Assay J. Clin. Path. 46: 45, 1993 (* contrary to older sources, either can be present without the other).

        * While we are ordering unnecessary lab tests, most of these patients have elevated serum gastrin levels, too (why?).

      In addition to the problem making good blood cells, B12 deficiency (from whatever cause) is noxious to the brain and cord, probably because of increased levels of methyl-malonic acid and propionic acid. Demyelinization of the posterior columns of the spinal cord happens early and causes loss of proprioception and some paresthesias, as in tabes dorsalis. Eventually, dementia occurs. These problems may precede the anemia (Postgrad. Med. 91: 231, 1992; Postgrad. Med. 88: 147, 1990).

      In the 1980's, I had the rare privilege of autopsying a "virgin" pernicious anemia patient, a gentleman who was institutionalized for five years with "Alzheimer's disease". His physicians drew blood from time to time, but never noticed the anemia, the MCV of 140, or the hypersegmented neutrophils reported by the lab. Bad care. I noted each of the following "classic" changes:

      • findings of anemia (pallor of all organs, big heart)
      • slight icterus (why? ever hear of the "lemon yellow" pernicious anemia patient?)
      • peripheral smear (from life) with macro-ovalocytes
      • neutrophils on peripheral smear with 6-10 segments
      • hypercellular, megaloblastic marrow;
      • glossitis (can't replace those stratified squamous cells fast enough)
      • autoimmune-style chronic gastritis ("fundic"; "type A"; achlorhydric) with some intestinal metaplasia
      • immature, large nuclei in the remaining stomach epithelial cells
      • loss of myelin in the posterior columns
        • NOTE: Often the lateral columns are affected, too, though less dramatically. This is called "subacute combined degeneration of the cord", typical of B12 deficiency.

      To make the diagnosis, physicians who practice good medicine perform the two-part Schilling test.

        Give the patient an injection of normal B12 first (why?)

        Then administer radioactive B12 by mouth. A healthy person will excrete the radioactivity in the urine. If your patient, for any reason, cannot absorb B12 via the gut, the urine will not be radioactive.

        If your patient cannot absorb B12 via the gut, then give him or her a dose of radioactive B12 with intrinsic factor. If this causes the radioactivity to appear in the urine, you know the patient lacks intrinsic factor. If the radioactivity still fails to appear, you know there's some problem with absorption (i.e., one of those antibodies and/or some disease of the gut).

      It's common knowledge that patients with autoimmune gastritis, whether or not they have pernicious anemia, are at substantial risk for gastric cancer (carcinoma, carcinoid; see for example Cancer 71: 745, 1993 and Arch. Path. Lab. Med. 113: 399, 1989). It's ironic that, while the Japanese endoscope almost everybody (and often finding the highly-curable early gastric cancer lesions), we're just now getting used to the idea of endoscoping pernicious anemia patients regularly. For some better-late-than-never common-sense see Gut 34: 28, 1993; endoscopy every five years, more often if dysplasia is found, seems reasonable (Gut 31: 1105, 1990; Bill and Hillary take notice).

      Classic "addisonian" pernicious anemia is primarily a disease of people of northern European ancestry, though any race can be affected. The sex ratio is about equal, which is unusual for an autoimmune disease.

      "Juvenile pernicious anemia" mimics the adult disease in its hematologic and nervous system manifestations. These patients don't usually have autoimmunity, but instead are born without good intrinsic factor, or without receptors for the complex. Tip: Check the urine for methyl-malonic acid (why?)

    Other causes of B12 deficiency

      "Inadequate diet" must be extreme. "Vegans", who will take no food of animal origin, get B12 deficiency after a few five years unless they supplement. B12 deficiency is common in today's "amateur" vegans, many of whom are teens (Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 76: 100, 2002).

      If your whole stomach is gone after some big operation, you'll need B12 supplementation, of course. But this isn't true pernicious anemia.

      If you have malabsorption (sprue, Whipple's, lymphoma, scleroderma, others), or if you have the fish tapeworm on board, or if you have a blind loop (post-surgery, duodenal diverticula) full of bacteria, or if your ileum is messed up badly by Crohn's disease, you may need B12.

      * "Big Robbins" cites "increased need for B12" in carcinomatosis, hyperthyroidism, and pregnancy. I've never seen this as a clinical problem, and because the vitamin is so available, I doubt its seriousness.

      There's a good serum assay for B12. It's expensive, but perhaps an occasional screen is worthwhile, more for the mental problems that the deficiency causes especially in the elderly. I'd prefer you start your anemia workup with a reticulocyte count first.

      * Hey Doc! Want to keep your poorly-educated patients happy and coming back ($$)? Some physicians diagnose "pernicious anemia" wantonly, and prescribe monthly B12 shots, which are red (ooh, pretty), painless, inexpensive, and harmless. Further, once you start doing this, it'll be hard to prove the patient didn't originally need the treatment and doesn't need to continue. However happy this common practice may make people, I have a ninth commandment problem with it. I hope YOU do, too.

    Folic acid deficiency (ever know someone who called it "vitamin P"? "folic" means "from (green) leaves")

      This is disturbingly common in the U.S., and not just in the alcoholics, oldsters, and babies cited in "Big Robbins". Contrary to your text, the deficiency need not be "gross". You need some vegetables in your diet every once in a while, and many Americans don't like them. (In the poor nations, many people can't afford them.) If you lack folic acid, you can't shuttle your one-carbon units (i.e., methyl and formyl groups) around.

      In pregnancy, the fetus leeches out Mom's folic acid, which may already be in short supply. Likewise, in hemolytic disease and in carcinomatosis, folic acid supplies often drop, a "relative folic acid deficiency" is unmasked, and a superimposed megaloblastic state develops.

      Phenytoin and the birth control pill are infamous for interfering with the absorption of folic acid. Of course, so can other malabsorption problems. Hemodialysis takes the vitamin out of the body, too.

      A blood assays for folic acid is available. Again, it's expensive. I'd prefer you not order these for all your microcytic anemia patients at the onset of your workup. Tip: You can also detect folate deficiency by assaying the urine for formimino-glutamic acid (FIGlu), a breakdown product of histidine which requires folate for further processing.

      BEWARE. Supplementing a patient with pernicious anemia with big doses of folic acid will improve the hematologic picture (nobody knows why) and exacerbate the brain disease (nobody knows why). This is the main reason that only small amounts of folic acid are put in over-the-counter not-for-pregnancy vitamins.

    B12 and folate-unresponsive megaloblastic anemia

      Obviously, anti-DNA chemotherapy will produce megaloblastic changes.

        * Anemias induced by chemotherapy tend to be undertreated, probably because they are difficult to treat. Perhaps the new, more-effective erythropoietin-like drug darbepoietin will prove helpful (Cancer 95: 613, 2002).

      Occasional megaloblastic anemias respond well to vitamin B1 (thiamine) or vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). These are usually acquired, and probably reflect Nowell's law hits (i.e., there is an increased leukemia risk.)

    Note: Heavy alcohol drinking, and sometimes liver disease (maybe) and hypothyroidism (maybe), will raise the MCV to maybe 110 fL. Nobody knows why.


Pathology of Iron Metabolism
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Iron deficiency

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Iron deficiency

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Automated printout -- iron deficiency

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Iron deficiency anemia
Peripheral smear
KU Collection

    You already know that iron is absorbed (in limited, regulated quantities) in the duodenum, shuttled around on transferrin, used in hemoglobin, myoglobin, and cytochromes, and the storage supply found to ferritin as the invisible short-term form ferritin and the copper-penny, Prussian-blue-stainable long-term form hemosiderin.

    A person may become iron-deficient by:

    • heavy menstrual loss (Shakespeare's Juliet had "green-sickness", iron deficiency signs attributed to being in love for the first time)
    • abnormal blood loss (GI bleeding -- remember hookworm --, GU bleeding, uterine bleeding)

        Iron deficiency (mechanism still mysterious Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 72(S2): 549-S, 2000, may include GI and GU loss), hemolysis from pavement-pounding ("footstrike hemolysis"), and hemodilution by an expanded plasma volume (physiologic, to reduce whole blood viscosity for the best oxygen delivery) all contribute to "runner's anemia" (Ped. Clin. N.A. 49: 553, June 2002; JAMA case conference 286: 714, 2001).
    • bad diet (there's not much iron in twinkies, fries, or diet pepsi; half of adults in the poor nations are iron deficient).

        Heme iron is much better absorbed than iron from beans. Especially, there is disappointingly little usable iron in spinach; what's there is oxalate-bound and unavailable

        Poor diet is seldom the sole cause in U.S. adults. However U.S. kids can and do become iron deficient, despite "Big Robbins"). There is very little iron in breast milk, and children do become deficiency as a result. No one knows the "best" amounts and timing for supplementation (Ped. Clin. N.A. 48: 401, 2001).

    • malabsorption (sprue, those others)
    • no HCl and/or no access of food to the duodenum (as after ulcer surgery)

    Doc: If you find iron deficiency, you MUST find the cause. It is cancer of the GI or GU system until proven otherwise.

    Around 10% each of toddlers, teenaged girls, and moms are iron deficient, and of these, around half are anemic (JAMA 277: 973, 1997). More numbers: Almost 20% of kids are iron-deficient, with 5% anemic (Clin. Ped. 44: 333, 2005); easy to diagnose, but these kids are still not beingfollowed up. Of course this is deplorable. An attempt by the English to alter the junk-food habits of their underclass through "education" was an expensive, complete failure (Arch. Dis. Child. 76: 144, 1997).

    Regardless of the cause, the iron-deficient patient develops a hypochromic, microcytic (why?) anemia, which can be very severe.

      You'll be impressed the first time you see tiny red cells with broad central pallor.

      For some reason, elongated "pencil RBC's" are common in iron deficiency, and the platelet count tends to rise.

    Textbooks describe a variety of additional physical findings that are supposed to be more or less specific for iron deficiency. This includes koilonychia (spoon-shaped nails), beefy glossitis, intestinal malabsorption, and upper esophageal webs ("Plummer-Vinson"; the link to iron deficiency is almost certainly a myth, and I have my doubts about the others, since they make no sense physiologically).

    Plasma ferritin levels usually closely correlate with total body iron, provided that the liver isn't acutely damaged. More about iron testing when we cover lab testing.

    * Tip: Allied health professionals often refer to both hemoglobin and hematocrit as "serum iron". I've given up trying to explain.

ANEMIA OF INFLAMMATION ("Anemia of Chronic Disease", Ped. Clin. N.A. 43: 623, 1997; Am. J. Med. Sci. 307: 353, 1994)

    Here, there's plenty of iron in the body, but it isn't available to the normoblasts, but stays in the big fixed macrophage in the center of the erythroid island.

    This unfortunate effect is mediated by increased body levels of interleukin 1 (* and probably other cytokines too), i.e., the macrophages are phagocytosing somewhere in the body, and the "acute phase reaction" has been going on long enough to cause lowering of the hematocrit.

      * The primacy of the iron problem is confirmed by the use of zinc protoporphyrin (i.e., free porphyrin) levels as marker for anemia of chronic disease: Blood 81: 1200, 1993.

      * There may also be a component of hemolysis (by those hungry macrophages) though I haven't seen increased reticulocyte counts in these folks. Or the kidney may not be making enough erythropoietin.

      This is a common, often-overlooked / undertreated problem in AIDS (J. Inf. Dis. 185(S2): S-105 & S-110, 2002); perhaps the availability of newer erythropoietin-like medications will result in this being treated more effectively.

    Patients have a hypochromic-microcytic (why?) anemia with a hemoglobin of around 8-10 gm/dL. Bone marrow iron stores are increased.

    In the U.S., the usual causes are rheumatoid arthritis, osteomyelitis, TB, and huge bedsores. (Remember these also cause amyloidosis A; same underlying problem.) Treat the underlying cause, Doc.

      * If you want to diagnose and monitor the disease, try serial zinc protoporphyrins (Blood 81: 1200, 1993; why does it work?)

      * For tough cases, you can try erythropoietin.


    Once again, there's plenty of iron in the body, and this time, it's even in the normoblasts. But in this relatively uncommon problem, patients have difficulty placing the iron into their heme rings. Instead, it remains in the mitochondria, which light up as Prussian-blue positive chunks in their ordinary position around the normoblast nucleus (hence the cute term "ringed sideroblasts").

    Commonly, only some of the red cell precursors are affected (i.e., Nowell's law has been operating; these patients are probably at increased risk for leukemia.) Alcoholism and isoniazid therapy also get cited.

    * In the X-linked hereditary sideroblastic anemia, the problem is with δ-amino levulinic acid synthetase (NEJM 330 675, 1994; Blood 90: 872, 1997; Blood 93: 1757, 1999). Some cases respond to big doses of pyridoxine, and in these cases, the pyridoxine binding site on the protein is what was hit by the mutation (of course). More on this: Blood 93: 1757, 1999.


    In babies, congenital difficulty with erythropoiesis is the Blackfan-Diamond syndrome and variants.

      The problem in common Blackfan-Diamond that the normoblasts undergo apoptosis unless they are awash with erythropoietin (Blood 83: 645, 1994; Blood 87: 2568, 1996; further complexities Blood 105: 838 & 4620, 2005).

        * The gene is ribosomal protein S19: Nat. Genet. 21: 169, 1999.

        * Another variant (autosomal dominant dyskeratosis congenita) lacks the ability to restore telomeres to the endlessly-dividing marrow stem cells (Lancet 359: 2168, 2002; Blood 102: 916, 2003).

      In the Fanconi C variant, the red cells are oversensitive to signals from γ-interferon (and surely other stuff) to undergo apoptosis (Blood 90: 974 & 1047, 1997; Blood 88: 2298, 1996), etc., etc. There are at least 8 Fanconi anemia (red cell underproduction, fragile chromosomes) loci, all autosomal recessive (Am. J. Hum. Genet. 61: 940, 1997. * Hypoplastic anemia and an extra joint in the thumb: Aase syndrome!

    In the chronic hemolytic disorders (notoriously sickle-cell disease, less often spherocytosis or hemoglobin C disease), the production of normoblasts can simply shut down, even when there's enough folic acid around. Parvovirus 19 is now known to be the usual cause. This is called aplastic crisis.

      Future pathologists wishing to spot "parvo": You will see no normoblasts beyond the basophilic stage, and the basophilic normoblasts have the nuclear chromatin pushed to the edge by the viral inclusion.

    Patients with thymoma / thymic hyperplasia often develop a red-cell aplasia, probably because T-cells attack the normoblasts in the bone marrow. Removing the thymoma often solves the problem (Am. J. Clin. Path. 103: 346, 1995).

    Patients who take chloramphenicol can all expect some temporary suppression of erythropoiesis, and in 1 case in about 25,000 this is severe and permanent.

    In kidney disease, there's often a lack of erythropoietin, and patients receive injections of the stuff, which helps.

      * Some kidney patients treated with recombinant erythropoietin develop anti-erythropoietin antibodies and a severe aplastic anemia: NEJM 346: 469, 2002; responds to treatment Lancet 363: 1768, 2004.

Normal marrow
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Normal marrow
Higher power, section
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Normal marrow
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Normal marrow

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Normal marrow

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Rouleaux formation

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FINISHING UP: Thankfully, hemoglobins with excessively high oxygen affinity ("Chesapeake" and many others) are uncommon. As you'd expect, these render the patient polycythemic.

* Red-cell substitutes have been a disappointment. A bovine hemoglobin preparation delivers the goods but only lasts for a day in the bloodstream; it is now in use in some nations. The older perfluorocarbon emulsions ("Fluosol", others) required patients to breathe 100% oxygen which was deadly to the lungs. Review Am. J. Clin. Path. 118 S: S-71, 2002.

We'll do polycythemia vera, other secondary polycythemias, acquired aplastic anemia, and the myelodysplastic syndrome under "White Cells". Enjoy these pictures:

{13856} red cell, normal blood. (If platelets stick to polys, it's EDTA anticoagulant effect ("satellitism"). Some folks have a gene to make this happen.)


    Sooner or later, you will run into the issue of blood for Jehovah's Witnesses. The group is authoritarian, tightly-controlled, and forbids blood transfusions for its members.

    Ask a spokesperson for the details. "Many Jehovah's Witnesses feel that accepting a blood transfusion will lead them to eternal damnation" (Ob. Gyn. 102: 173, 2003). Here are some references which will help you in your thinking.

    On the one hand...

    • It is hard not to admire people who give up their lives for moral principles -- even if the rest of us think they are misguided (even deceived). This is very clear in the case of a Jehovah's Witness freely refusing blood and dying as a result. US law is unequivocal in supporting the rights of adults to do this. Likewise, Jehovah's Witnesses around the world go to prison rather than serve in the armed forces. As a beginning Christian, I belonged to a pacifist denomination, and although I decided this position was wrong (at least for me), I retain a special admiration for anybody who takes the hard road because something else is of ultimate importance.
    • For some reason that nobody has explained in the refereed medical literature, Jehovah's Witnesses are free to accept fractions made from red cells, from white cells, from platelets, or from plasma. However, they may not take any of the fractions themselves, or whole blood. They appear quite willing to accept stem cells from other people (Bone Marrow Transplantation 32: 437, 2003).
    • Members believe that if a child is transfused, he/she can be "cut off" from the possibility of obtaining eternal life (J. Emerg. Med. 14: 251, 1996). In the 1980's, one spokesman told me that the child would be stigmatized, regarded as satanic, and that this was something to take into account before transfusing a child against the parents' wishes. More recently I have been reassured that this will not happen.
    • There is a saying among blood bankers that we are the only business people in the community who work hard to reduce demand for our product. I never saw the point to most "routine" transfusions. So I was not at all surprised when a Portland bloodless surgery group found that Jehovah's Witnesses who had total abdominal hysterectomies without blood transfusions did as well as or better than controls who had transfusions (Am. J. Ob. Gyn. 180: 1491, 1999; plus, remember these folks don't smoke or drink). Obviously it would be stupid (at best) to generalize this to more serious surgery, or to hematologic disease.
    • Very extensive surgeries can be performed without blood, especially when erythropoietin, hemodilution, and special coagulators are used (J. Ped. Surg. 32: 1759, 1997; Ann. Thoracic Surg. 69: 935, 2000). These also cost third-party payers lots of money (Br. Med. J. 318: 873, 1999). (Smokers and reckless skydivers also cost society extra.)
    • Several sensitive articles have appeared which physicians may find helpful in understanding those whose values differ (a good one: Am. J. Psych. 156: 304, 1999).
    • Be sure you do not confuse the JW position against blood transfusion with the beliefs of other sects against all medical interventions.
    • Despite the fact that members insist they are "neutral" and have no loyalty to any secular government, they do point out that their legal battles have enlarged the freedoms of their neighbors (i.e., the government can't make your kids say the pledge of allegiance, and you can keep your kids out of the usual extracurricular activities even if they want to participate.)
    • Unlike other militants (the anti-biotechnology people, the anti-animal-research people, the anti-stem-cell people), the Jehovah's Witnesses are not trying to force ideology and disinformation campagin everybody else, or interfere with medical progress. For this reason alone, I urge you to respect them.

    On the other hand...

    • No reasonable person questions that blood transfusions save lives, and sometimes are necessary to save lives. Members do die because they refuse transfusions, and not because of lack of surgical skill. I cannot address the spiritual issues. But literature which I've seen from the Jehovah's Witnesses on the risk-benefit ratio for transfusions in very-sick people seem to me to be one-sided at best.
    • A Jehovah's Witness woman is 44x more likely to die in childbirth than a woman who will accept a blood transfusion (Am. J. Ob. Gyn. 185: 893, 2001 -- as you'd expect, a plan to "optimize hemoglobin using erythropoietin prior to delivery" in these women was a dismal and expensive failure)
    • In Italy (and probably elsewhere in Europe), most physicians will not even undertake the workup of an adult JW with likely leukemia, because of all the problems that blood refusal will create. (In the US, this probably shocks us, but think about it. Problems range from additional public expense to increased likelihood of a bad outcome to dealing with militants and snoops to watching somebody actually die of anemia or thrombocytopenia as a result of your chemotherapy and being forbidden to save them.) A team in Milan has actually developed a protocol for JW's with adult leukemia: Eur. J. Haem. 72: 264, 2004, and has gotten some complete remissions; they argue that hematologists should reconsider the boycott and I'm inclined to agree.
    • In Bulgaria, the Jehovah's Witnesses accepted a government condition, allowing them to collect money and proselytize only if they promised not to punish members who received blood transfusions. This may now be official policy worldwide (Lancet 356: 1114, 2000). The denomination used to forbid immunizations and organ transplantations, but has reversed itself. In the 1930's, the denomination conducted an inflammatory disinformation campaign against aluminum cookware. With no basis in fact, the JW's smeared the medical profession as evil conspirators against the health of the public. This is now history. Perhaps the position on transfusion will change too. So far as I know, all sects have made ghastly mistakes at one time or another. Some acknowledge their past errors. Others don't.
    • Since 1961, any adult member who accepts a blood transfusion knows he or she will be disfellowshipped and shunned. For example, the member will not get to go to his/her children's weddings or his/her parents' funerals. The marriage will probably break up, the rest of the family will try to keep the children away from the disfellowshipped parent, and friendships will end. When a Jehovah's Witness is in the hospital, the "visitation committee" comes around to remind doctors not to transfuse their fellow-believer, and of course to snoop and be sure there's no transfusion. With pressures like this, I think reasonable people can ask whether refusing a needed transfusion is really a free choice.
    • A group within the Jehovah's Witnesses sect which accepts blood transfusions remains entirely anonymous -- if any member of this group were to use his/her name in public, he/she would be disfellowshipped and lose his/her family as a punishment (J. Med. Ethics 26: 375, 2000). One member was disfellowshipped simply for writing a supportive e-mail to the group -- his wife turned him in. One ethicist suggests that physicians need to tell Jehovah's Witnesses that the group exists (J. Med. Ethics 26: 299, 2000) -- I agree but doubt this would have any effect.
    • Please remember that for any denomination, the leadership is not the members. Where dissent is not tolerated, you cannot know the hearts of the faithful. I have found individual members to be motivated by an uncommon concern for my own spiritual well-being, which I appreciate despite my disagreements. However... the denominational leadership often finds itself under sharp public criticism. In 1987, it expressly instructed members who work in the health-care setting to breach medical confidentiality. In the cited example, a member who learned that another member had an abortion was expected to announce this to the congregation. Of course this is a crime in many jurisdictions (J. Med. Ethics 26: 381, 2000), and as a physician, simply having people like this around me makes me extremely uncomfortable. When one ethicist suggested a don't ask, don't tell approach for Jehovah's Witnesses needing blood (J. Med. Ethics 25: 469, 1999), the denomination's lawyers responded with a piece (J. Med. Ethics 25: 463, 1999) full of more venom and obvious distortion than I had ever seen in a journal article. Letting children know that they are set apart from an evil world includes requiring them to leave the classroom during other children's birthday parties. Most are not allowed to participate in sports or extracurricular activities, i.e., the situations in which they would probably develop friendships with non-JW's. There are over 1000 divorce actions in the US each year because one partner embraces the sect and the other does not, and these tend to be extremely bitter. Beginning in 2001, the media gave a lot of attention to the supposed massive protection of pedophiles and punishments meted out to the children who bring accusations even if they're probably true. As we've seen before, this is a politicized subject where it's often hard to get at the truth. But as of April 2002, despite the resignation of church leader William H. Bowen over the issue, the main JW internet site continues silent. And right or wrong, people seem to judge the denomination by its focus on direct put-you-on-the-spot, proselytization and staying uninvolved with our tolerant, pluralistic mainstream society rather than community service and philanthropy. The notions of altruism, kindness to strangers, and universal love -- which are absolutely central to all the major world-faiths -- are conspicuously absent from what I've read of their literature. However, I have known several individual members who have been among the nicest people I've known, and during the years when I considered a pacifist commitment, I came to admire them very much. The denomination also teaches that family members who accept transfusion or drop membership should be killed by stoning, and the fact that they do not do so is merely because national law forbids it. In France and Italy, most physicians simply transfuse Jehovah's witnesses while they're asleep in surgery, without telling them or simply lying (Eur. J. Anaesth. 8: 297, 1991; Med. Educ. 36: 479, 2002). I find this unacceptable; others may disagree, feeling that these people's choice -- in contrast to the choices your physician must offer you -- is neither honestly-informed nor free.
    • The most helpful article I've found is J. Med. Eth. 24: 295, 1998. The author urges physicians to help patients make a genuinely free, informed decision by conferencing with them, giving accurate information, and asking them why they believe as they do and what pressures are on them. Whatever decision the adult patient reaches must be honored.

{13858} red cell, normal marrow, unusual stain
{13976} red cell, normal blood (two orthochromatic normoblasts)
{20780} red cell, normal blood
{46538} red cell, normal blood
{26161} basophilic normoblast (prorubricyte)
{26162} basophilic normoblast (prorubricyte)
{26197} basophilic normoblast (prorubricyte)
{26198} basophilic normoblast (prorubricyte)
{26223} polychromatophilic normoblast (rubricyte)
{26224} polychromatophilic normoblast (rubricyte)
{18690} orthochromatophilic normoblast (metarubricyte)
{10127}red cell, even staining for hemoglobin

{10130} Heinz bodies
{10418} nucleated red cells in hemolytic disease of the newborn
{21113} hemolytic disease of the newborn
{13898} polychromasia (the purple, large red cells are "reticulocytes")
{14722} reticulocytes, normal
{14723} reticulocytes, too many
{39616} erythroid hyperplasia
{39617} erythroid hyperplasia

{27434} plasmodium vivax
{13880} cold agglutinins in the blood
{12299} hereditary spherocytosis
{16172} spherocytes
{11547} hereditary elliptocytosis (spherocytosis variant)
{13892} hereditary elliptocytosis (spherocytosis variant)
{12305} spur cells ("acanthocytes"' E.T.-finger cells); abetalipoproteinemia case
{13871} abetalipoproteinemia smear (lymphocyte in upper right)
{20128} abetalipoproteinemia smear

{17419} sickle cell disease
{13907} target cells
{16167} target cells
{16177} target cells
{16169} stomatocytes (flattened uniconcave RBC's typical of acute drunkenness, liver disease and various rarities, everyone's allowed a few)
{12308} schistocytes
{13895} schistocyte
{16178} schistocytes
{17137} DIC
{20149} thalassemia
{13877} basophilic stippling
{10430} "megaloblasts" (i.e., the red cell precursors in pernicious anemia)

{13751} megaloblastic blood smear
{13754} megaloblastic marrow
{13757} megaloblastic marrow
{13889} macro-ovalocytes (i.e., megaloblastic anemia)
{12302} teardrops

{14013} sideroblastic blood (dimorphic RBC population)
{27342} ringed sideroblasts, iron stain (not the greatest photo)
{09054} iron in mitochondria
{14025} Pappenheimer body (retained iron-loaded mitochondrion, i.e., you have sideroblastic anemia and/or have had a splenectomy; you need a Prussian blue stain to see them well)
{16168} Pappenheimer bodies
{13854} polycythemia vera blood
{13976} rouleaux
{14028} multinucleated red cell (DiGuglielmo's?)
{23920} myelodysplastic syndrome
{13883} Howell-Jolly bodies (stray chromosomes not extruded; usually mean the patient has had a splenectomy and they were not removed)

{16170} Howell-Jolly bodies
{13904} post-splenectomy
{29011} blood bank

Howell-Jolly bodies and nucleated red

WebPath Photo

Let the young sing songs of death. They are stupid. The finest thing under the sun and the moon is the human soul. I marvel at the small miracles of kindness that pass between humans. I marvel at the growth of conscience, at the persistence of reason in the face of all superstition and despair. I marvel at human endurance.
      -- Anne Rice, Pandora ("The Vampire Chronicles")

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